Slayers and X-Files Stuff

Apr 16, 2008 07:30

1) I finally finished Slayers Next a couple days ago and really enjoyed it a lot. So when I have a chance I will be buying the DVD set. I did think the end was a little rushed but I guess that better than being dragged out and getting boring.

I am sure more people have already seen the series but just in case

I would have liked that they would do more with the evil Gourry thing because that was a nice twist but oh well. I did love all the Lina/Gourry stuff in the last arc. Especially when Lina was thinking of him when he was gone. And I think they did kiss right? Even though they don't remember it seems. But awww it was really cute.

I am not a big fan of Sylphiel but she did some pretty cool things in this arc like the Dragon Slave. I wasn't expecting that from her.

Oh and the Martina and Zangulus pairing was awesome. I didn't expect them to move so quickly with that. LOL
I was glad to see Zangulus back too.

There wasn't as much Amelia/Zelgadis in the final arc but he did carry her at one point and ask if she wants to get married (not to him but still....) ♥

Finally I was really happy that Xellos didn't really seem evil even though he was working with Hellmaster. It's cool they still were able to keep him as a mysterious character in the end. I hope he will be in the new series. :D

2) I watched Demons from the 4th season of X-Files last night. I always liked that episode but it's been awhile since I saw it so I forgot how much. I think I have to revise my favorite episode list and add that to the best of the 4th season because it does deserve to be there.

Because while watching and knowing everything will be alright I am still so scared for Mulder during this episode. And I love how Scully believes in him no question and ends up saving him with her logic and science. And I love how she went in to confront Mulder even when he is not in his right mind because she trusts him that much. But still Mulder why did you let them do that to you. GAH! Mulder sometimes went overboard with his quest for the truth.

3) I am still deciding if I will go to NY Comic Con on Friday for the X-Files event (I have until tomorrow to get Online tickets). Sadly all the good anime stuff is on Saturday but I can't go both days for sure and the X-Files thing is a one time thing. And I would like to do something to celebrate the movie. But I have school work to worry about and the next two weeks with starting a new job and being involved in this wedding (I am a bridesmaid) I am going to be super busy. :/

edit: I am also amused that Gillian and David are saying they watched fan vids of Mulder/Scully to get the feel of the characters again. XD

x-files, slayers

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