Fic. - The Education of an Idaho Farm Boy; Numb3rs; Colby/Charlie; Adult; zibal_01 (1/5)

Nov 23, 2009 18:43

Title: The Education of an Idaho Farm Boy
Author: zibal_01
Fandom: Numb3rs
Pairing/character: Colby Granger/Charlie Eppes
Rating: Adult
Word Count: 14,098 overall
Kink: d/s, bondage, adrenalin & crises, barebacking, discipline, dog tags
Notes/Warnings: M/M slash, Spoilers for "Hollywood Homicide", Beta shamazipan
Summary: After the events of the Janus List, Charlie takes Colby under his wing, and teaches him a few things that they don't teach at Quantico.

The Education of an Idaho Farm Boy

Part One

The first thing to strike Charlie Eppes as he entered the hospital room was the cold sterility of it. Stepping further into the room, he noticed the sounds of hospital equipment beeping incessantly in the otherwise silent room.

Colby Granger, FBI Agent, lay asleep - unconscious? - oxygen mask over his face. He was pale, which was understandable given what he had been through. Charlie knew how close they had been to losing Colby, and that thought had hurt him deeper than he had imagined possible.

Sitting in the chair beside the bed, Charlie placed his elbows, carefully, at Colby’s side, dropping his head in his hands. Charlie felt tears welling in his eyes. He had nearly lost Colby - and he hadn’t even told him how he felt about him. That was going to change. Once Colby was fit enough, Charlie was going to tell him how he felt - and Charlie hoped Colby would feel the same.

The incessant beeping was soporific, Charlie soon drifting into an uneasy sleep. He dreamed of Colby’s rescue - except Don’s team had been too late, and had returned with Colby in a body bag. Charlie had cried over the body, n0-one realising the full extent of his feelings - never being able to tell Colby.

Charlie woke with a start, a hand on his shoulder shaking him gently. Turning his head, he looked up into the concerned face of FBI Agent Megan Reeves, profiler on his brother’s team.

“Hey, Charlie,” Megan spoke softly, trying not to disturb Colby. “Didn’t expect to find you here. In fact, Charlie, why are you here?”

Charlie looked away, blushing. Megan didn’t miss it. “Professor Eppes, we need to talk. I think you should accompany me to the canteen.” Megan nodded towards Colby. “Let Colby rest.”


Megan set a mug of coffee down in front of Charlie. She waited until he had taken a sip before she started grilling him.

“So, Charlie. What are you doing here?”

“Same as you I expect,” Charlie replied. “I came to see how Colby’s doing.”

“I hadn’t realised that you were that close.” Silence followed that comment. “Does Don know you’re here?”

“No.” Charlie closed his eyes. His brother, Don Eppes was - had been, Charlie wasn’t sure which, Colby’s boss. The boss Colby had spied on for two years.

“Do you want to tell me about it?”

“Megan, I’m so confused,” Charlie confessed, “but I don’t want to talk about it right now. Maybe later, when the fallout from all this is cleared up.” He shook his head. “But not now.”

“Ok, Charlie. Not now - but you know I’m here for you if you want to talk about anything,” she reassured him, “You finish your coffee. I’m going to check back on Colby before I return to the office.”

Wrapping his hands around the mug, Charlie watched Megan leave. As he lost sight of her, his gaze fell on his coffee. Fluid dynamics came to mind, but he shook his head to clear it, before drinking his coffee. Setting his empty mug down, he glanced at his watch, before returning to Colby’s room.


Megan had left by the time Charlie arrived back at Colby’s room. Nothing had changed - Colby was still out of it, the machines were still beeping incessantly, and the cold sterility was still there, but something in Charlie had changed. Sitting back at Colby’s bedside, Charlie took Colby’s hand in both of his, careful not to dislodge the IV lines. He was thoughtful, considering what he was going to say to the other man, not knowing how much Colby could hear or would remember.

“Hmm...Hi, Colby,” Charlie started. “I know I’m probably the last person you would expect to be here, but I needed to know how you’re doing. We nearly lost you on that freighter. Hell, I nearly lost you on that freighter. Don told me that David had to perform CPR otherwise...well, otherwise really doesn’t bear thinking about. You’re here now. Recovering. The doctor said it would be a few days before the drugs clear your system, and then,” Charlie’s voice quivered, “then they can check for any permanent damage.”

Gently releasing Colby’s hand, Charlie stood. He started pacing, unsure what to say next; trying to put his chaotic thoughts into words; wishing he had a chalk or dry erase board handy. P v NP was very appealing at this time. Turning back to Colby, Charlie sighed deeply.

“I’m gonna go now, Colby,” Charlie paused. “I’ll be back to see you tomorrow.” Charlie fiddled with the hem of his shirt, trying to decide if he had anything else he wanted to say before leaving. Coming to a decision he stepped up to the head of Colby’s bed. “ you, Colby Granger.” Charlie placed a tender kiss on Colby’s forehead. He stepped back, leaving Colby to the incessant beeping and cold sterility.


It took a week before Charlie was able to return to the hospital. Entering Colby’s room, he was delighted to find the agent sitting up in bed.

“Hey, Colby. How’re you doing?”

“Much better, thanks Charlie.” Colby hesitated. “ didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Have you had many visitors?”

Colby smiled sheepishly. “No. You’re the first.”

“What!” Charlie exclaimed. “You’ve not had any visitors?”

“Sit down, why don’t you.” Colby pointed to the bedside chair. “I honestly can’t say I’m surprised no-one’s visited. I did spy on them all.”

“Colby. You were...”

“Were what, Charlie? Following orders? Just doing my job?” Colby sighed. “It doesn’t matter, Charlie. My “friends” don’t trust me anymore - and I really can’t blame them.” Colby dropped his head back on the pillow, closing his eyes. “Maybe it would have been better all round if I’d died on that freighter.”

“Colby, no. Don’t say that.” Charlie took Colby’s hand. “Never say that. You’re a hero. The guys will come round. They’ll understand - eventually.”

Colby didn’t comment on the fact that Charlie was holding his hand. He found it comforting. The touch of another person, with no ulterior motive, had been missing from his life for so long. Surprisingly, Charlie’s hand felt good in his, like it fitted - and the spark when they had first touched...

“You honestly think that, Charlie?” Colby didn’t sound convinced.

“I hope so, Colby. You’ve not done anything wrong.” Charlie paused, gathering his thoughts. “You uncovered the identity of a spy in the DoJ. You’re a hero - whether you agree or not. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

“What does the Math tell you?”

Charlie looked sheepish. “I’ve not run any. So, tell me, how long until you get out of here?”

“Couple of days, I think. Still waiting on some test results.”

“Then what happens?”

Colby shrugged. “I go home.”

“Colby. You know what I’m asking. Do you return to Don’s team?”

“I’ve no idea Charlie. I suppose once I’ve been de-briefed I’ll have a clearer picture of what happens next.” Colby sighed. “Can we change the subject? How are things with you and Amita?”


“What?” Colby was surprised by Charlie’s bluntness.

“We broke up.” Charlie shrugged. “It just wasn’t happening. I...I realised I didn’t want to be with her. So, I ended things. I didn’t want to string her along any longer than necessary.”

“Must be difficult, working together now.”

“She’s taken a job at Harvard. Said she didn’t want to be around me anymore. She thought I’d been cheating on her.”

“Charlie Eppes, did you cheat on Amita?” Colby managed to smile at the thought of Charlie cheating on Amita, but why did he feel so pleased about their breakup?

“NO! NO!” Charlie exclaimed. “I didn’t cheat on Amita - well, not really. I...I just realised that I have feelings for someone else. Amita noticed I was being a bit distant with her, and worked it out.”

“So, who is this mystery person?” Colby asked. “Hey, I’m in hospital. I need cheering up."

Charlie shook his head. “My lips are sealed.”

Colby wouldn’t let the subject drop. “Anyone I know? It’s just you’ve been holding my hand for the past 15 minutes...”

Charlie blushed deeply, releasing his hold on Colby’s hand. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I...I’d better go then...”

“Why?” Colby interrupted.

“Colby, I just admitted to having...having inappropriate feelings for you and...and I think it would make sense for me to leave now. Before I embarrass myself any further.”

“Charlie. Stay. Please.” Colby’s eyes pleaded silently with Charlie’s. “I didn’t move my hand.” Charlie stared blankly at him. “You know, for a genius you can be a bit thick at times. I like you Charlie, have done since the day we met, but I could never act on it because of...everything!”

“You like me?”

“Yeah, Charlie. I like you.” Colby met his eyes. “So what now?”

( Part Two )

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