Slayers and X-Files Stuff

Apr 16, 2008 07:30

1) I finally finished Slayers Next a couple days ago and really enjoyed it a lot. So when I have a chance I will be buying the DVD set. I did think the end was a little rushed but I guess that better than being dragged out and getting boring.

I am sure more people have already seen the series but just in case

Some Spoilers )

x-files, slayers

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Comments 21

kurunya April 16 2008, 12:17:13 UTC
I have being a personal fan of Slayers, so I am always glad to see others enjoy it as well. :) Glad to you like so much!

<---owns all dvd's.


kirarakim April 16 2008, 12:47:18 UTC
I felt it was about time I watched it since it is such a classic. It's a really fun series which is just a nice thing to watch once in awhile. :)


calophi April 16 2008, 12:22:12 UTC
Yes, Lina and Gourry really did kiss at the end. I read an interview with the author of the novels once and he said he sucks at romance scenes, which is why they basically pretend it never happened later. BOO. ::shakes fist::

Love Zangalus/Martina!

Also love Xelloss. I know they kept him mysterious and such, but it is my opinion that he actually IS evil. He's mazoku, after all. But he has his own agenda as well as his master's agenda, I think (that would be Beastmaster Zelas).


kirarakim April 16 2008, 12:49:09 UTC
Oh I am glad I didn't imagine that kiss then. XD

I know Xellos is Mazoku but I would like to think he isn't evil or good per say. But then I haven't watched Try or read the novels so what do I know.


calophi April 16 2008, 13:40:18 UTC
Eh, Try is anime original and not based on the novels at all. Though Xelloss is still pretty much the same mysterious-type character (I loved him in Try!).

I haven't gotten past the "Next" section of the novels yet.


rainmage April 16 2008, 12:30:42 UTC
Oh man, I can't remember almost nothing of Next. Must rewatch for real.

IIRC, Xelloss will be in the new series. He's also in Try and one of the movies (Slayers Premium).


kirarakim April 16 2008, 12:51:02 UTC
Is Try worth watching then? I always hear such mixed opinions that I figure I would skip it.

I saw one of the movies (a long time ago before I even watched any of the series) but it wasn't one with Xellos. Actually only Lina from the main cast was there.


rainmage April 16 2008, 13:01:17 UTC
Well, I watched by a time I didn't know what "fillers" were. And I never got around to watch it wholly. And it looked fine for me considering I had just finished Rurouni Kenshin and THOSE filler arcs are just way more horrid in comparison. And I did like Filia because LOL dragons.

So in the light of an adult fan or someone with more experience with anime? I'm not sure because I can barely remember.

Any movie or OVA *but* Premium is Naga-era.


calophi April 16 2008, 13:41:45 UTC
I liked Try; it's one of my favorite anime "filler-arcs" ever. Then again, I ship Xelloss/Filia, so maybe my opinion is sort of moot there. XD


everlasting_day April 16 2008, 13:36:36 UTC
I like Demons but I've always felt that it was missing something, otherwise it'd be an absolute classic.

It's quite similar to season 3's Avatar in how the plot is set up, I think. Maybe that's the problem, I keep thinking "Damn, Avatar was better than this" when I watch it. >_>

Memento Mori is my favourite character/Mulder and Scully episode from season 4. I love that one.


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kirarakim April 16 2008, 14:13:01 UTC
I watched Zero Sum last night too. It's not a favoriute of mine but I actually liked the bees in this episode. At least it was sort of scary to suddenly see all these bees in an office or bathroom and attacking small children. I think it's the only time the bees sort of freak me out a little in an episode. Otherwise I just blame them for ruining kiss scenes XD


everlasting_day April 16 2008, 14:50:51 UTC
Avatar's great! I was really struck by how good it was when I watched it in my X-Files rewatch session last year. Zero Sum (the bee attack scenes are genuinely terrifying!) and SR819 are also pretty excellent.


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kirarakim April 16 2008, 14:16:00 UTC
But yeah, the "lulz, I'll just let myself get drilled a hole in my head" must be the LOL CRAZIEST thing Mulder ever did. And he did some pretty crazy stuff back in the day.

Yes I know I mean the first time he let the guy do it to him is bad enough but the second time he knew what it did to him and the others. It's like god Mulder is your quest for the truth really worth serious brain damage? Which did end up happening actually.


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