ZOMG Kir xping?

Feb 14, 2006 15:17

Yesterday, Pat logged off for the last time that I would see him ingame - I know I am keeping in contact with him, but it was still a bit sad. I have also been down about certain other stuff which is bugging me ingame ( Read more... )

final fantasy, real life

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Comments 7

A Reason for being... anonymous February 15 2006, 12:48:08 UTC
I am only glad to be here to help Kirst. Sometimes you need to unload, and when you need someone around to hear you out. Look me up! I have a friend that has been a listener to me ever since I first met the dude. And now I just want to return the favor to others. Also, I cannot wait to hit 175 in Axe skill (25 AWAY!) and get Rampage myself. I was told by Povont that DRK's that have Rampage will be allowed to join in on those pt's (as long as they got NIN sub!). So I will be a flexible character towards my 70+ days ^^.



Sorry to hijack the post here onion_summoner February 15 2006, 16:36:08 UTC
Thats a cool Idea Syphy! I have heard that a Dark with an axe can get SICK, Souleater + Rampage /drooooooool. Many Warriors in Ballista sub DRK just for that reason hahaha!


Re: Sorry to hijack the post here onion_summoner February 16 2006, 07:01:18 UTC
Kir by any chance u got pat's and til's contact information like e-mail?



Re: Sorry to hijack the post here onion_summoner February 16 2006, 07:42:03 UTC
Sorry kir to use ur space here ( ... )


Re: Sorry to hijack the post here kirsteena February 16 2006, 09:20:15 UTC
Hasan - don't worry he will read this no doubt =)


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