Title: Must be the Osaka air
Fandom: Kis-My-Ft2, Kansai Johnny's Juniors
Pairings/Characters: Kis-My-Ft2, BAD, Veteran
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really...
Disclaimer: Not mine. Owned by J&A.
A/N: My brain is going to explode... *studying fail*
koshifuri wanted fic about "that time Kisumai lost Taipi and found him with the Muros."
“Where the hell did he go? He couldn’t have turned into thin air?”
“Come on, NHK Osaka isn’t so big. Did you really look everywhere you could?”
Kitayama sighed. “We did! We even went to look at everyone else’s changing rooms.”
Tamamori nodded, “There was nobody else with 7West. We had them do a headcount.”
“Nobody with the chibis either,” Yokoo reported.
“And well he wasn’t in your room, obviously,” Kitayama looked at the two members of BAD.
“Since Hama-chan and Bun-chan were in there…and Kunta and Kikuoka-kun,” Senga prompted. “Just like how ABC-Z is always in our room up in Tokyo. Or well, used to.”
“Then Jr.BOYS and the others swear they didn’t see him either,” Nikaido said.
Miyata recalled, “And in Veteran’s room, there were only the three Muro brothers and that lump of leopard print clothes.”
Everyone hummed thoughtfully. Until Junta spoke up. “Wait, leopard print clothes?”
“Yes? Costumes, probably, no? I mean, we’re in Osaka.”
“But there aren’t any costumes with leo-print this month!”
Over in the Veteran changing room, Fujigaya sneezed.
Tatsuki raised an eyebrow, “Oi, oi! Don’t get sick!”
Fujigaya sniffled. “Must be the Osaka air.”
Ryuta snorted, “You don’t have to worry about catching it from Fujigaya-kun.”
Masaya blinked at his brother, “How so, Onii? Does Onii-chan have a superior immune system?”
“Nah. He’s just an idiot. Idiots don’t get sick.”