[pornmas] day 10.

Dec 10, 2010 08:28

Summary: I love the powerglove, it's so bad. Wait that's not an actual summary. Uhhhhhhh . . . idk there are powergloves and Mikeyways.

Fandom/Pairings: Mikey/Gerard
Rating: R
Pre-Notes: There might have been a kink meme prompt or something I don't remember. My notes just say "powerglove, Mikey/Gerard." PS: if you don't understand the title/summary? YOU NEED TO READ UP ON THE POWERGLOVE, OKAY?
Disclaimer: . . . Please hit the back button if you know or are any of the people in this fic. Or at least don't tell me that you read it. Take your own advice, Mikeyway!
Everything Else is Child's Play.
The first time Mikey throws a hand over Gerard's mouth to shut him up, the wrong hand anyway, they both go still for a moment and then Mikey pulls his hand away and rests it against his side.

"Don't worry about. I'm going to see if Frank's fixed the TransAm yet."
"Yeah," Mikey drums his fingers against his thigh nervously, "you do that."

Gerard gives an aborted wave, and Mikey gives a smile-or what passes for a smile on his face-before Gerard walks away. His fingers are stills drumming nervously along his thigh. They don't really talk about it.
The second time, Mikey loosely wraps his gloved fingers around Gerard's throat. It's deliberate, and Gerard goes completely still under Mikey's touch. There is no fear in his eyes, just surprise and something else, something unidentifiable. Gerard steps back, out of Mikey's grip.

"Dinner will be in a while," Gerard says, voice slightly hoarse, "I'll see you in a little while."
Mikey lets his hand fall down, "Yeah."

Gerard runs away. Mikey just watches him go, fingers flexing against the worn fabric of his jeans. They're walking a fine line, and Mikey is wobbling all over the place doing it.
The third time, Mikey runs the tips of his fingers along Gerard's neck. It's just a brush of contact, something that could almost be accidental. Gerard leans into it instead of leaning away, and Mikey wraps his arms around Gerard, slinking down to rest his chin on Gerard's shoulder. Gerard doesn't seem to be moving away.

"We need to talk about it."
"No," Gerard says firmly, "I don't want to cross that line."

Gerard doesn't go anywhere, though, and Mikey links his fingers together so his arms are linked around Gerard. How many lines left, he wonders, how many lines?
The fourth time, Mikey's gloved hand is curved around Gerard's throat before he thinks about the fact that Frank is standing not so far away from them. Frank's eyes go wide, just as Gerard's flutter shut, and Mikey immediately jerks his hand back like he's been burned.

"I have to go talk to Ray," Mikey says hastily.

Gerard is the one watching Mikey run away, tripping over himself, this time. He knows what Gerard means when he says that he doesn't want to cross that line. It's terrifying, and he's not sure Frank will understand. He's sure Frank won't understand.
The fifth time, Mikey is alone when Gerard finds him and lifts Mikey's hand to his throat. Mikey raises an eyebrow, but squeezes gently. Gerard's eye flutter shut again, and Mikey squeezes a little tighter. They stay like that for a few moments, then Mikey releases. Gerard breathes.

"We still need to talk," Mikey says.
"No we don't," Gerard says, "I trust you."

Gerard's eyes are full of trust, and Mikey squeezes again. This time he palms gently at the front of Gerard's jeans with his other hand. He wants to know what his brother looks like when he comes.
Postit-Notes: Oh, you mean you wanted actual porn? Too bad, you're getting this instead.

(ps: if you're late to the party/just want more porn, go check out the pornmas advent calendar/masterlist.)

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* pornmas, !fic

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