i refuse to give up || four ideas to make a difference

Jul 30, 2009 01:58

Fandom, don’t die on me. I’m here to make you a proposal (more than one actually). I know we are all sad, enraged and hopeless, that the sentence was given and that we are trying to cope with our loss. However, I refuse to give up. Call me too naïve (which I am), call me too optimistic (which I am) and call me stubborn (which I am even more) but this is a fight I’m not ready to loose.

“Hope lies in bravery. And we need hope.”

So, if you, like me, still wish we can at least get a closure, a second season, a mini-second season, but refuse to just let go, then, please come in. Read, consider it, and take part. These are just some ideas I [a little too away from USA as to be helpful with the letter sending and unavailable to watch the series on Hulu] thought. Some ideas that don’t take much time, some ideas that if we MOVE TOGETHER will be way more stronger than if we just try on our own.

"Together mountains can move"

All I ask of you is that you read this entry and give us your hand, so that we can be a fandom, a strong-fandom. Let’s speak our voice, let’s make them hear us. And even if we can’t get the response we want, at least, we won’t go unnoticed.

I hope I’m good enough with speeches and caught you attention, I’m going to propose you different ways of moving the fandom. Or what we could translate as to speak up, ways to say we are not indifferent to this cancellation. I’m going to list them per number, and I really want to know what you think about all them.

Campaign #1 | Half my kingdom it is (or the twitter invasion).

This was the original idea (the one that eventually morphed to the ones I’ll talk next) and it came for simple try and fail. A friend and I have been tweeting #kings #savekings like mad the last five days, hoping that somehow, we could made it into the trending topics. We have gotten people who have yet to see the show to do it too (who actually offered without asking!) and we have spammed the hell out of our twitters. Yet, nothing has happened. We are only two, and some more. We are making no difference.

What I propose to do is simple. Let’s think together, let’s arrange one day. Let’s call it the Kings day. Let’s say. Saturday, maybe between hour X and hour Z (so that we can aloud people from everywhere to take part). Let’s take one date and spam the hell out of twitter. Not me and her. Me, her and ALL OF YOU. Let’s have tweets every third of a second saying how much we want Kings, how much we loved it, how much we want closure.

And let’s make it ALL TOGETHER. Let’s just arrange a date, some period of time and spam until everybody else hates us for it. Let’s tweet those messages to @nbc. Let’s write mini-letters to them of 140 characters. We can make our point if we go by mass.

So, do you think you could do it? Make a twitter especially for the occasion if you have one or don’t want to spam yours? Do you think we could propose a date, a time, and we could actually do it? Can we reach Trending topics? Are we capable? I’m listening, and I’m willing.

Campaign #2 | He wants what I will not let him take. (or the attack to the roots of the problem).

This was suggested quite some time ago, when we still didn’t know if the show was cancelled or not. And it’s quite similar in nature to the one above. The NBC page has a Contact section. Kings is not listed between the shows, but you can always choose Other.

I have to confess that this idea was a bit inspired by Dollhouse’s fans. I can’t phone NBC, and I don’t know if you can. But what I can do is contact them.

Why I say this is pretty similar in nature to the twitter invasion or why it was inspired by Dollhouse’s fans? Because I think that like twitter, we’ll work better by mass.

Not only have I suggested that we should contact NBC through that page, but that we should do it AT THE SAME TIME. Or at least, in a not to wide time range. What if this was the Kings on NBC day. What if we just sat and wrote some lines, polite, nice words. What if we just let them hear out love for Kings. All together at the same time. They’ll be loaded by “mails” of us. Even if they decide to ignore them, they won’t be able to NOT SEE THEM.

They cannot delete them without actually knowing they are there.

So, would you be in for this? Should we make this a different date that the twitter one? How much time? Are you in for it? Cause, I am.

We have added the idea of also emailing SyFy.
If you have suggestions or comments for our Programming Department about Syfy or any of its shows, please contact:

Quoting germaricanmix "So I do think we should send feedback to syfy asking them to air Kings re-runs and mention that we would love a mini-series/movie to wrap things up if those re-runs are successful. Yes/no?"

Campaign #3 | People with destinies… (or the “We love you Michael Green” messages).

We all have read Michael Green’s Goodbye post.
We all have gone incredible sad over it.
Only 100 people (to be yet) have left a comment. (I include myself in the bastards that have yet to say something, and hopefully I’ll find the words after I post this here.!)

The proposal? I’m sure you have already figured out. Let’s leave a message, let’s fill the page with comments thanking Michael Green for the show. We are not only making a mark, we are not only saying “we are here” but we are also showing the writer, cast and everybody else in this show how much we appreciate them in first place for having given us such an amazing experience.

It’s two birds in one shot. It can’t go wrong.
Let’s thank them then!! Let’s show our support!!

Let’s show how Kings touched way more than just 100 people.

Campaign #4 | Truth outed slowly is remembered longest (or the let’s populate livejournal with Kings project).

I’m going to be sincere; I can’t stop myself for wanting things like this. Fill the world (aka livejournal lol) with prettiness. And this comes from the concept that we need people to do the previous campaigns.

THE MORE THE BETTER: “more envelopes, more hope,” right?

So, NBC had an awesome marketing material, probably not enough, probably they didn’t really know what to do with it. So I say, let’s us do it for them. Let’s make every place we touch fill with Kings. Let’s say: The King was here.

How I propose we do so?
[Besides the fact that actually saying “the Kings was here” doesn’t seem like a bad idea now that I think about it]

Easy. Butterflies. Butterflies and symbols. Icons and banners. And that probably doesn’t answer what I’m proposing, so, I’ll explain. I made some icons and banners containing the butterfly symbol. I even edited one of the Ads from NBC. And what are this “icons” and banners for?

They are some sort of signatures. [Though icons can be used as icons!] The idea is that every time we post, no matter where, we end with this little image of Kings. These banners (lil banners!) and icons are pasted at the end of our posts, no matter where. With links either to this post (if you think that’s best) or to King’s official page. I think it would be better to link here, but, I’m waiting for your opinion on that.

It’s simple, it’s not invading, and it probably will make people curious (or I’m hoping it will!). It’s there… everywhere. On our journals, on the comms we visit.

Actually, it would be nice if we signed all the comments with “The Kings was here. We are fan”. (which, yes, I just developed in my mind while writing this [the “we are fan” phrase comes from him. It was in his signature to a post and I kind of loved it].)

Let’s make everybody wonder what the hell we are talking about. Let’s get more people know about Kings, let’s get more people to help us. They gain, we gain, nobody looses ♥

Icon 1 | Icon 2 | Icon 3
Banner 1 | Banner 2 | Banner 3 | Banner 4
Ad 1 | Ad 2

(if you think this works and want me to make codes for this, tell me, I will and add them!).

Conclusion | "Be brave now..."

Are we staying arms crossed? Are we sitting at home saying “it’s over”? Or are we in? Can we fight? Can we stand and face our Goliath?

“I surrender; shoot me and call it enough. Or can one of you come down here and show me your face? Show me that you're more than tank, metal and shell - that you're human like we are.”

I’m here. I’m waiting.
Don’t leave me alone on this fandom.

"The human will can take ashes and make them into ice-cream"

Should be do the tweeting and mailing on Saturday from 8 to 10pm & Sunday from 7 to 9pm? I'm I right about the times Kings was aired? If we decide this we can announce it and let everybody know !!

Also, a friend suggest I did this. Maybe we coul use it to sign.
Here is the code for it with link if you are interested!

The King was here. We are Fan.
Code for just text:
http://community.livejournal.com/kings_tv/71062.html>The King was here. We are Fan.

PS: If you want to pimp this, here is the code for the banner with link and all ♥

PS2: You are totally allowed to say I'm way to crazy and naïve. Actually, it'll help the hit be not that strong LOL

To mods: I wasn't sure this applied, but as I didn't know how to tag. I hope it's fine :D

resources: petition

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