ZOMG Kir xping?

Feb 14, 2006 15:17

Yesterday, Pat logged off for the last time that I would see him ingame - I know I am keeping in contact with him, but it was still a bit sad. I have also been down about certain other stuff which is bugging me ingame.

So feeling low, I did something I meant to for a while - put my flag up on rdm. I had this idea of capping my xp, but I only managed that for one fight before a King Buffalo got the better of me and Kabu when goofing off. So, with a large buffer (not bad considering the R1s I have taken), time to switch to merits and work on pimping out my character. Had a stroke of luck - I got invited to main heal a warrior party. This was my first warrior party and - well - damn… The preferred camp was taken to start off with, but when they moved out, we moved in. 4 war, 1 rdm, 1 brd. If we hadn’t had problems with moving camp and also another group ignoring our search comment (we ended up killing so fast cause we had a bard, they moved out), we easily would have made 10k an hour. As it was, just over 2 hours, and around 15k xp earned. Best was chain 11, and the bard just couldn’t pull fast enough. More of these please! There is a certain elegance to four warriors just spamming rampage… I have a load of stuff I want to merit up - get mp maxed out, ice and wind accuracy (I might manage to land para on those statues then), enfeebling magic skill (and a couple in elemental magic for when I level blm).

I also owe an apology to a few people, to whom I have been a jerk. I have just been getting frustrated with things, and taking it out on my friends is not a smart thing to do. Just bear with me while I sort things out in my own head. I am lucky to have friends like you all.

final fantasy, real life

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