Wishing Upon A Star [original prompt]

Mar 01, 2015 01:55

Title:Wishing Upon A Star
Prompt:Original prompt
Length:880 words
Summary:For a long time Yixing has been planning to take Yifan stargazing, and he won’t let the opportunity of a night full of shooting stars pass.
Notes:Please excuse the cliché title, I couldn’t think of anything better.

Yixing has been waiting for this night since like forever. Okay, perhaps not forever, but since his sister casually mentioned during dinner that in summer there would be a night where hundreds of shooting stars could be seen.

Ever since then Yixing has been pestering Yifan to make sure he’s free in said night, because Yixing wouldn’t talk to him for at least a month if he were to have to go stargazing all alone.

Not wanting to upset his boyfriend, and admitting it’s a pretty romantic idea for a date, Yifan makes sure that when the warm August night rolls around, he has his car fueled up, a blanket and a picnic basket securely placed on the backseat.

Yixing is bouncy in his seat the whole ride to the park, and Yifan has a hard time focusing all his attention on the street with how much he wants to properly listen to Yixing excitedly reciting facts about this particular night of shooting stars.

The park is crowded, as Yifan expected it to be for such a night, but somehow they manage to score a fairly private spot up on a hill a bit of a walking distance away from the entrance gates.

They settle down when the sun has already started setting, so they don’t really spend a long time eating the sandwiches Yixing prepared before they headed out.

Instead Yixing excitedly slaps the arm that Yifan has wound around his waist when he sees the first dot of light move across the night sky. With Yifan’s warmth pressed to his back the slight chill of the night air doesn’t register with him in the least.

"Look, look, it’s starting!" The smaller exclaims, pointing to where he can follow the motion of another falling star.

Yifan just hums in appreciation, and tightens his grip around Yixing’s middle almost imperceptibly. On instinct, Yixing leans back further.

They watch starry sky in silence for a while, Yixing with a wide grin on his face. He counts twelve singular moving dots, and then suddenly there are multiple stars falling at the same time. Glee colours his voice as he coos. “Yifan, look! Make a wish!”

His eyes are still glued to the vast blackness of the sky, broken only by the little dots, most fix, some moving. That way he doesn’t notice how Yifan has only half a mind for the shooting stars, and no eyes.

"You." The taller says quietly, gaze unwavering on the look of fascination and admiration on Yixing’s face. He’s much more transfixed with the sparkle of joy in Yixing’s eyes than he ever could be with the sparkle of stars falling from the sky.

"No Fan, you’re supposed to wish for the one thing you really long for." The younger explains with a delighted chuckle, still watching the shooting stars but giving Yifan’s fingers linked with his a slight squeeze.

"I have. My wish is you." Yifan repeats.

"Don’t be such a sappy-" Yixing starts with a laugh, swatting at Yifan’s arm in reproach as he finally averts his eyes from the sky to face his boyfriend instead, but the moment he catches Yifan’s intense gaze his voice trails off. "-idiot…"

"I am serious, Xing." The taller whispers, a small smile dancing over his features now that he has his boyfriend’s attention. He counts it as a big win in his books that he’s able to divert Yixing from watching the shooting stars that have had him in constant excitement for more than two weeks in a row. "Right now all the other things I could wish for would be trivial. The only honest wish I have is you."

Yixing’s mouth that had been almost comically frozen in his usual chastisement of Yifan, stretches into a fond smile, wide enough to show off his dimples. He’s flustered, and even though Yifan can’t properly see it in the darkness of the night Yifan knows there’s a blush colouring the younger’s cheeks. There always is.

Instead of answering, Yixing leans up to place a soft kiss on Yifan’s mouth. By means of reassurance perhaps, to prove to Yifan that he’s there and not going anywhere. That he’s not something that needs to be wished for anymore.

Yifan eagerly responds to the kiss, bringing one hand up to gently cup Yixing’s face. Unwilling to content himself with just one kiss, Yifan moves in for another one, and one more after that. They end up kissing until Yixing playfully pushes him away with a giggle, turning back around to gaze at the night.

"I can kiss you every other night of the year, but I can’t watch the shooting stars on any other occasion but tonight for a while." The younger reasons, but he pulls Yifan’s arms around him tight, fingers carded together with his boyfriends.

Not really interested in watching the shooting stars, Yifan instead nuzzles his face into the juncture between Yixing’s neck and shoulder, and leaves small kisses on the skin there. Yixing doesn’t object, rather humming contently as he rubs circles with his thumbs on the back of Yifan’s hands.

Yifan doesn’t know which star he wished upon, but in that moment he couldn’t be more grateful to it for listening to him and granting his wish.

day 7, kissfx fic event, pg-13, 2015

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