[fanfiction] five lives we didn't live

Feb 14, 2011 04:24

365 Gay Sharks
Day 38, Word Count: 847
Theme: February; Voices of the Scorned
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

5. Scott Pilgrim
The thing is that Reili um. May have dated a lot of people in the same circle of people-all the break-ups are mutal, but what ends up happening is that she now has a "League of Evil Exes," which is like having seven older brothers trying to control who she dates. She's tiny and petite, yeah, but she's also twenty-two and she can do whatever the fuck she wants alright? She doesn't need their goddamn protection.

Especially because Sara . . . Sara is just the lead singer for some stupid band that's not even that good and she doesn't really have any powers at all. At least, not any that Reili has been able to pick out. She could be wrong about that.

So when Hung drops in at the first round of Battle of the Bands and announces he's the first of the evil exes, Reili wants to fall off the face of the Earth and die. Because seriously? She dated him in sixth grade. But no, he's taking this shit all seriously and then they're battling and ugh. She wants to crawl into a hole and die.

4. Inception
Reili is good at one thing and one thing alone: imitation. So when Ginny comes to her, Reili knows that it's because Ginny needs her. No one comes to Reili if they just want a regular forger, because those are a dime a dozen. No, that's not really what Reili does. She can do that, is actually quite good at it, but it's not her specialty. Her specialty is imitating people, knowing everything about them and becoming them.

Ginny sighs, "I need you on the team."
"All right," Reili stretches out, "what's in it for me?"
"Sara's working the job."

That, combined with the fact that they're going to perform Inception (and what a crazy thought that is!) is enough to make Reili smirk and take the job. What? She's always had a thing for bothering Sara.

3. Sherlock Holmes
"That isn't it! That isn't it that isn't it that isn't it!"

Reili sends everything flying off the table and slumps down onto the floor in front of the table, muttering and curled around the leg of the table. Sara comes in then with the groceries and carefully sets them down on the kitchen table next to the jar of pickled eyeballs before walking over and crouching down next to Reili.

"Hey," Sara says quietly, "what's wrong?"
"It's all wrong, Sara, wrong like Ryan Evans dating a girl. Wrong wrong wrong and I can't fix it because I haven't the slightest idea how to."
"Surely everything can't be wrong," Sara reaches for Reili, and Reili moves away, "There has to be at least a little good."
"No there isn't because it's maths and the calculator is mocking me and I haven't the slightest how to solve this case and someone may die but I suppose that would be okay, so long as it isn't you. Never you."
"Come here," Sara says, more command than statement, "you crazy."

Sara reaches for Reili again, and Reili shies away, which Sara has learned she does when she's upset with herself. Instead of trying to comfort her again, Sara just sighs and gets up to make some food. Reili'll come around eventually.

2. The Social Network
When they meet with Sara, Reili can't take her eyes off her. She can see the frown on Ginny's face, can feel the way that Ginny distrusts Sara, but . . . Reili wants Sara. She can tell that Sara will do amazing things for the Facebook, can tell that this is what they need.

Ginny's wrong, they don't need ads. They need Sara and the coolness that she brings to the table. The suave.

Sara orders another round of appletinis, and Reili can't exactly tell if it's the saccharine sweetness of the alcohol or Sara that's making her head spin. Ginny, Reili notes absently, doesn't drink anything past her first drink. This means something, is something important, but Reili can't make her brain parse it. Something about Sara just makes everything fizz and spark out of control.

1. Psych
Ginny is sighing as Reili hums, picking the lock on the door easily and pushing her way inside. She catalogs things that seem like they'll be important later, rifling through things at random.

"One day," Ginny says, "William and Sara aren't going to let you off on the breaking and entering charges."
"You worry way too much, Virginia Marie," Reili laughs, "Sara totally has the hots for me. It'll be fine."

Even though Reili isn't facing Ginny, she knows that Ginny is frowning and probably looking around at all the evidence Reili has already cataloged and making (incorrect) conclusions about all of it. Reili's almost down trashing the apartment they've broken into, and then she'll lock the door back up and everything will be fine. Ginny has nothing to worry about.

Especially since if they hadn't broken in, Reili wouldn't know that the murderer was planning something for that night.

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comments. :D

fandom: the social network, !fic, fandom: sherlock (bbc), fandom: psych, fandom: scott pilgrim, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, fandom: irl rpf, fandom: inception

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