Don't Let It Go To Waste - Part 3

Feb 08, 2007 05:24

Title: Don't Let It Go To Waste (Part 3 of 3)
Author: kinkynicky
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Growing up in Texas is hard. Growing up in Texas and realising at the age of 16 that you’re in love with your male best friend? Is harder.
Words: 14,054

The Very Porny Epilogue

It was weird. Things around Jared were changing completely, but he was far too distracted by happiness to notice. Sophia was going away, moving to L.A to some fashion school out there, which would pretty much leave him with Chad. The thought alone should make him want to jump off a roof. It didn’t.

Having spent the last few years feeling tortured and weird, Jared couldn’t get used to the whole ‘happy’ thing. That just the thought of Jensen alone made him smile was new, exciting, his blood a constant thrumming in his veins. Now when he lay awake at night, it wasn’t tortured hours of guilt and confusion.

It had been a week since the phone call. They’d yet to see each other face to face. Still, Jensen had called him every night and they’d talked, banter and chuckling about guy stuff and memories, and then as things got more comfortable, questions and answers, the serious stuff. Jensen had all kinds of feelings and thoughts; he told Jared most of them, lying in bed awake at night with their phones pressed against their ears, mumbling quietly to one another. It felt like dating.

Maybe it was.

All that time and still, Jared wasn’t sure exactly how being gay worked. Was he supposed to ask Jensen out on a date? That just seemed ridiculous. No. This, to him, felt natural, and intimate. Perfect.

With that considered, he really shouldn’t have been as surprised as he was the night that Jensen, voice dipping gravel-rough, had asked him what he was wearing.

In answer, Jared managed to choke on the breath he’d been drawing in and mutter a quietly curious, “Um…what?”

Jensen’s chuckle on the other end of the line was low and backed by a heat that Jared didn’t recognise. At least four hours worth of conversation, every night for a week, and not once had they moved even almost in the direction of anything remotely sexual. “Come on, Jay. This is…it’s what people do, right?”

And maybe it was what people did, but it had never been what they did, with or without the recent confessions of…whatever. The sound of Jensen’s voice and the prospect of it becoming something they did was enough to send blood in the direction of his groin.

“Come on.” Jensen whispered then, somewhere between asking nicely and teasing - Jared could see the smile lifting Jensen’s cheeks as surely as he could feel the blush colouring his own, and then that voice was back, quieter. “I could guess if you want.”


“Boxer shorts, right?” He was cut off before he can even finish the name, his mouth snapping shut as his eyes shifted downwards to glance at the boxer shorts resting low on his hips. “Maybe a t-shirt if you’re cold, but I’m gonna guess not. The air’s been pretty thick…” And not only was Jensen right on the mark, but it was impossible for Jared not to notice the way his voice thickened mid-sentence, like he was envisioning it and liking what he saw. “Tell me I’m right.”

In the dark, Jared nodded to nobody but himself. “Yeah. You’re right.”

“Now you see, that leaves you at an unfair advantage. Being the only one of us here who isn’t completely naked.” A flood of images and Jared closed his eyes tight, and groaned, letting a hand slide down his stomach to rest over his dick, so caught on the words ‘completely’ and ‘naked’ that he almost missed it when Jensen whispered, “Take them off.”

They were off in seconds, Jared grunting a little noise as he raised his hips, shoving with one hand and then used his feet the rest of the way until he was naked too, unable to resist wrapping a hand around himself, groaning at the familiar heat of himself against his palm.

“That’s it.” Jensen whispered, encouraged, and Jared tugged once, letting the tip of one long finger flick the nerve bundle underneath the head, feeling his hips jerk upwards. “Talk to me, Jay.”

Anybody else and he’d have probably just gone along with it for kicks, but this was Jensen, it was crucial for everything to be right. “I…I haven’t ever done this before.”

“You’ve got a voice made for it.” Jensen groaned, and Jared could picture him with his hands on himself, broad shoulders pressed into the pillow as he thrust up into his own hand. He couldn’t find his voice, could barely find his breath, but then Jensen’s deep murmuring was back, coloured with insecurity. “Jay? Not weirding you out, am I?”

Jared’s voice, when it came, was thick, full and more heated than it had ever sounded in his own ears, so raw that he shocked himself. “No. I like this, Jensen…I like how you sound…god, I love how you sound.”

“Yeah.” Jensen muttered, speaking slowly, drawing out his words, hot and hungry. “Yeah, so come on…talk to me. Are you touching yourself? You’re naked now, right? Tell me…tell me about your hands.”

As Jared listened, the hand that wasn’t around his dick tightened around the phone, his face flushing hot again, his erection pulsing inside his palm. “My hands?”

“Yeah…those big hands of yours. Tell me how your hand looks wrapped around your cock, Jared. Tell me how it feels.” With each word, Jensen’s voice cracks or flicks just a little, tells Jared exactly how much he likes whatever it is he’s doing to himself.

The sound of Jensen getting himself off on the other end was enough to make Jared lose track, forget about his hands or his nerves. Before he knew it all his thoughts were tumbling from his lips, a desperate whine escaping his lips. “I’m just touchin’. I’m so hard Jen, my dick is so hard…nobody ever, not a single other person…just you…always you…” As his body tensed, tightened, his orgasm building up, Jared couldn’t keep his mouth shut, couldn’t escape the bubbling up of those other feelings, the guilt, the confusion - the things he’d always associated with that feeling of completion. “Fuck, Jensen, I hated myself…cause I couldn’t…couldn’t think about anybody else.”

“No.” Jensen growled. “No hating yourself…just come for me. Come on, Jay. You sound like you’re close, like you’re gonna come. Make yourself come for me Jared.”

Just like everything else in their lives, Jared let himself be guided by Jensen, listening to his voice and his breath as he rode out his orgasm, coming hard in hot streams across his own stomach, his whole body jerking in time with the pulsing bursts. Jared opened his eyes, breaths ragged and broken, feeling the slick in his hand as his strokes slowed to a stop.

Heavy panting on the other end indicated he wasn’t the only one who’d come, and then Jensen was chuckling and muttering under his breath, sheets rustling for a minute until everything went quiet. “Damn, Jay, that was…yeah, wow.” Jared took a moment to be proud of his friend’s inability to finish the sentence, then “We should sleep.”

“Yeah.” Jared whispered, biting his lip to fight the huge smile. “Call you tomorrow?”

The affection in Jensen's voice was unmistakable. “You better.”


The next day, Jensen called Jared’s house instead of his private line, which was a surprise in itself, but what surprised Jared more was that it was the middle of the afternoon. All their phone calls had taken place at night, when everything was dark and they were alone - this was new.

“So I was thinking we should do something today.” Jensen said, voice casual and easy. “Hang out, get something to eat…plus, I get to show you my wheels.”

“Yeah, man. Sounds good.” Jared had smiled, stomach fluttering, hanging up and grabbing his shoes and popping his head into the kitchen. “Hey Mom, I’m going out with Jensen.” He couldn’t help but grin at the look of surprised confusion on his mother’s face. “Um…don’t wait up.”

He was one arm into his jacket when a car-horn sounded and he opened the door a minute later to find Jensen leaning up against the car that his parents had bought him. Turned out, it wasn’t the decades-old Chevrolet Jensen had always sworn he’d get, but it was nice, and, if his grin was anything to go by, Jensen liked it.

“Pretty ain’t she?” Jensen called as Jared approached, standing up to his full height and smiling a little. Jared stopped about a foot away, a force field of tension rising up between them. The question of ‘what now?’ hanging in the air, and even still, Jared was unable to keep his eyes from roaming just once up the length of Jensen’s body. Their eyes met for just a moment before Jensen was in his space, arms surrounding Jared in that ‘manly’ way that guys touched. It was almost just a hug between friends, until Jensen took another slight step forwards and their bodies aligned. “I missed you, man.”

Jared brought his arms slowly up and around Jensen to return the hug, taking in the familiar smell and feel of having Jensen close. He was undeniably shocked by how natural all of this seemed to be coming to Jensen - initiating phone sex and hugging. Okay, so they’d hugged a lot in their lives, but they’d never hugged this close, not when it meant so much more than friendship. The smile was unavoidable. “Missed you too.”


The second they were inside the car Jensen decided that he was hungry and pulled away from Jared’s drive to hunt for a food source. Eyes scanning the dashboard Jared found the glove compartment and tugged it open.

Numerous CD’s sat inside, a chocolate bar wrapper, the lighter Jensen always carried for no reason, and a couple of condoms. Jared huffed out a little laugh - it didn’t surprise him at all.

Until he found the lube.

Feeling his face heat up a little he turned to Jensen, hoping that maybe he hadn’t seen what he’d found. Their eyes met and then Jensen’s slid back to Jared’s hand and what it held. He coughed a little before turning back to the road.

Neither of them mentioned it the whole drive.


They were sitting in a booth in some diner when Jared decided that he couldn’t hold his tongue anymore. Mouth full of food, he put his fork down and shrugged.

“That lube was full.”

Despite the volume with which he’d said it, Jensen didn’t react much to the comment and looked as thought he’d been expecting it. With a sigh, he placed his fork down too and met Jared with a look. “Yeah.”

“So it’s for me? I mean, it’s for us? For you and me?”

“Well, I wasn’t about to use it on anyone else.” Jared wasn’t sure what to make of that, but then Jensen’s fingers were on his arm, wrapping around his wrist and pulling him closer. “I just mean…you know. I wasn’t sure how fast this’d move along, since it only took us five days to reach mutual masturbation. I just got it in case.” Jared nodded. It made sense. “I don’t expect anything from you. Just a cautionary thing.”

Nodding more, Jared picked up his fork again and couldn’t help but smile. “Quit talking to me like I’m a girl. I want to fuck you.”

That one got the intended reaction.


They sat in the diner talking for hours, and by the time they left the sky was already turning a deep orange. Jensen’s car sat shiny and new-looking across the street and they climbed inside, a new kind of tension between them.

A while after they were done eating they’d ordered more drinks and sat back, the conversation drifting along on a typical path, eventually landing on sex. Sex and them.

“How long have you known?” Jensen murmured, all curiosity and genuine interest. He was leaning backwards against the booth, one arm stretched out along the back. He looked hotter than ever. “That you were gay, I mean.”

Drawn forwards towards the warm tan of Jensen’s skin and the rumble of his voice, Jared leaned his elbows on the table and shrugged. “Probably about since I was fourteen or so? Back when I realised you’d been liking girls since you were twelve and I’d never felt the same.”

He was momentarily distracted by the wet spot he’d managed to lean in, but then Jensen was leaning forwards too, close to him, eyes focused in on his mouth. “And how long have you been in love with me?”

Jared smiled, bashful, glancing down at the wet material at the elbow of his jack, and shrugged. “About the same. Fourteen or so.”

Nodding, Jensen leaned back again, stretching out once more along the back of the booth. When he spoke it was a murmur, but it carried, and Jared heard the awe in it. “Four years. That’s a long time.”

“Yeah.” Jared agreed, the force of those years behind his voice. “It is.”


They just drove, not sure where. Jared was tucked down, splayed out in the passenger seat; two miles from the diner, three miles from home, when he let his hand stray across to land on Jensen’s thigh, blinking up at his friends face and waiting for a reaction.

“Hmmm.” Jensen glanced over, false suspicion, a twinkle in his eye. “What is this, payback?”

Sitting up and removing his hand, Jared laughed. “You remember that.” Flashing his huge smile, all teeth, he moved his hand back to where it’d come from, feeling almost as if Jensen’s warmth could burn him through the denim. “I’d started to think you’d forgotten in your lack of sobriety.”

“Can you blame me for not mentioning it? You hustled me out of your car like I was a ticking bomb or something.”

Jared could’ve mentioned Jensen’s habit of making excuses, but he didn’t. Instead, he let his hand slide a little further up Jensen’s thigh. “You like my hands, huh?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Jensen hummed, eyes flicking from the road to Jared and back again. “Not sure I can date somebody with bigger mitts than me.”

The word ‘date’ was reassuring as Jared’s hand lifted a little further, his fingers brushing the cool metal of Jensen’s zipper, his palm brushing against the hardness underneath. “You’re hard.”

Anybody else and he’d have been shaking. It struck him how fitting it was that Jensen, the guy he’d shared all of his first time’s with, was the owner of the first cock he touched. The first guy he planned to sleep with.

“Yeah, I am.”

Jared hummed, he’d already known that. “Me too.”

Jensen made a little noise of amusement and then managed a look that would almost be bordering on bashful if it wasn’t for the heated look in his eyes and the mischievous smile. “We could…we could go somewhere.”

The comment threw Jared a little. For someone so apparently new to the whole thing, Jensen wasn’t shy - maybe it was a by-product of their previous relationship, or maybe it was just Jensen being self-assured. Either way, Jared couldn’t fight the blush heating up his face. He was thankful for the dark. He was also positive that he wasn’t going to say no.

He backed away a little anyway, teasing. “We haven’t even kissed yet.” Jensen made to argue, but Jared saw it coming. “…while we’re both sober, I mean.”

Jensen’s answer was to jerk the wheel to the right, pulling to a stop at the side of the road. Without even switching the engine off he pulled Jared towards him, one hand sliding into his hair, the other creasing the front of his shirt. When their mouths met it was heaven and drunken kisses, lips, tongue and teeth, heat and promise. It was everything that every other kiss in his life hadn’t been.

Pulling back and meeting Jared’s eyes, Jensen nodded, his voice determined and sure. “There’s a motel about half a mile from here.”


They were pulling into the motel car park when Jared realised he’d forgotten how to breathe.

Jensen turned to him and nodded, before going inside to get a room. Jared’s stomach was in knots as he watched his best friend disappear inside. This was it. It. With Jensen. Closing his eyes for a few seconds, Jared tried to calm the fluttering of his stomach. As Jensen re-emerged from inside the hut, Jared took the lube and three foil squares from the glove compartment and climbed out the car, following Jensen to door number ten.

Inside it was small and old-looking, with lamps and furniture that had probably been there since it was built. None of it mattered.

He’d had just closed the door when he caught the look in Jensen’s eye. The same look he’d been giving him since they left the diner.

“Jen?” That was probably what he’d said, not that he could remember once Jensen closed the distance between them, humming a little as his mouth met Jared’s hungry and hard, one hand taking hold of Jared’s hip and shoving him backwards against the door. Something hard hit him in the back and he grunted, shifting them sideways until his back was against the wall. Jensen was so close, all up in his space, mouth to mouth with him in a heated kiss

Unable to keep himself from thrusting forwards, trying to create friction between them, he took hold of those broad shoulders and pushed Jensen backwards, following until knees hit mattress.

Jensen sat and Jared dropped to his knees, lifting Jensen’s shirt over his hand before leaning back in for his mouth. He let his hands roam the hard planes of Jensen’s chest and sighed, sitting back to take a look, feeling Jensen tug on his shirt, murmuring “Off.”

As he went about removing his own t-shirt, Jared heard the teeth of Jensen’s zipper; his cock throbbing at the sound. Once he was free of the material and could see again, he watched, unblinking, as Jensen freed himself of his jeans, his underwear following.

Jared stared, wishing for more light than the crappy motel lamp offered as Jensen’s cock finally sprang free, curving upwards slightly towards his stomach, wet at the reddened tip. He watched as Jensen’s hand found its way to the base, his fingers curving underneath, and as he stroked himself to the tip, Jared watched that calloused thumb stroke over and along the slit. It was different than Jared touched himself.

He wanted to learn all about how Jensen liked to be touched. He said that out loud. He must have, because then Jensen was leaning backwards, resting on his elbows, and nodding. Jared stared more, eyes glazing over completely with lust as he studied Jensen, taking in every inch, every dip and ripple of muscle along his chest and stomach, every light freckle dusting the tops of his thighs and the smooth curve of his shoulder.

Then he let his eyes fall, once more, to Jensen’s cock, full and hard, resting flushed against his stomach. One tiny shuffle on his knees and he was directly between Jensen’s legs, his knees tightening to pull Jared closer still as he wrapped his fingers around his cock. Jensen groaned, hips pumping a little, eyes falling closed.

Jared tugged once, his other hand moving to stroke the inside of Jensen’s thigh. Hips rolling, one arm thrown over his eyes, Jensen gasped.

The first taste of Jensen in his mouth was like nothing Jared had ever known, and he groaned, deep and guttural, taking Jensen in completely, tongue circling inexpertly as he stroked the base.

Pulling off completely he licked a long, wet stripe up to the tip, glancing up to meet Jensen’s eyes, they were heavy, half-closed. As he sucked down again the hand that had found its way into his hair moved to his cheek, Jensen petting and groaning once more before starting to shake his head. “No more, Jay. God…you gotta stop. Stand up.”

The second he was on his feet Jensen hauled him onto the bed, straddling his knees and moving to work at ridding him of his jeans. It took all of ten seconds and then Jared was naked, glancing down at his own erection as Jensen took it in his hand. It took all the fight he had in him not to jerk violently upwards at the touch alone, Jensen’s calloused hands surrounding him.

When Jensen stroked, it was gentle, steady, completely different than the way he’d been touching himself earlier. Jared’s reaction was to whine deep in his throat, and he saw Jensen grin. “I knew you’d like it like this. Just knew it…”

Leaning down, Jensen stopped an inch from Jared’s mouth, humming. “You want me to suck you, Jared?”

Jared met the teasing smile with a shake of his head, panting, hips still rocking upwards into the tight heat of Jensen’s hand. “Later. I want you to fuck me now.”

Jensen seemed surprised, but nodded, moving from over Jared’s and standing, watching from the side of the bed as Jared raised his knees and let them fall open. Grabbing the lube and a condom from the pocket of Jared’s jeans, he climbed back onto the bed, settling himself between long, spread legs and fixing Jared with a look.

He hadn’t even opened his mouth before Jared cut in. “If you’re about to ask me if I’m sure about this, then the answer’s yes. This isn’t too fast, this is a lifetime of friendship evolved into something this, and it isn’t a mistake, because my whole life I’ve never felt about anybody how I feel about you.” If it were any other subject, Jensen would probably have been laughing. He wasn’t. “I want you, Jensen. I want you here, and I want you now.”

The corner of Jensen’s mouth lifted into a smile, his eyes crinkling at the edges as he nodded. “Okay.” he whispered as he opened the cap and squeezed some lube onto his fingers, maybe too much, but that had to be better than not enough. Then his hand hovered, somewhere between their bodies, like Jensen was trying to decide which of them he should lube, and Jared took hold of his wrist, guiding it downwards, towards himself, widening his knees just a little, eyes never leaving Jensen’s face.

“One finger first…” he whispered, and got a nod in reply before he felt cold wetness against the tight muscle of his ass. His hips jerked upwards as one fingers circled his opening gently, a sensation that went right to his cock, making him ache even more, making him want Jensen’s hand back.

Jensen went slow, pressing slowly inside, one finger inside just to the first knuckle, out and back in again, further this time, and Jared groaned a little. Jensen stopped moving completely and flicked his eyes up to meet Jared’s. The question hung between them. Am I hurting you? Shaking his head, Jared found Jensen’s other hand with his own. “More…”

Nodding, Jensen reached once again for the lube and squirted more onto his fingers before starting to, once again, stretch Jared with his fingers. Hips rocking, Jared closed his eyes, feeling the discomfort lessen with each inward stroke.

“God, that’s…” Whatever he was going to say was lost as Jensen hit something deep inside of him, drawing a moan from his mouth as his hips jerked upward, hands fisting in the sheets beside him.

One glance at the shit-eating grin on Jensen’s face told Jared that he knew what he’d found. As if he couldn’t help himself, Jensen leaned down, finger still inside of Jared, and found his mouth, licking across Jared’s lips and then inside, matching the movements of his tongue with a rhythm he’d found with his finger.

Tongues dancing, Jared lifted a hand to the back of Jensen’s head and petted there, holding their mouths together and moaning against soft lips as Jensen added another finger, beginning to twist and scissor them the more Jared moaned and rolled his hips.

“I want you now.” Jared whispered, his voice breathy breaking away from the kiss and motioning between them. “Like this.” He’d watched a porno where the guys were face to face, kissing and touching. It was intimate, nothing like the rest of the porn he’d seen. He came so hard he thought he’d blown a hole in his brain.

Jensen frowned, petting the inside of Jared’s thigh, all concern. “What if it hurts you more this way?”

Shaking his head, Jared pulled Jensen down, mouths finding each other again, letting Jensen settle between his legs as their tongues fought for dominance. By that point Jensen clearly had no qualms about who he was kissing, the kiss harder, more desperate, tongue meeting Jared’s.

Pulling away, he gave a determined nod, ripping open a foil square with his teeth and rolling it down onto himself. Once he was done, he one again fixed Jared with a heated stare. “You’ll tell me? If I hurt you?”

“You won’t.” Jared murmured, placing a hand on Jensen’s hip and pulling him closer, gasping as Jensen guided the blunt tip of his cock to his entrance. “Do it…” he whispered, pleaded, catching Jensen’s gaze in his own and not letting go, feeling himself opening, stretching around the head of Jensen’s cock as he pressed inside slowly, inch by inch filling Jared up.

It was the weirdest thing Jared had ever felt. Wrong and right at the same time, a balance of heated want and need, kind of painful, kind of nice. The rush of sensations was almost enough to make him come.

Then Jensen was inside him completely, breathing heavily and leaning down, hands either side of Jared’s head, weight on them. His breath was coming in laboured bursts against the skin of Jared’s neck. “Tell me…when to move.”

It took a minute, Jared rocking a little experimentally, his muscles twitching around Jensen, who groaned, his eyes falling closed and his mouth falling open. “Oh fuck. Oh fuck you’re tight.”

Jared lifted one leg to rest across the back of Jensen’s thighs, and the next time he rocked, Jensen hit that spot again, making him cry out, jerking, muscles tugging once more around Jensen.

Then they were moving, finding a rhythm, breaths mingling as Jensen leaned over him and groaned, pumping his hips as their lips met, tongues tangling like before, in time with them, perfectly heated and more than Jared could stand.

Jensen moved away with a guttural sound to suck heavily underneath Jared’s jaw, moaning against his skin. “Jared, Jared, Jared.” Grunts and whispers of his name over and over again, Jensen’s voice cracking a little, raising slightly in volume and pitch as they fucked, harder and faster. Jared gasped and groaned with each thrust, hips rising, meeting Jensen, sore but perfect and everything he’d expected it to be.

Then Jensen’s hand was around Jared’s dick again, stroking like before, gentle in contrast to his firm thrusts, but fast, making Jared moan and whine, orgasm creeping up on him, tightening into a ball at the base of his spine, begging to be drawn from his cock. “Come on, Jay.”

Almost as if by request, he came hard into Jensen’s hand, crying out, his eyes squeezing shut and his hand squeezing Jensen’s. He felt the cock inside him more than ever as his orgasm rolled through him, and then Jensen was coming too, jerking forwards until they were face to face again, inches apart, his whole body tensing, his cock pulsing inside Jared.

With a long groan, Jensen's arms gave out and he slumped down to rest on Jared's chest. For a moment afterwards he stayed there, breathing heavy against Jared's neck, before pulling out. It was clear he hadn't expected Jared's wince and he froze, eyes wide as he met Jared's. "You alright?" When Jared nodded, Jensen climbed out of the bed and stood up, legs a little wobbly, Jared noted proudly, and made his way into the bathroom.

Coming back into the room, Jensen climbed back onto the bed, tugging the blanket up with him and laying it over both of them. Jared was loathe to see that body being covered, but too happy to argue.

As they lay breathing heavily, Jared staring at Jensen whose eyes were closed, Jensen started to laugh a little. It was a breathy chuckle, matched by a twinkle in those green eyes when Jensen finally opened them to meet Jared’s. “Damn.”


Shrugging one shoulder, Jensen smiled. “Nothing I just…didn’t think it’d be that good.”

They fell into a silence then, and Jared watched as Jensen’s eyes fell closed, watched him shuffle a little further beneath the blanket. “Hey Jen?” he whispered, his eyes and limbs heavy but his brain still wide-awake, basking and revelling in what had just happened, and wondering the same thing he had been wondering for a while.

“Yeah?” As they laid there, Jensen’s hand came up to pet at Jared’s face as he planted a kiss on his head, and he couldn’t help but smile at how gay Jensen suddenly was.

“That night at dinner, you said you’d been waiting for me to ask you something…” He let the question ask itself and opened his eyes, finding Jensen already staring back at him, light from outside lighting up one half of his face and reflecting in his eyes.

“I don’t know. I mean…I wanted you to ask me to stay. Then I realised that I’d kind of had the ball in my court the whole time we weren’t talking, and then I felt like an idiot so I called you up, and…well, you kind of know the rest.”

Rolling onto his side and throwing a leg across Jensen’s, Jared smiled, curling up against his best friend. “How long are we stayin’ here?”

The question was murmured so quietly against Jensen’s neck that Jared wasn’t sure he even heard it, but then on arm came up around his back to hold him in place. “All night? We don’t have to sleep if you don’t want, but I have to be up in the morning.”

“No, it’s okay.” Jared grinned, feeling himself sinking into the sleepy warmth of his friend. “We’ll sleep.”

Laying there in Jensen’s arms, Jared thought back on a lifetime together, and how everything had lead up to this. From bullies that would become friends, to wounds that would become scars. Every moment defined them, and brought them to this.

He just wished it hadn’t taken such a battle to get there.


“Been awake for a while now.” Jared nods, words catching in his throat a little.

Jensen’s expression is unsure for just a second, before the corner of his mouth lifts up into a small smile. “You look like you could use a shower, Jay.”

The glow in Jensen’s eyes right as he disappears once again behind the curtain is all the reassurance Jared needs that everything will be alright. And okay, yeah, maybe things didn’t exactly go as planned, but things rarely do.

They’re here now, together, and that’s what’s important, right?

The End
Part One I Part Two l  Part Three A I Part Three B I Epilogue

being a writer

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