Kink Me! #5

Oct 13, 2009 22:48

Kink Me! #5 Closed to new prompts Welcome to Kink Me! Merlin #5!

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anonymous October 8 2009, 05:51:57 UTC
Arthur/Merlin, When Arthur finds out about Merlin's magic, he initially agrees not to turn Merlin in on the basis that Merlin stop using magic completely, even going as far to put an unnoticeable, magic-inhibiting shackle on Merlin. But not being able to use his magic has a devastating effect on Merlin. Angst ensuing, please.

Bonus points if Merlin still manages to save Arthur from something stupid/magic despite the restraint.


Re: Consequences, Part 4/4 nyxelestia October 30 2009, 04:12:54 UTC
*shrugs* Someone else already put in a warning to stave off future incidents. I hadn't really thought of that - figured the mods would do some editing, later - but now that it's there, I suspect most people who don't want to read non-con will now be able to avoid it.


Re: Consequences, Part 4/4 b_mouse October 31 2009, 20:35:11 UTC
Hi! Thanks for writing a fill. We need a warning on this one, though, so you'll need to repost. Next time, if you realize that a part you're about to post needs a warning, you can add it to the subject line of that part without going back to edit the first part of the story. That might make your life easier.

I'm going to screen the story now. Please let me know if you need help reposting.


Re: Consequences, Part 4/4 nyxelestia October 31 2009, 22:26:38 UTC
Nah - I'll repost, it just might be a little while before I do - I have to leave in a few minutes and I'm afraid I won't get my computer back 'til tomorrow, right around when my little brother's sugar high wears off. :)


Re: Consequences, Part 4/4 anonymous September 17 2010, 16:53:30 UTC
Wondering if you still intended to repost...


Re: Consequences, Part 4/4 nyxelestia September 18 2010, 00:39:00 UTC
Er, no. I wrote this story at my worst time for writing and since then have come to have a very strong dislike for it.


RE: Re: Consequences, Part 4/4 sakura_dorian December 15 2019, 16:13:28 UTC
I really wanted to read this =(


The Price of Freedom (1/?) anonymous September 3 2010, 21:42:49 UTC
I started this back in October and finally got most of it place where it feels ready to post. The rest of it will be up soon.


Arthur stares at him, eyes unseeing. The goblet drops to the floor with a clang.


"Arthur..." Merlin whispers hoarsely, pleading. "I can explain."

The blood is roaring in his ears, all other sounds muffled in the face of this betrayal. All he can see is Merlin's face, his eyes wide and scared. Traitor, he thinks. I trusted you.

Merlin makes to step towards him and he stiffens, one hand jumping to the pommel of his sword. Merlin flinches, tears brimming, and Arthur wants to grab him by the tunic and shake him for acting as though he's the one who's been hurt ( ... )


The Price of Freedom (2/?) anonymous September 3 2010, 21:44:44 UTC
It's several days before Arthur summons him again. Days fraught with worry and tense silence and enquiring looks from Gaius as he mopes about his room, brushing off questions about why he suddenly has so much free time on his hands. The face of the messenger who'd arrived at Gaius' rooms with instructions from Prince Arthur had betrayed nothing, though Merlin takes it as a small sign of goodwill that Arthur had sent a kitchen maid and not one of Uther's guards to greet him ( ... )


The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 3 2010, 21:46:17 UTC
"But it's true!" Merlin pleads, his expression begging. "I promise, I'd never use my powers against Camelot."

Arthur's face contorts with anger. "The word of a sorcerer cannot be trusted."

And that hurts more than any physical blow Arthur could land. Merlin winces, lowering his gaze. It feels as though there's a gaping wound inside of him, growing with each glare Arthur sends his way, and this isn't how it was supposed to go.

Without a sound, he raises an arm, offering his pale wrist to Arthur.

Solemnly, Arthur produces a small key, the power of the bracelet thrumming and making Merlin's magic scream things like wrong and unnatural. He closes his eyes, struggling to keep his hand from shaking despite his fear ( ... )


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 4 2010, 02:23:19 UTC
Looking forward to more, anon!


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 8 2010, 04:01:13 UTC
The next bit will be up soon :)


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 4 2010, 16:11:07 UTC
Yay good start! Looking forward to more :)


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 8 2010, 04:02:27 UTC
Thank you! The last scene's giving me trouble ATM, but the next bit should be up tomorrow.


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 4 2010, 21:45:17 UTC
Angsty and captivating. Looking forward to more!


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 8 2010, 04:02:52 UTC
Thank you very much!


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