Kink Me! #5

Oct 13, 2009 22:48

Kink Me! #5 Closed to new prompts Welcome to Kink Me! Merlin #5!

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kink me

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The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 3 2010, 21:46:17 UTC
"But it's true!" Merlin pleads, his expression begging. "I promise, I'd never use my powers against Camelot."

Arthur's face contorts with anger. "The word of a sorcerer cannot be trusted."

And that hurts more than any physical blow Arthur could land. Merlin winces, lowering his gaze. It feels as though there's a gaping wound inside of him, growing with each glare Arthur sends his way, and this isn't how it was supposed to go.

Without a sound, he raises an arm, offering his pale wrist to Arthur.

Solemnly, Arthur produces a small key, the power of the bracelet thrumming and making Merlin's magic scream things like wrong and unnatural. He closes his eyes, struggling to keep his hand from shaking despite his fear.

He knows the very second the lock has clicked into place, the force of its power hitting him like a tidal wave, knocking the air from his lungs. He bends forward, clutching his ribs in pain as for the first time in his life, his magic is gone. It's like a door being slammed shut, cutting him off from everything he knows.

Arthur stands passively over him, one hand hovering awkwardly in the air as if it can't decide whether or not to comfort Merlin. Eventually, it drops back to his side, clenching into a tight fist.

"I'm told it takes a bit of getting used to," he says tonelessly, turning away. "That will be all, Merlin."

Merlin can't reply - can't speak - the metal of the bracelet a brand against his skin. A wave of nausea rolls through him, and thoughts of no and please and how could I have agreed to this¬ flash through his mind as he stares at the hard line of Arthur's back. The pain is less than it was when it started, but the world around him has only grown more gray. How can he survive like this?

His vision is blurry, and it takes him a moment to recognize the tears for what they are.

The prince ignores him as he slowly shuffles across the room, each step feeling somehow raw and exhausting. He's just made it to the door when Arthur's voice stops him in his tracks.

"I'll keep my word," he says quietly, his eyes on the roaring fire. "As long as that restraint stays in place, I'll not tell my father about you."

The promise does little to comfort him.



Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 4 2010, 02:23:19 UTC
Looking forward to more, anon!


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 8 2010, 04:01:13 UTC
The next bit will be up soon :)


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 4 2010, 16:11:07 UTC
Yay good start! Looking forward to more :)


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 8 2010, 04:02:27 UTC
Thank you! The last scene's giving me trouble ATM, but the next bit should be up tomorrow.


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 4 2010, 21:45:17 UTC
Angsty and captivating. Looking forward to more!


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 8 2010, 04:02:52 UTC
Thank you very much!


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 5 2010, 18:36:16 UTC
ooo, can't wait for more of this!


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 8 2010, 04:04:01 UTC
I'll have the next bit up soon, anon :) Thanks for reading!


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 6 2010, 16:17:09 UTC
aw :( stupid arthur. i love this already!


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 8 2010, 04:05:17 UTC
Thank you!

Arthur has some issues to work through, but then again they both do :) Don't worry - they'll smarten up.


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 7 2010, 08:50:43 UTC
Can't wait to see where you're going to take this. Poor Merlin...


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 8 2010, 04:06:00 UTC
Thank you! I hope the rest of it doesn't disappoint. :)


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 7 2010, 16:41:44 UTC
*squirming in anticipation*


Re: The Price of Freedom (3/?) anonymous September 8 2010, 04:06:36 UTC
Won't be too much longer, anon. Thanks for reading! :)


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