[fanfiction] Ryan Evans: instant B-lister

Oct 16, 2010 02:11

Fandom/Pairings: High School Musical, Decaydance; Super-quick Ryan/Gabe, mentions of William, Travis, Pete and the rest of Cobra Starship.
Rating: PG for Passing Gay
Pre-Notes: Glitter herpes 'verse coda-or, what happens when I watch too many live versions of Bring It!
Disclaimer: No.
Summary: Ryan Evans is at least twice as pretty as William Beckett. Telling him this is not a valid way to get him to do anything.

Ryan Evans: instant B-list star
Or: There's No Time to Party When You're Getting a Dance Degree

Warped Tour 2008; Uniondale, NY
Ryan's used to being taken on tour for a couple weeks in the summer because Ryan or Brendon or Spencer wants him running tech or fussing over everyone's costumes or beating their dancers into submission. Jon never wants any of that stuff because he's new and he's not sure how to handle the fact that Ryan is a necessary presence. This, however, is a new thing. Okay yes, he's good friends with Gabe and he likes Cobra's music but he is seriously unused to being called up the night before a show and begged to come because he's in town and he is "at least twice as pretty as William don't you remember baby Evans?" Ryan was kinda asleep before Gabe had called and he was a little pissy that Gabe had woken him up for something so trivial. Flattery wasn't helping a whole lot.

“No,” Ryan says flatly, “I'm not coming just to sing a stupid song with you because Bill is pissed off at you and you hate singing it alone or whatever. I hate finding my way at Warped. Go away.”
“Please, baby Evans? I'll make it up to you.”

The wiggly eyebrows Gabe always made when he was saying stupid shit like that were something Ryan could picture, even half-asleep. He sighed and wondered if Pete was going to like him being on the list, and then he remembered that he was usually on the list. Pete liked to do that, just to annoy Ryan. Okay, he hadn't seen anyone in months because he had been working his ass off at Juilliard to graduate and the last time he had seen them was at his tiny tiny graduation party, which was “hosted” by Decaydance but mostly just meant that all his favorite people got the day off to goof off with him and get really drunk. Okay, he kind of missed them all and he could spend a day hanging out.

“If you introduce me as 'baby Evans,' I am going to knee you in the balls when we get off stage.”

Before Gabe can even respond, Ryan hangs up and rolls over to fall back asleep. There's a text in the morning telling him more-he wakes up at 8 and drags himself to the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum (where he has, predictably, never been) and calls Gabe-who is not exactly awake yet because it's fifteen or so minutes before 11 and Cobra isn't the first band up. Gabe smells like weed and alcohol, but he gets Ryan in because Ryan is dressed like a tech and no one really keeps track of other people's techs. Because Gabe is an ass, he steals a kiss from Ryan who rolls his eyes and demands to see the rest of the band.

Predictably, he's engulfed in hugs and pumped for details on the thing he's choreographing (which is a routine for “Guilty Pleasure” that is just as ridiculous as the original video) and they let him go with a promise to be there for their set so Ryan can slip away and see William and Travis (who are hanging out together and surprised to see him, although William just raises an eyebrow and Ryan shrugs). He's back before Cobra's set even starts and lounges off to the side while they run through the set.

He manages not to squeak too much when Gabe actually hauls him up onto the stage and introduces him to everyone as-Ryan is seriously going to knee him in the balls-baby Evans. Ryan sits on one of the amps and rolls his eyes.

“So,” he says into his microphone, “I've sung this song about a grand total of once and I was really drunk at the time. I'll let you in on a secret, though. William Beckett? Awful at rapping.”
“Shut up, Evans and let's do this.”

With almost no effort, Ryan's lifting himself off the amp and throwing his fangs up while Gabe sings and he walks over to Vicky-T and shares the mike with her, before attempting his best William Beckett impression-which is good, if the crowd response is any indication and out of the corner of his eye, Ryan sees Gabe and has to try not to laugh because Gabe is coming closer to him and pulling him into a hug before kissing him lightly on the cheek and okay, Ryan really kind of hates this kind of show but damn if he doesn't wish he could do this for a living sometimes. And yes, Pete would let him but no. He's going to dance forever-which is exactly what he does, shaking loose from Gabe's grasp and spinning back to Vicky and just totally playing with the audience's energy. Vicky pecks him on the cheek when he says “so kiss me goodbye.” Gabe raises his eyebrow but Ryan just starts rapping with Gabe and grinning. It's still a performance and Ryan knows how to perform. Fucking loves performing.

So okay, he likes this rush and he bows ridiculously with Gabe once they're done and they both blow a kiss to the audience. And, just because Gabe is an ass and Ryan doesn't feel like kneeing him in the balls, Ryan tugs on Gabe's shirt and pulls him down for a kiss. Tomorrow, he'll look for shitty video coverage on youtube and send it to William. It'll totally be worth the bitchy phonecall from both of them and the pleading one from Pete begging him to get signed.
Postit-Notes: Ryan totally trolls youtube for videos of his friends performing when he can't be there.

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comments. :D

pairing: everyone/ryan, verse: glitter herpes, !fic, fandom: high school musical, band: the academy is..., band: cobra starship, band: fall out boy

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