Fic. - The Education of an Idaho Farm Boy; Numb3rs; Colby/Charlie; Adult; zibal_01 (2/5)

Nov 23, 2009 19:08

Title: The Education of an Idaho Farm Boy
Author: zibal_01
Fandom: Numb3rs
Pairing/character: Colby Granger/Charlie Eppes
Rating: Adult
Word Count: 14,098 overall
Kink: d/s, bondage, adrenalin & crises, barebacking, discipline, dog tags
Notes/Warnings: M/M slash, Spoilers for "Hollywood Homicide", Beta shamazipan
Summary: After the events of the Janus List, Charlie takes Colby under his wing, and teaches him a few things that they don't teach at Quantico.
Artist: maryaminx

Part One

The Education of an Idaho Farm Boy

Part Two

Charlie leaned over, placing a chaste kiss on Colby’s lips. As he pulled back, their eyes met, lust evident in both pairs.

“Close the blinds,” Colby murmured. A half smile crossed him face as Charlie crossed the room to close them. Charlie’s pert ass was accentuated by his jeans; Colby’s eyes smiled brightly. As Charlie turned back he caught the look on Colby’s face.

“What?” Charlie blushed slightly.

“I was just thinking about all the time I’ve wasted by thinking you wouldn’t be interested in someone like me.”

Taking Colby’s hand, Charlie sat on the bed. “Why did you think that?”

Colby blushed. “’t know if you were interested in men, and didn’t want to ask you in case I offended you,” Colby looked away, embarrassed. “I was afraid you’d tell Don, and I didn’t want to risk my career.”

Brown eyes stared intently at Colby. “How do you feel now?”

“Like all my Christmases have come at once.” Colby pulled Charlie down to kiss him. Their lips met gently. Charlie felt Colby’s tongue glide smoothly along his lower lip, before easing between his slightly parted lips. Charlie opened his mouth, inviting Colby in; Colby’s tongue seeking out Charlie’s; dancing with it; leading it into Colby’s mouth. Colby’s mouth closed. He sucked Charlie’s tongue deeper in, his own tongue darting over Charlie’s; flicking across its tip.

Breaking the kiss, Charlie slid his hand under Colby’s bedcovers, maintaining eye contact. There was a wicked glint in Charlie’s eyes which left Colby under no illusions as to what he was planning. The hand slid lower, brushing the hem of Colby’s hospital gown. Charlie slid it up, watching Colby closely for anything that told him to stop. Nothing did; the gown was pulled up to Colby’s waist, Charlie’s hand brushing lightly over Colby’s abdomen as it moved towards its goal: Colby’s cock and balls.

Colby moaned as Charlie’s hand slid lower; brushing through the soft curls of his pubic hair; finger tips stroking his hard cock.

“What do you want, Colby?”

“More please Charlie.”

Charlie smiled, tightening his grip on Colby, stroking gently but firmly. He watched as Colby’s eyes darkened with lust, until the irises were barely visible.

Colby quivered under Charlie’s touch; it had been a long time since anyone had touched him in the way Charlie was. He wanted to vocalise his wants; needs; desires; to scream encouragement to Charlie, but he didn’t. He lay there, quivering, not wanting Charlie to stop.

Charlie teased the head of Colby’s cock, thumb dancing over the tip, circling. Colby was already leaking pre-cum, Charlie’s thumb spreading it over the tip. Without further ado, Charlie dipped his head, flicking his tongue over the head of Colby’s cock; tasting Colby for the first time.

Colby’s hips bucked as Charlie’s mouth engulfed him; the warm wetness sending Colby, without warning, over the edge. White light blinded him; he bit down hard on his lip to stop himself from screaming; his body shuddered, violently, through the waves of his release. Colby was vaguely aware of a hand rubbing soothing circles on his abdomen: Charlie. Trying to regain his composure, Colby opened his eyes and smiled at Charlie.

“Sorry, Charlie,” he mumbled. “Been so long know.”

Unnoticed by both men, Colby’s heart monitor was bleeping off the scale. A nurse rushed into his room, not failing to notice the closed blinds. She hurried to Colby’s side.

“Are you ok, Mr Granger?” she enquired. “You look rather flushed.” She checked his pulse and blood pressure, frowning at Colby and Charlie. “Do you boys want to tell me what’s been going on in here?” Colby and Charlie looked at each other.

“Nothing,” Colby commented. “We’re just talking.”

“Mr Granger, I’ve been nursing for a long time,” she paused. “The blinds are closed; you’re looking flushed; your pulse is elevated; and your breathing is laboured. Now, unless one of you tells me, I will be banning Professor Eppes from any future visiting.”

Colby and Charlie both blushed deeply. The nurse smiled at them.

“No more of that. Mr Granger, I believe you’ll be going home in a couple of days, so you can both keep it in your pants until then,” she turned to leave. Reaching the door she turned back, “And keep the blinds open.”

Colby and Charlie watched the door close behind the nurse before their laughter overtook them. Charlie felt Colby’s hands pulling him down on the bed beside him. Colby wrapped his arms around Charlie, the warmth from Charlie relaxing Colby. They were still there, asleep, when the nurse returned. Smiling, she turned, leaving the “boys” asleep in each other’s arms.


Charlie collected Colby from the hospital when he was released. Colby knew that no-one from the team had offered to do this, but Charlie had already made the decision to do so. Holding Colby’s hand, Charlie led him to his car.

“You’re coming to mine. That way I can look after you,” Charlie stated.

“I don’t know, Charlie,” Colby sounded unsure. “What about your dad and Don? Won’t they mind?”

Charlie stopped; Colby turned to face him. “Colby, it’s my house. I can invite anyone I want to stay,” Charlie shrugged. “If dad and Don mind that’s their problem. You are coming home with me!”

Colby held up his hands in mock surrender. “Ok, ok. I give up. I’m coming home with you.” A small, half-smile crossed Colby’s face, his eyes lighting up. Charlie could be very persuasive when he wanted to be. This could be very interesting.


Colby was reluctant to enter Charlie’s house. Both Don and Alan Eppes were there when Charlie led Colby in.

“Mr Eppes; Don,” Colby greeted them both politely.

“Colby, what are you doing here?” Don asked suspiciously.

“I invited him,” Charlie replied. “It is my house.”


“Why what, Don?”

“Why have you invited him here? He spied on all of us. Or does that not matter to you?”

“Yes, Don, it does matter to me. It matters to me a lot. He nearly died trying to uncover a spy in the FBI - and you couldn’t even visit him in hospital. One of your own team, and you treated him like that,” Charlie paused, holding his hand up when Don looked like he might respond. “In case you’ve forgotten Colby is in the room, and you’re being extremely rude. Now you can either shut up, or you can leave. The choice is yours.” Turning to Colby, Charlie continued softly. “Come on, Colb. Let’s go upstairs.”

Colby followed Charlie to his room, closing the door behind them.

Charlie pulled Colby into a deep kiss, his hands wandering under the hem of Colby’s polo shirt. Sliding them up Colby’s torso, his fingers met with the cold metal of Colby’s dog tags. The polo shirt was soon on the floor. Charlie’s eyes examined the near naked torso before him. He dipped his head, taking a nipple between his lips, sucking gently, while a hand pressed gently on the tags. Releasing the nipple he studied the slight indent the tags had made before pressing harder, deeper. Colby groaned; Charlie released the tags his hand moving lower. As he unbuckled Colby’s belt, Colby toed his shoes off. Charlie slid a hand down Colby’s trousers. Colby froze, coming back to the present.

“Charlie,” he muttered. “What are you doing? Don’s downstairs.”

“Colby,” Charlie stepped back slightly. “It’s my house. I brought you here to look after you, so let me.”

Charlie finished unfastening Colby’s trousers, removing them and his boxers in one fluid movement. Kneeling, Charlie removed Colby’s socks, before placing his hands on Colby’s hips.

Colby’s head dropped back against the door as Charlie swallowed his cock. Thumbs brushed over his pelvic bone, drawing a low moan from his throat. Charlie pulled back until only the tip remained in his mouth. Without removing his mouth from Colby’s cock, Charlie ran his tongue down the underside, tracing the large vein. Reaching the base, Charlie bit gently at the skin. Colby gasped; Charlie bit harder.

Tangling his fingers in Charlie’s hair, Colby held him close. He felt Charlie slide a hand over his balls, a finger massaging his perineum. His groan encouraged Charlie to continue his dual assault; mouth working Colby’s cock, finger continuing its stimulation of the nerve bundle. Colby’s legs started to weaken.

“Charlie,” Colby tried to attract Charlie’s attention. When he received no response, Colby twisted his fingers, pulling gently on Charlie’s hair. “Charlie.” Charlie looked up, eyes meeting Colby’s questioningly. Colby started sliding down the door. “Can’t stand much longer.”

Charlie stood. Grasping Colby’s dog tags Charlie pulled him to the bed. As the back of his legs hit the bed, Charlie stopped, not releasing his grip on Colby’s tags.

“Lie on the bed on your back,” Charlie instructed. Following Charlie’s instruction, Colby smiled his shy half-smile which had always been a regular feature around Charlie. Charlie straddled Colby’s hips, the rough denim of his jeans torturing the sensitive skin of Colby’s cock. “Hands above your head.” Again, Colby followed Charlie’s instructions. “Don’t move.” Charlie climbed off the bed.

Colby lay there, eyes tracking Charlie’s movements. He watched as Charlie opened his wardrobe and knelt out of his line of vision. He considered moving so he could watch Charlie, but he couldn’t. His mind raced; Charlie was a genius, never wrong. If he told Colby he hadn’t to move, then staying still must be the right thing to do.

Charlie returned to Colby’s side, two sets of handcuffs in hand. Holding them up he watched Colby closely for a reaction.

Colby’s eyes widened when he saw what Charlie had in his hands; surprise not fear; pupils darkening with lust. Charlie smiled...


The handcuff clicked shut around Colby’s wrist. His heart started to pound; thoughts racing - arrest, prison, the freighter. He was starting to panic when a hand lighted gently on his arm: Charlie. Colby closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He concentrated his thoughts on Charlie; how Charlie had always made him smile; how Charlie had visited him in hospital; the blowjob; that Charlie wanted to be with him.

Another click. Colby flexed his arms, testing the restraints. The cuffs rattled on the wrought iron bed frame. Opening his eyes, Colby saw Charlie standing beside the bed, concern etched on his face.

“Are you ok, Colb?”

Colby took another deep breath. “I’m fine, Charlie.”

“Are you sure?” Colby nodded. Charlie looked thoughtful. “We really should have a safe word. I don’t want to do anything you don’t want me to.”

“Ok,” Colby agreed. “How about red for stop?”

“What if you think I’m going to fast?”

“Is that gonna happen?” Colby smiled.

Charlie smiled, resumed his position straddling Colby’s hips, before replying. “Cheeky boys get disciplined.” Leaning forward Charlie bit down hard on Colby’s right nipple. Colby yelped; Charlie straightened. “Do you understand?” Charlie’s tone had hardened slightly. Colby looked confused; Charlie tweaked his left nipple. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir,” Colby replied.

“Good boy,” Charlie ran a hand through Colby’s hair. He kissed Colby deeply, beginning his training; good behaviour being rewarded; disobedience being disciplined. Breaking the kiss, Charlie’s eyes met Colby’s. “Are you ok with this?”

“Yes, sir. I am fine with this.”


“Yes, sir.”

Charlie’s mouth met Colby’s. The kiss was fierce, both men gasping for air when it broke. Charlie moved to Colby’s jaw, biting and licking his way around, eliciting delicious sounds from Colby.

“Charlie,” Colby moaned. His hips started rocking gently, his aching cock seeking friction. It rubbed against Charlie’s denim clad cock leaving Colby wanting more... so much more. “Charlie. You’re still dressed...” Colby finally managed to pant out.

“Did I say you could speak?” Charlie asked.

“No, sir,” Colby replied. “But you didn’t say I couldn’t either.”

Charlie sat up, staring at Colby. “You’re right. I haven’t set you any ground rules.” He ran his hand over Colby’s taut abdomen muscles, gathering his thoughts. “Ok, I’ll keep it nice and simple for you. No talking without permission unless you want to use your safe word; no moving without permission; and, most importantly, no coming until I say so. If you don’t agree to anything I’ve just said, use your safe word.” Colby was silent, eyes meeting Charlie’s, silently pleading for him to continue. “Are you ok with bare backing?” Charlie continued.

“Red,” Colby replied.

“That’s ok, Colby,” Charlie replied softly. “Would you trust me if I tell you I’m clean?” Colby nodded. “Are you clean?” Again, Colby nodded. “Are you ok with bare backing?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You’re such a good boy, Colby,” Charlie paused. “You’re right, though. I do have too many clothes on!”

He slid his fingers under his t-shirt, grasping the hem. Inch by inch, he slid it off, slowly revealing bare skin.

Colby was struggling. No moving; no talking. He wanted to touch Charlie, run his hands over the bare torso before him. The iron tang of blood filled his mouth, his teeth meeting through his lower lip; don’t make a sound, Colby, not a sound!

Charlie sprang off the bed. Unfastening his jeans, he eased them over his hips, stepping out of them. He was watching Colby; watching him trying not to move; trying not to talk; biting through his lip. Sitting beside Colby, he cupped his cheek.

“Colb, did you just bite your lip?” Colby nodded. “Why?” Colby didn’t answer. “You can answer,” Charlie confirmed.

“Didn’t want to make a sound,” Colby murmured. “You told me not to talk...”

Charlie kissed Colby’s forehead. “Colb, I don’t expect you to remain totally silent. And I certainly don’t want you to hurt yourself. If you’re not sure about something use your safe word. Ok?” Charlie’s tone was soft, comforting. A softness touched his features.

“Yes, sir.”

“Do you want to stop for tonight?” Charlie asked. “We can take it really slowly, build up.”

“Permission to speak freely, sir?” Colby cut in.

Charlie raised an eyebrow. “Granted.”

“Please, sir, continue. I’m handcuffed naked to your bed. I can’t come until you say so, and my cock’s aching,” Colby fixed his eyes on Charlie’s. “I’m new to this, trying to follow the rules, so, can you please, please, continue...”

Charlie could see how badly Colby was aching. He hurriedly removed his remaining clothing. Spreading Colby’s legs wider, Charlie knelt between them. Colby’s cock was leaking pre-cum; Charlie knew he wouldn’t last long. Dipping his head, Charlie flicked the tip with his tongue before swallowing the head. Sucking hard, he heard Colby groan. Smiling around his mouthful, Charlie slipped a finger in his mouth with Colby’s cock.

Colby gasped as Charlie’s finger penetrated the tight puckered ring of muscle of his anus. Charlie twisted it, easing the opening wider, a second finger joining the first. He released Colby’s cock, withdrawing his fingers. Colby groaned at the loss.

Retrieving the lube, Charlie lubed his cock, lining the head up with Colby’s tight entrance. With one firm thrust, Charlie buried himself, balls deep in Colby. Both men gasped - Colby in pain at the intrusion; Charlie at the tightness surrounding his cock. Their mouths met roughly; Charlie nipping at Colby’s lip; tasting Colby’s blood. Charlie pulled back, eyes fixing on Colby’s.

“Are you ok?”

Colby nodded, unable to summon words. Charlie’s cock was buried in him, stretching him, hurting him, but he didn’t want to stop. He wanted Charlie to move NOW!

Charlie rocked his hips gently. Colby groaned. “I’m gonna fuck you into next week now,” Charlie stated. “You can come once I have.”

The pace was blistering. Charlie thrusted harder, faster, deeper into Colby, the agent grasping onto the bed frame. The pounding continued, Charlie’s movements fluid, controlled; Colby’s cock trapped between them. His movements stuttered. Thrusting once; twice; a final time, he shot his load deep inside Colby.

Colby’s body shuddered as he followed Charlie over the edge. His orgasm coursed silently through him as he tried not to talk; not to move.

“It’s ok, Colb,” Charlie panted. He reached for the key, releasing Colby’s wrists from the handcuffs, freeing him. “It’s over. You can move, talk,” Colby turned his head to face Charlie. He was flushed, breathing hard.

“Thank you, Charlie,” he murmured.

“You ok?”

“Mmm,” Colby groaned. “Can we do that again?”

Charlie smiled. Withdrawing from Colby, Charlie lay on his side beside him. The agent was drifting to sleep. He looked peaceful, at rest.

“That was just for starters,” Charlie murmured to the sleeping agent. “I promise there’s plenty more where that came from.”

( Part Three )

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