P/E E/P|
Gen + info Either
1. Godot/anybody
Having to pee from drinking too many coffees.
2. Pedobear Gant. Von Karma leaves young Miles or Franziska (or both) unavoidably unattended at the police station, and Detective Gant takes care of them. Peril, rescue. Looking for someone who can make it either *creepy* or filled with lulz (serious shota, or serious loli, is a squick).
3. ANYTHING WITH ACRO. Max, Regina, Bat, Ben/Trilo, Phoenix, someone totally unrelated, just...something involving Acro.
4. Klavier / Apollo (and/or Ema)
That's right, it's the year 2030 and Klavier is the hot shot captain of a space fleet. Or maybe it's Apollo, his name certainly fits. ;3
Fast and furious handjobs in zero-G.
5. Godot/Phoenix (or, alternately, Diego/Mia)
Somebody (anybody) spiked the coffee~ Alcohol, aphrodisiac, sedatives, whatever.
6. Any of the prosecutors/Any of the defense attorneys (from any of the games)
Role-playing as their courtroom persona's, in bed
7. Godot is forced to make a terrible, life-changing decision while on a popular game show:
He can choose sex or coffee, but must give up the one he doesn't choose permanently.
The scene might be Godot in the middle, a cuppa Godot Blend #287 at one side, (character of your choice dressed however you please) at the other. He must choose as the clock runs down.
Bonus points if he hasn't started any kind of a relationship with the other character yet.
8. Something hot and delicious with Juan Corrida. Matt/Juan, Juan/Celeste, Juan/Adrian, Juan/Will, Juan/Godot (lol completely impossible), just anything with some hot hot Juan action~
Bonus points for some kind of reference to his last name's slang meaning.
9. Between GS3 and GS4, Klavier has a crush on either Franziska or Edgeworth, and decides to try and impress the older prosecutor. Can lead to office sex or hilarious failure, either one is fine.
10. I request a D/s Franziska pairing (preferably with Phoenix or Adrian, but I'm open to other possibilities) where Franziska is the sub. Because I have a kink for people who are toppy and dominating outwardly, but secretly loving being topped the hell out of. Plus, she is eighteen. And a bit of a priss.
12. You know what we need more of?
Tickling. Driving your partner wild with your hands all over them.
Any pairing is fine, but I would prefer a het one.
13. Alright. So... the things that gets me the most is trust. It can be through an act of submission, or an act of abnormal intimacy or whatever but I want to see one character putting a whole fuck-ton of trust into another. Leaps of faith, if you will. For characters, I'd like for one of the characters to be Mia. Some of my favorite pairings with her are Mia/Phoenix, Mia/Diego and Lana/Mia. Buuuuut if the plot-bunnies are a-niblin' with other pairings that is just fine too! Topping/trusting order is up to anonymous.
(PS, fucking around with Godot's visor make me melt. So that would be the super-bonus win.)
14. Anon is a sucker for tsundere.
The phenomenon of the fiesty, uncompromising individual who resists the other's advances or seems totally ignorant, but deep in their heart of hearts just can't admit what they feel.
Anon would deeply love some tsundere type fic or unrequited love fic.
Go nuts, Anon!
this anon is most interested in seeing Dahlia/Phoenix, Mia/Diego, Matt/Juan, and the obvious Edgeworth/Phoenix (Edgeworth is tsundere in of himself, honestly).
15. Dear anonymous, I just replayed 2-3 and got this quote again.
Phoenix: A silk hat and cloak! Anyone could wear them! They'd even look good on me!
Phoenix pairing of your choice (I am partial to Phoenix/Miles, but take it how you like), with that quote as inspiration <3
16. Hair~
gen, het, slash, yuri, whatev. Anon would just love two people with crazy hair. (Note, this means Gant, Lotta, Atmey or something. Not Phoenix, Miles, or Lana, as examples.)
Come on! What does Morgan have hidden up there? Is Max/Lisa/Franzy's color natural or dyed? When Gant pulls his bangs, is he pretending 'handjob'? UP TO YOU, ANON~
17. How about sex on the roof of a building?
Two characters decide to have a picnic on the roof to do some stargazing, and feel the urge to get it on. Obviously a roof isn't the most comfortable place for lovemaking, so have them either trying to cope with the rough surfaces, or have a deckchair handy.
And pairing is fine, but would prefer a het paring.
18. Franziska masturbating to thoughts about Phoenix x Edgeworth. Or older Ema. ;D
Not fluffy, plz? >___< It would be interesting if she used an oddly shaped dildo or vibrator (like a whip shaped one or something). It can be funny too, like she keeps getting interrupted by Edgeworth on the phone about some case... XD
Muttering in German would be hot too! :3
19. My seekrit shame? I love strappado. Like burning.
So please, anon, string up Franziska or Miles for me. I don't care much who else is involved- Gumshoe/Fran would be choice, as would Phoenix/Miles, or Miles/Fran (or Fran/Miles).
As a clarification, OP would like some nice, sexy, consentual strappado, not outright torture.
20. Hand fetish/adoration/something *3*
Emphasis on touch, movements, light/shadow/form, texture etc.
Preference being Miles/Phoenix maybe?
But something with Blind!Godot/Mia dropping the visual aspect of it obviously would be just as awesome
21. Strap-on dildo.
I don't care who's using it on who. Just gimme a strappy.
22. There is a distinct lack of Lotta Hart in these meme.
So I want some Lotta please :D My kink is cameras! Recording yourself (solo or with someone else, possibly on accident), taking pictures, making so much noise that your nearby programmable camera is constantly going off, all of the above, stuff like that
No preference for pairing! I've even mentioned Lotta solo :) Lotta/Karma (rough!), Lotta/Franziska (whips!), Lotta/Oldbag (speaks for itself), Lotta/Phoenix, Lotta/Larry, this anon just wants some more Lotta in this meme
23. Miles and Franziska, commiserating/awkwardly trying to advise each other on sex and/or relationships. Any pairings except Miles/Franziska. (Anon will admit to being partial to both P/E and F/A, but honestly, anything goes.) Bonus points for the line "Catch up, little brother" and Franziska snark in general.
Let's have some Luke.
Trying to be sexy.
And failing. Miserably.
Bonus points for the bow-tie staying on and for creative use of the magnifying monocle.
We don't care about who he is trying to be sexy for. He can try to be sexy...just for himself. ;_;
Please, Anon. ;_; Make our dreams come true.
25. Okay, guys. I'm gonna lay this down plain and simple.
I want to see some cockblock.
I'm looking for interruptions, something said that turns one/both of the characters off (i.e. calling the wrong name in the heat of passion), misinterpreted advances, trying to seduce someone of the wrong sexual orientation... Basically anything that completely and utterly DENIES any of them sexual gratification. Denies them with a bitch slap.
Any pairings welcome, so long as it's plausible and not, you know, horribly wrong and unsexy. Bonus points for multiple/repeated scenarios (different pairings in the same situations, same pairing trying over and over and failing each time), and if someone could get a "Whoops, pal!" in there somewhere, I think I'd be the happiest little Anon alive.
26. Inspired by Godot's statement that salt doesn't taste good in coffee, the prompt is...
'Coffee creamer.' You know what I'm getting at oh god why am I getting at it gjfjgkld.
Must involve an experimental Godot and... whoever else you please. |D
27. I kind of want... rape roleplay.
The scenario can be as rough and degrading as you (and the characters) want, but it MUST be a consensual fantasy played out by a loving couple. I don't want this to be even dubcon - non-consent is part of the game, obviously, but I want it to be just that. Either both participants are fully willing and okay with playing this out, or a safeword must be used and honored.
I don't think it's all that IC for them, but Phoenix/Edgeworth is the couple I'd most like to see doing this. If that's not your bag I'll take Desiree/Ron, Lana/Mia, or Franzy/Adrian.
28. Phoenix/Anyone
The kink is that phoenix is actually Tigre.
29. This idea came to me in a bolt of lightning, anon, and I thought, hey, what better place than the kinkmeme amirite amirite?
Kink: total darkness. Pairings of choice are Diego/Mia, Franziska/Adrian, and Ron/Desiree, though if anon wants something else that's fine. I don't care what you have them doing or when or where or why; it just has to be done in total, complete, pitch-blackness. Bonus points for one (or both!) screwing up hideously because they can't tell what the hell they're doing.
30. Cleveland Steamer
Just how depraved is this meme?
31. Something based off this month's Odoroki Gyakuten Saiban! AKA this-
http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa209/jpn_g2/Odorokigs/071227gemaga02-odorokigs04pic.jpg AKA the cutest thing EVER!
Apollo/Nick would be amazing, but Ema/Apollo would be OK too. I assume it's a New Years' pic, so run with that... =D
I want me some road-tripping. BRING ON THE CRACK ANON.
Edgey/Phoenix preferred, but hey, go nuts.
33. There's just something about Redd that screams "I pay girls (and the occassional guy) money to be with me and I'm proud of it." Maybe a fic of his sugar daddy adventures or where he's curious and hires a male escort (for some reason I could see Richard doing a little high class whoring on the side.
34. Matt Engarde, doomed to a life in prison, drops the soap. ;]
35. Tigre/anyone.
The kink is that Tigre is actually Phoenix.
36. well, we've already had snuff, so let's kick it up another notch....
pairing can be whatever, but I'd prefer something semi-feasible like Matt/Juan or something (you know he'd be unhinged enough to defile his rival's body like that)
extra points for paying extra attention to the signs of death: pallor mortis, algor mortis, livor mortis and rigor mortis
37. The pool is closed, and Gant is frustrated and on a rampage. WHO ARE HIS VICTIM(S)?
38. ... I can't believe I don't recall seeing this. I can't believe I'm requesting it.
Diego x Woman of your choice (Or Ron. Or Edgeworth. Or Feenie...)
Come on, he calls them all 'kittens' anyway..
39. Okay, this has probably been done - if it has, please link me, do want - but...
Redd White / anyone.
Dirty talk.
40. Franziska and someone getting freaky to Rammstein. Or Manfred and someone, if you're feeling really kinky. No raep. Anything else goes.
41. Ah, for some reason I'm inclined to post this idea. Gumshoe MPreg, with a sort of "Whos the daddy" thing going on with Phoenix and Ema trying to figure out who the father is. Bonus points if Ema is actually the father.
42. ____ Relationships That Never Happened
Take the Five Things That Never Happened setup (Take any character, any fandom, and write a series of AU vignettes. Anything from wild, incredible divergences from canon, to stories that take just a small jump to get there. No less than three, no more than five vignettes) only I want relationships that never happened in the GS verse. Take people we don't canonly really see interact/you wouldn't normally think of as a pairing, and write them in the most believable way you can. Either __ many pairs, or ___ many takes on the same pair.
Main thing I want is crack pairings, but not crack logic. Crack fic is love though, feel free to have at with everything else :) Just remember, whoever it is, try to make it fit. I love yuri, but beyond that I'll read anything. Including nonhuman and incest.
43. Somehow, Phoenix comes across some horrible brute forcing himself on a bound and gagged Edgeworth. Phoenix comes to his rescue and removes the gag...only to find out that the whole thing was consensual sex with a bit of kink. Edgeworth starts chewing him out for interrupting them, and for invading his personal life.
Any pairing (and OCs) are fine, BUT
*Bonus points for Gant/Edgeworth
*Double bonus points if Gant rolls with the interruption, and suggests they smooth things over with a nice threesome
44. Manfred von Karma as Manfred von Kama Sutra, a 6-armed hindu cyborg sex god wearing hotpants and with really hairy old man legs. Him paired with anyone and everyone as he is a sex god. Yes I am serious. That is all.
45. Regina/anyone
exhibitionism/exposed in public
46. dunno if this has appeared before, by all means it SHOULD HAVE, but anyway:
something where two people have a "contest" on which one manages to make the other person orgasm more often.
go nuts with whoever you wanna use for pairing, though anon would be lying if they weren't secretly hoping to see P/E.
bonus points for snark!
47. I'd give my first born for this-
Phoenix convinces significant other (of your choice, but I do admit being partial to Edgey har har original har) to make a sexy video of them together via camcorder/webcam/etc.
48. Tainted Love by Soft Cell. Just something, anything, involving this song in any way. Based on it, songfic, people singing it, ANYTHING. Any pairings, though I'll admit I'm partial to Phoenix/Edgeworth, Regina/Maya, Manfred/Gregory and Diego(or Godot)/Mia.
49. I want Anon to tell me the story of Ron's first time.
50. Reincarnation! And what happens when partners run into their (reincarnated) loved ones by random chance or something.
And I don't mean entire copy-clones of the deceased, since different upbringings *would* shape their personality (different lines of work? YES.) but their core aspects probably remain the same. And age doesn't have to represent [time dead to present time] - time doesn't move in a straight line, etc.
It can be any pairing, or even a non-pairing fic - I just want some potential angst.
51. Gant is our fandoms rapist, right?
Well, I want him acting motherly to someone. {I don't even care who you pair him up with, that's how much I want to see a motherly Gant.}
But the catch has to be that the person he is mothering is extremely turned on by Gant's actions. From there, you can take it anywhere. Even if it is a bit Freudian.
52. Have we seriously gone this many posts without some dramas about a cheating partner? Maybe it's out of character, but I'm sure there have to be reasons why one would cheat on the other (I'm looking at you, blackmailing!Engarde). I just want the other to find out. Can a happy ending be occurring too maybe please?
53. A few days ago, I came home and the doorknob to the front door came off in my hands. You can't make that up.
So. Edgeworth/person of your choice goes to visit Phoenix/Gumshoe/person of your choice, finds their apartment is literally falling apart, and offers a place to stay/offers money for sexual favors/reaction of your choice.
54. Meekins plx.
Have him with a lady, with a guy, being a spaz or uncharacteristically amazing in bed. I DON'T CARE. I just wan' some Mike Meekins.
If this is filled I will fill out five requests, I swear to God D:
55. I need fluff. I want dinner fluff. Just the PW couples going out and having dinner. What'll they talk about? What funny things'll happen. Just happiness and fluff. Pairings up to anon.
56. Okay, I want to see Franziska in a new relationship (preferably with a girl) and being completely confused and inept and CUTE with her awkwardness. Basically just lots and lots of fluff, and I don't know, first time sex or something. :DDDD
Bonus points for wardrobe malfunction on a date, like, her heel breaking or skirt splitting and being utterly embarrassed and whip-cracking and difficult, but the partner is totally sweet and nice!
57. It seems like everyone's been writing OMGGAY!Phoenix lately...
How about a little Bi!Phoenix?
I do like him with Edgeworth, but other characters are cool too.
58. You know what we don't have nearly enough of? Courtroom!sex and judge!sex. So let's combine the two. Show me why the judge is really so distracted in court.
59. Admittedly I know very little about GS4. The demos are all I'm going off here, but Apollo's personality is seemingly like an overeager puppy, all cuddly and hyped up and adorable.
And I think I'm in love.
And things I love, I want to see corrupted.
I'll cut the crap, Anon. I want to see someone - possibly Klavier - fuck Apollo up. I want them to intoxicate him (recreational drugs, alcohol...hell, this is why we have fanfiction, no?), tie him up, talk to him dirty. And then I want them to fuck him up, literally. And I want him to enjoy every second of it.
I just finished writing and submitting my first request, Anon! Pleeeeease? ♥
We've had lot of 'Apollo faps to fantasies of him and *insert character' requests throughout the meme.
But I would like to see 17 year old!Klavier wank off to fantasises. This anon would like to see one with Edgeworth or Kristoph, but any other hawt lawyer would work too (Hell, even Daian would be hot).
Bonus points for him doing it in his office. Extra Bonus points for the person in his fantasy walking in on him or discovering him in some way (Which can or not lead to sexytiem)
61. Breathplay utilizing a cravat. Edgeworth receiving. Consensual.
62. Hey, fellow anons. I have a very weird request.
We've had plenty of death!fic, but what about afraid-that-you're-gonna-die!fic? I'm going to be a real crapchute about this request, too. I want someone who is anemic (like me) and suffers from chronic nosebleeds (like me). I want the character (of your choice, anon) to be scared out of his/her wits about this.
CAN IT BE DONE? Scare the bri/x/ out of me, anon!
Bonus points for someone panicking with them/trying to calm bleeding party down AND WITHOUT SEX. Even though this is a kinkmeme. And what kind of weirdo would want to have sex while bleeding profusely from the left nostril anyway?!
63. Hopefully someone in this fandom has heard of this and is willing to take me up on this!
Not quite a kink, but I want the Ouendan! They are Japanese male cheerleaders who will come to save the day if you're in desperate need of help and shout out "Ouendan" and who star in the DS game "Osu! Tatake! Ouendan!". Just to note what I would really love is the Ouendan (particularly Hajime or, if you know number 2, Shinta, or both totally as a couple) but I won't complain about the Elite Beat Agents. Hell I'll take the Divas, I don't care I just want someone to do this!
So how does this tie into PW? Well what I want is the Ouendan helping a Phoenix Wright couple! In which one couple member shouts out and they cheer them on to...whatever (sex, fluff, getting together, I don't care). Preferred pairs are Mia/Diego(or Godot), Franziska/Adrian and of course I love me some P/E. How it works I don't really care. Maybe you could have a touching ghost scene with Miego, like in the Ouendan game. Or maybe Adrian is trying not to let her nerves totally wreck a date with Fran. Or Maybe there's a freak earthquake and Edgey is desperately trying to keep his cool in front of Feeney.
I don't care. Make it happen anon! I want this so hard I will totally fill a request for whoever takes this! Please Anon!
64. I want some evil rapist Gant. Not crack!RAEPTEIM Gant, but proper evil. Srsly. I keep hearing about him, but I've only spotted him once. So yeah, gimme some evil Gant.
65. Snuffmouse v. 2.0: NEEDS MOAR SNUFF 'Cause you know you all enjoyed the last one. ^_~
But as much fun as that was, there was a bit too much testosterone for this Snuffmouse's taste. So for this kink, you must write snuff wherein either the killer, the victim, or (IDEALLY!) both is/are female.
Go go go!
66. Kink: quoting Phoenix Drive during sex.
Any pairing is acceptable, though the mere fact it mentions Phoenix Drive means that Phoenix should probably be there.
67 We all know that things come out of Trucy's (Magic) panties.
...but what about things that go in them?
Trucy with a vibrator in her panties, out in public. The other party (controlling the vibrator/who had her do it) up to your choice, anon
68. Okay, I can't be the only one who thought of this DIRECTLY after first using the bracelet/perceive system.
Apollo uses the perceive system to do one of the following things:
1. Figure out that Klavier (Or anyone, for that matter, but Klavier would be best) wants to have hot, dirty, filthy sex with him. Reaction an be anywhere from shocked disgust to smug satisfaction, depending on your Apollo.
2. To find out said persons sweet spots during sex, and ends up having an incredible unfair advantage due to complete incoherence on the other's part.
3. OR is trying to use it, and it's obvious, but it's just not reacting like usual and he gets taken over in the process.
69. A fic based on/around the German song "Da da da" by Trio. I know the song sounds kinda silly, but the lyrics are cool. The song doesn't have to feature in the writing.
Come on anon!
70. anyone(-who-is-not-apollo)/klavier.
i don't care who it is, as long as klavier bottoms, gets thoroughly fucked, and it's not apollo. (this anon is weird and can't see klavier topping.)
come on, anons. he's just asking for someone to fuck his brains out. please? XDDDDDDD.
71. Some couple, I don't care who, gets walked in on by Lotta Hart.
She takes pictures, obviously.
72. Anon wants Klavier writing a song based loosely on some pairing from the PW1-3 era. Anything goes on the original pairing. Stupid law-related puns and drippy romance DESIRED in this context.
73. Because I love the band The Police, and 3-3 keeps mentioning it... Something involving the song Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic.
Up for pretty much any non-incestual pairing here, Anon! Phoenix/Edgeworth, Klavier/Apollo, Klavier/Trucy, Pearl/Trucy, hell Maya/Regina... Anything, really, I only ask no incest because it squicks me really badly. If that's what strikes you though go for it anyway.
Bonus points for involving a karaoke bar! (Because I like to sing this song at mine.)
74. Pairing: Anyone (I'm a Miles/Phoenix fan, but really, I don't care.)
75. My fellow anonymous meme-ers have been getting kind of bitchy lately. But hey... nothing brings us all together like porn, right?
So what I want is a couple of YOUR choice, slash, femmeslash, or het. Character A should be extra cranky and bitchy, so Character B takes it upon him or herself to give Character A a good, deep, hours-long, exhausting fucking that cures A of their nastiness. It should all be consensual, of course.
Clearly, this is the way we will achieve world peace.
76. Teenage!Diego's adventures in romance. Either as a hilarious sleazy loser who got slapped a lot, or a late bloomer having a "...whoa" moment discovering his hormones.
And there's always prom night. Y'know, just sayin'.
77. ...So.
How, exactly, did Kristoph get his special cell?
78. Anyone/Klavier.
Come on he's a rocker, so lets have some piercings in a naughty place.
Plots I like:
Kristoph is disappointed in his brother for getting it, and has to show him the pains of getting such a piercing before the pleasures?
Cocky about getting it and talks about it with bands mates, Daryan wants to find out if there's reason to be so cocky about it.
Polly discovers it and uses it to make Klavier beg while in bed.
Or all three simply at different points in Klavier life.
Just go crazy anon!!!
79. Ummmmm.
Theme: Prison bitch. pleaaaaaaaaaaase?
80. Loli-Vera Raep.
Yes, I am an awful awful person
81. How about we shine a spotlight on some of the lesser villains for once?
I've love to see two villains from different cases meet with each other after they are released from prison. They both want to move on from their sordid pasts and earn some semblance of a normal life, so they agree to help each other out. This leads to a deep friendship between the two, and possibly a romance.
You can choose any two villains, (Except Von Karma, Gant, Redd, Engarde, Dahlia and you-know-who please. Those guys are beyond redemption) and though I would prefer het, any pairing is fine.
82. I'm horrible, I know, because this is as cheesy as it gets~
I want Prosecutors v. Defence Attorneys Romeo and Juliet or West Side Story style. It can be Apollo/Kristoph (preferable), it can be Phoenix/Edgeworth, Phoenix/Friska, Phoenix/Godot, Mia/Godot... hell, even Mia/Edgeworth would suffice. There's too many possibilities to count XD
Can be fluff, can be smut, idk it's up to the anon.
I just want anything that's FORBIDDEN LOVE Prosecution/Defence~
83. There is a Facebook group called 'My Sexual Orientation is Negotiable When it Comes to Miles Edgeworth'. A screenshot of its membership and wall are here:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v102/angelaeryn/CantObjectCensored.jpg I want to know what happens when Miles finds out it exists.
84. I, dear anon, had the most lovely of mental pics just now and need to see it as fic XD
Klavier giving this apron(
http://www.coolaprons.com/adult34.jpg) as a gift to Trucy. Have any and all set up pairing wise with them, but I think it would be funnier if these two WERE only friends.
What are Phoenix and/or Apollo's reaction to this? (P/K or K/A would be lol here 8D But anything or no pairings work)
85. Any male x Apollo.
Noncon. Humiliation.
I want to see this kid broken, damn it.
Make him cry more than usual!
I swear I love Polly a great deal, so much in fact that it manifests in wanting to see him completely and totally destroyed or something.
I'll fill like ten requests to see this filled, I swear to God
86. I'd absolutely ADORE a story to go along with this picture;
http://www.court-records.net/arts/odogyaku/og4(b).jpg It can have any pairing and any rating e.g. APOLLO AND EMA COULD TOTALLY DO IT WHILE PHOENIX IS OUT OF IT ON THE SOFA. Or it could be fluffy and they could...NOT do it while Phoenix is out of it on the sofa. Up to your discretion, really. :3
87. I'd really like is some fluffy (and/or awkward) first kiss fic! It can be either their first kiss ever or just their first kiss together. I'm not terribly picky about the pairing, although I'm totally obsessed with Apollo/Klavier at the moment (like about 90% of the fan population right now) but I'd also take Edgeworth/Gumshoe, Franziska/Adrian, or even Wocky/Anybody because he's so dang cute.
88 I am currently infatuated with the song "Hearts a Mess," by Gotye (
http://artists.letssingit.com/gotye-lyrics-hearts-a-mess-4ph1jh8). And I can't get enough of angst!Klavier. SOOOO~
I want anything, ANYTHING that incorporates this song, songfic or no, that has to do with Klavier. No need for smut, though I wouldn't object to it either (lol). Hell, it doesn't even have to be slash (especially since all other fic of this type seem dead-set on Apollo/Klavier, which I also adore, but where's the love for Ema?!) - I want more Klavier-centric angst/hurt-comfort/etc. PLEASE ANON, MAKE MY DREAM COME TRUE T__T
89 Adrian/Matt.
Noncon. Bondage.
orrr if you prefer
very con. Bondage.
90 A fan of the Gavinners - of choice, or a random anonymous fangirl - fantasizing about sex with the band.
Fantasy should either a threesome with fan, Klavier and Daryan, or an orgy that adds in the other three members as well. (Yeah, even though we've never met them. Go ahead and use creative license, just make them hot.)
91 Daryan/his hairdresser. He starts enjoying his appointment too much.
92. Edgeworth or Klavier
doing something with this song.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWZxcAeSoVI 93. Guy Eldoon inadvetantly creates a new noodle dish which acts as a powerful aphrodisiac. To quite Jesse Ventura, anyone who eats it becomes a 'Goddamn Sexual Tyrannosaurus.
Anyway, I want to see any character who eats this stuff immediately get super-horny, and drag their partner back home for an extremely exahusting, 9-hour sex fest.
Anon would prefer Phoenix/Maya or Klavier/Ema as the pairings, but feel free to put in whoever you want.
94. Incest. Don't care how, don't care who, don't care where. Make it happen. Anon hasn't seen one of these for a while.
95. I've been replaying GS1, Case 1-2, when Edgeworth said something really caught my interest...
"I object! That was... objectionable!"
the kink? I want him said it on the bed! =3
96. Meme-chan, do you love me?
Cause if you loved me, you'd write me fic with truth or dare. Or spin the bottle, or I Never, or SOME kind of ridiculous teenage party game, that starts off silly and ends up sexy. Not romantic, "oh let me confess my love for you," just - sexytimes! And then two players end up in a closet later, or something, due to incidents in the game. PLEASE DO IT.
Bonus points for lesbians; no points for GS4 cause I still haven't played it :(
97. Isn't Gant's character design based on Zeus~~~?
Yeah, you know what I want here. Not so surprising sex the poor mortal kinda thought they wanted but weren't sure about until that moment. Since he's a god, time has no meaning, so pair him with whoever you want (though Edgeworth or Franziska would make me a very happy anon). Bonus points for Fey family priestesses.
98. Why don't we have any Payne in here? I actually think grey suit Payne is kind of cute for an old guy with a ridiculous voice. ): And he needs a hug, too. SO. ANYWAYS I have a few pairing ideas for this.
Manfred/Payne. Gregory/Payne. Yanni/Payne. Payne/OC Wife. Those are the only ones I can really think of that don't make me completely squick, but man, anyone will work.
99. Dear Anon
I have an unhealthy need for some Gregory Edgeworth. NEED. There is very little of him out there, and I NEED MOAR PLZ. Bonus points for smut, and bonus bonus points for a pairing with someone other than von Karma.
100. Phoenix Wright crossed over with Ico. Any two characters from the first three games only (because I don't have GS4, sob I'm behiiiind), but honestly I don't care who ends up in which role or what pairing you angle for as long as it works.
Enormous bonus points if you can do it without dialogue.
101. anon has this craving. this most splendiferous craving. for some merciless, painful Richard Wellington rape.
more points if it's another one of the douchebags in the game like Redd White or Matt Engarde or Luke Atmey doing the raping. (if it's Atmey, more points if he uses his nose at some point during the fic, if it's fic)
it's not that i hate him, but he has it coming to him. art or fic, doesn't matter to me! (both would be amazing though! 80)
102. I would like to see more romantic long distance fan fiction then my thoughts turn to the manga Train-Man about someone who tries to start a romantic relationship with someone they met on a train. However, Train-Man is inept at romance( he is an Otaku nerd)and starts asking for advice on a message board on the internet. The online community really gets involved with getting the two couples together and it ends in on a high note.
Anon would love to see this done using the cast of Phoenix Wright! You can use any pairing that you like even the neglected Gumshoe/Maggey. Or if you are into Phoenix/Maya I like to see a fan fiction where the two get together and it is actually convincing, maybe in this universe the two never met?
More info about Train-Man! Below I hope I inspired you anon!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Train_man 103. Alright.Time warps make Kyle Hyde appear in ACE ATTORNEY LAND.
Sex ensues.
BASICALLY,Anyone/Kyle Hyde (preferably Godot or something but whatever)
104. All right, mun who requested the "stuck in hole" kink in the first part. WE NEED MORE BIZARRE YET STRANGELY AWESOME KINKS, CLEARLY.
So. I humbly request one of the following:
1. Somebody getting stuck in a wall, or
2. Stockades.
Use of either of our heroic leads of the series as the poor suckers is fine. Smut a definite must.
You have your mission. Godspeed, anon.
105. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSHinT0i6G4 This dialogue. (With some alterations, naturally.)
Franziska/Adrian, Franziska/Maya, or Jake Marshall/Ema.
106. We've already had Phoenix and Maya getting it on in the freezing cold Hazakura temple, so perhaps it's time for someone else to have a go, like Polly.
Apollo wants to improve his abilty to focus and percieve, and Phoenix thinks a run of the Special Course would do the trick. So he and Maya book him into Hazakura, but neglect to tell him what the course entails until he gets there. Apollo is less than optimistic.
Fortunately he's not alone, as Pearl and Trucy have discreetly booked his love interest (this can be anyone you like, though Anon would prefer Vera) for the same session.
So, stuck in an ice cold room with only his partner to keep him warm.. what's a guy to do?
107. Phoenix is hypnotized. Dubcon.