[fanfiction] sad love poems for party poison

Feb 13, 2011 03:51

365 Gay Sharks
Day 37, Word Count: 705
Theme: February; Voices of the Scorned
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Fandom/Pairings: Bandom/Killjoys; Korse/Party Poison, Korse/Kobra Kid
Rating: . . . fuck if I know.
Pre-Notes: lol okay so. These are actually the terrible, hilarious things that Korse from You Are Not My Savior writes in his diary. Or something. LOOK, THEY'RE JUST REALLY BAD POEMS, OKAY?
Disclaimer: Yes I wrote these poems. No I don't own anything else.
Summary: The title is self-explanatory, okay?


i will kill all your friends
your cruel heart forced me to act
because you always ignore me

i kidnapped all your friends
and i will make you adore me
and the walls will be splattered with their blood
as brilliant red as your hair

party poison, it's like you don't even care
and there's nothing in the black void of your chest

i'm sorry it has to be like this
but i will kill all your friends
if it brings me closer to you

your heart is a black hole
you cover yourself in a rainbow
to cover up the blackness inside
you say you love them
but i know it's a lie

there is nothing in your chest
your heart is a black hole
i wish there was room for me
but our relationship is cold

no matter how many colors you wear
i'll still know that it's really black
color can't pour out turpentine
and set fire to this fact

i don't want to go back to my tube
when i am deactivated
my mind still races forward
and the only thing i can think of
is you

how i long for your touch
how you would wrap me up
and protect me from anything

i would die for you
if only you'd let me

but i don't want to go back to my tube

i hate fun ghoul's smug face
you smile at him warmly
and i can't bear to watch

what do you even see in him?
he's an ugly bastard

also he's short
also i bet he has herpes

i am so much better for you than him
why can't you see, party poison?

your brother is a poor substitute
michael knows what love is
and he cries so sweetly when he comes
but he's not you
never you

won't you come back?
i miss you

your brother just cannot compare

fun ghoul must die (painfully)
every glance you give him
every touch you share
is another knife in my heart

i am keeping track, party poison
and when the time comes
those knives in my heart
will be plunged into his

i hope it hurts
i hope it burns
with the fury of a thousand suns

most of all though
i hope it hurts you
as much as you hurt me

'til death do us part
i do
do you too?

of course not
because you still hate me
though i'm not sure why

don't you remember the good times we had?
don't you remember everything we shared?
don't you remember me&you together?

i vow myself to you
but i don't expect the same really

sometimes i turn on our radio
and listen for your voice
even though i know that's dumb

you're smart, party poison
you wouldn't give me anything at all

not even the whisper of your voice
because you hate me that much
don't you?

my heart
i wish i could rip out my heart
and give you it

you won't take it

but i could rest in peace
knowing i tried

fuck fun ghoul
i should have killed him
but then i thought of you
and i didn't want you to be sad

so fuck fun ghoul
and fuck me too

for being weak
for loving you too much

and for letting you step
all over my heart

i tortured your brother
because it was my job

i slept with your brother
to torture myself

i'm pathetic, now

i tried to be shut down

they saw right through me
and made me live this pain

it serves me right

for attention
you know
i only do it because i care

i just want your attention
pay attention

no attention
just dark

i fucked your brother
michael wanted it
i wanted you

so i took him instead
that's probably why you hate me, huh?


lies i tell myself to sleep
you once loved me
and someday you will be back
i just need to wait
for you, party poison

though I tell myself this often
i don't sleep any better

i don't really sleep at all
but if i did
you would be my nightmare
my fantasy
my every dream

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

blame: james joyce, !fic, band: my chemical romance, verse: killjoys, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks

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