So guys, the original post I made yesterday
has been updated. If you haven't seen it yet, please do. If you have, there are some things added. Anyway, I'm posting here the most important information.
The Twitter invasion plus the NBC/SyFy mailing times have been settled for Saturday 8-10pm and Sunday 7-9pm.
(eastern time has been decided).
Remember we are trying to get a trending topic, showing we are there, but saying whay we love it, what we want, etc. Rememebr to tweet it to @nbc ♥
AS you see, I also added SyFy, because we have considered the possibility of asking them to do re-runs and maybe get lucky enough for them to do the wrap up. So, let's spread the word. let's make everybody tweet and mail these weekend (and the next, and the next, and how many weekends you are up to!). More information can be found
in the original post.
I found (actually, someone did and she/he gave it to me!) a mail were we could send "butterflies" [specially for those like me that can't actually send them by typical mail!] I think we should add it to the hours of "spam" ♥
French, Jamie
Director - NBC Entertainment Publicity
Division: NBC Entertainment
"The human will can take ashes and make them into ice-cream"
(modes, I hope this is ok! :DD!).