[fanfiction] Hair Styling (Hirosuke)

Mar 17, 2008 19:52

So I haven't made any progress on completing my KAT-TUN calendar.  I have just been too distracted by fanfiction.  Hehe.  Not only did I read well over 20 fics this past week, I've also written some stuff.  Granted, I'm not posting all of it at once. ;P

That, and Super Junior is love.  I haven't bothered with them until now and I find them oh-so-irresistible.  I started watching Super Junior's Full House today and I find it so freakin' hilarious and it amuses me to no end.  I was practically clutching my stomach and laughing throughout the entire episode.  Not to mention, watching it has helped me match everyone's names with a face.  In conclusion, SuJu is just...LOVE. ♥

Okay, so I'm done with my fangirling for the moment.  Now, READ!  My first time dabbling in the Kis-My-Ft2 fandom.  I still haven't gotten all of their names down pat, but Hiromitsu and Taisuke is just so lovely and I can easily identify both of them so here is my Hirosuke fic. :)

Title: Hair Styling
Pairing: Hirosuke
Fandom: Kis-My-Ft2
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 545
Summary: How come Taisuke’s hair got so…poofy during Shokura 20080302.
Notes: sajdklf; I think I’ll write a second part. Hirosuke is too much fun.

Moved to

je: hiromitsu, je: taisuke, pairings: hirosuke, fanfiction, je: kis-my-ft2, music: super junior

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