FMA Brotherhood 63

Jun 27, 2010 13:26

Well I haven't actually watched it yet (waiting for subs) but I read comments on the episode

Something that was left out..Spoilers )


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Comments 8

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kirarakim June 27 2010, 17:55:59 UTC
Maybe but usually when working with the storyboard what changes is the way scenes are presented. So maybe dialog is slightly changed or the way the scene enfolds might look a bit different (since they don't see how things are frame for frame anymore).

But I don't think it really explains why a line would be completely missing. But maybe Arakawa did add that line in at the last minute.


zauberer_sirin June 27 2010, 21:44:52 UTC
Apparently they left out Roy's line where he said Ed would not sacrifice himself because he knows what it feels like to be alone and he won't subject Al to that.

I could have bet money they'd cut that out. Like BONES would go through the shame of putting that in. Not the most self-reflective of people, that lot.


kirarakim June 27 2010, 22:13:52 UTC
LOL of course I am not sure if they left it out on purpose or it really wasn't in the storyboards but I still think it amusing that they left out the line that felt like a total jab at the first anime. XD


zauberer_sirin June 27 2010, 23:30:49 UTC
I still think it amusing that they left out the line that felt like a total jab at the first anime.

to be honest i'm not sure if Arakawa wasn't kind of setting the record straight with that one. XD


yamikakyuu June 27 2010, 22:02:01 UTC
Since I dont read the manga I didnt know about the line. For me the scene fit since Ed had already stated several times they werent gonna use a stone or a person. I loved him yelling at Hohemheim. But I can see why manga readers would have wanted Roy's line in.

Im just glad you know who was wrong and 64 aint gonna be a recap XD Though reading her post she still does pat herself on the back for saying they were gonna stretch scene. Ummm duh, thats why we all said thered be no recap.

Its people like her that make me start to hate fandoms, so Im kinda glad FMA will be over so I wont have to deal with her crap every week. Same with DRRR (though I want another season for that XD)


kirarakim June 27 2010, 22:10:43 UTC
But I can see why manga readers would have wanted Roy's line in.

I feel that line especially highlighted why the two series were so different. In the 1st anime if you remember Ed and Al sacrificed themselves for each other. In this series sacrifice was always shown not to be the answer.

So I love when Roy said that Ed would never leave Al alone like that because he knows the feeling of being left alone (the day Ed thought he lost Al)

Im just glad you know who was wrong and 64 aint gonna be a recap XD Though reading her post she still does pat herself on the back for saying they were gonna stretch scene. Ummm duh, thats why we all said thered be no recap.

Yes I saw that and I swear I was going to say something but I realized I shouldn't. Let her think what she wants. lol

She doesn't seem to get that just because they added extra scenes does not mean they would have been able to do the full chapter in one episode without rushing through & cutting a lot.


yamikakyuu June 27 2010, 23:11:31 UTC
Sucks they cant just make the final epis like 45 mins so they can fit everything in it XD

I almost said something else but then thought, Im not wasting my breath on you anymore.


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kirarakim June 28 2010, 18:22:17 UTC
Yeah to me i is amusing whether it was on purpose or not. :D


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