So I'm in a wacko mood because I finally decided what I want for my prom dress and we're going to look for colors today we found the color and figured out what to do for my hair. Yay for extensions! xD; And then HSJ's "Chance to Change" and
luma_chan's fics (Summer Day Activities & Winter Break) made me happy and I watched "Attack on the Pin-up Boys" featuring SuJu. This weekend has been so good so far.
Except that I'm on the verge of a cold. :(
I feel like I'll be writing a lot of fanfics in these next few days.
Let's see...I have:
--- 2 Yamajima fics
--- 1 sequel to Hair Stylists (Hirosuke)
--- 1 sequel to Tegoshi's Brilliant Idea (NEWS orgy)
--- 1 TakaHasshi fic
--- 5 fics to write/finish writing + whatever random drabbles I have stored away
...I'll get to all of them...eventually. ^o^;
Anyways, enjoy!
Written pre-HSJ but never posted.
Title: School Days
Fandom: HS7 before debut
Rating: G
Pairing: Yamajima
Warnings: only fluffy friendship. I guess there's Yamajima love if you squint.
Word count: 701
Summary: The good times together.
Type: One-shot
The bell would ring any second now... )
Title: Sleep in the Nude
Pairing: Takaki x Hasshi
Fandom: JJExpress, setting is post-HSJ debut
Rating: PG-13 for sexual references
Word count: 130
Summary: Drabble.
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