[pornmas] day 11.

Dec 11, 2010 01:10

Summary: Prostitution? The world's oldest profession. You sir? A professional. OR MAYBE NOT who is letting me summarize these things jesus christ.

Fandom/Pairings: Bandom; Gabe/William
Rating: R.
Pre-Notes: Oh hey, Cityverse. How'd you get in here?
Disclaimer: Hit the back button, Gabe. YOU TOO ALEX, YOU DON'T TOP HERE.
get on your knees (if you want to reach the top)
The thing about controlling a small section of the City is that sometimes you just have to cruise and make sure your people are doing okay. Gabe does it all the time, because he cares and because he likes making sure everything is going okay. This is how he meets William Beckett, because he's driving by and there's kid on the corner, leaning against a lamppost, and trying to look casual. Gabe knows that pose, knows it's got to be cold in those thin clothes, and he slows because he wants to . . . He doesn't know what he wants.

“Hey,” Gabe says, “get in.”

The kid eyes him, like he can afford to turn people down, but then sighs and climbs in the car. His arms are folded across his chest, and his entire posture screams defensive.

“What do you want,” the kid spits out, “and how much are you paying?”
“I want to know what the last time you ate was and that'll determine the second answer.”
“It's none of your business,” the kid turns to face the window, “are you going to fuck me or what?”
“I am,” Gabe replies truthfully, “but I treat my people well. I didn't get here by fucking people and then leaving them to rot. People deserve better than that.”

An awkward silence falls over the car, Gabe driving toward the Hush Place and the kid staring sullenly out the window. When Gabe finally parks not too far from the Hush Place, the kid finally speaks.

“Tuesday. I ate on Tuesday.”

It's Thursday, which makes Gabe frown. Instead of saying anything though, he just gets out of the car and goes around to the other side to open the passenger side down. The kid is already climbing out by the time Gabe gets there, and Gabe sighs.

“I was going to get the door for you.”
“I'm a hooker, not your lover,” the kid rolls his eyes, “Besides, romance is dead.”

Gabe offers an arm in response, and the kid raises an eyebrow but takes it anyway. It's a small victory, but whatever. Gabe has always thought that big victories weren't really worth it.
The kid eats quickly, a motion that Gabe has seen before, has done before. He wonders what this kid is hiding and why he's like this. He's young and attractive, but Gabe can see old wisdom in his eyes.

“What's your name?”
“Billvy,” the kid says, “not that it maters. ”Are you going to fuck me now that you've known I've eaten?”
“Sure,” Gabe shrugs, “if that's what you want.”

They go back to base and Gabe can see when it finally clicks in Billvy's head who he is. He doesn't say anything, though, just lets Gabe lead him to the bedroom and undresses with an efficiency that makes Gabe worry. He doesn't have that long to think about it, though, because Billvy's already sinking to his knees and working Gabe's pants open, taking Gabe into his mouth and sinking down.

Gabe groans, and he swears that Billvy is smirking at him. There's something about the kid that Gabe can't describe and can't looks away from. He pulls Billvy off him and sheds the rest of his clothes while Billvy crawls onto the bed.

“Look at you,” Gabe whispers as he works Billvy open, “such a Princess.”
“Fuck you,” Billvy gasps out.
“Maybe later, princess,” Gabe laughs before pressing a kiss to Billvy's spine, “I'm going to fuck you now, though.”

He pulls his finger's out, ripping open a condom packet with his teeth and rolling it on before slicking up and carefully pressing in. Billvy makes a choked noise and fuck if it isn't the hottest thing that Gabe has heard. He still for a minute once he's in and then William pushes-actually, shoves-back.

“Fuck. Me.”

The way he says it, somewhere between annoyed and desperate, makes Gabe laugh. He presses another kiss to Billvy's spine and complies. The sounds Billvy makes, whether real or faked, echo off the walls.
They're lying next to each other, after they're done, and then Billvy gets up, limping slightly.

“Hey no,” Gabe says, “please stay.”
“I don't want your sympathy,” Billvy says as he pulls on his jeans, “so fuck off.”
“I'm not being sympathetic,” Gabe says, “I'm offering you a job.”

Billvy goes stiff, and Gabe's pretty sure that he's said something wrong. The silence is thick and heavy, but Billvy finally sags.

“I don't want to be your fucking whore.”
“You don't have to be,” Gabe says, “if you don't want to be. There's a shitton of other stuff you can do around here, trust me.”
“I have a family,” Billvy says to the wall, “and we got evicted, and I can't support them all but they're all so young. Can they come with me?”

It's eerie, how similar the story is to the one he was living out not so long ago. Mikey had offered help, and Gabe had taken it. Now he was doing the same. Maybe that was how the world worked.

“Of course,” Gabe rolls his eyes, “it ain't like we haven't got the space.”
Postit-Note: I mentioned the whole “getting less porny” thing, right? Because these are. They are growing PLOTS and things like that, I have no idea how.

(ps: if you're late to the party/just want more porn, go check out the pornmas advent calendar/masterlist.)

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* pornmas, !fic

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