open season: drabble meme

Jun 14, 2009 02:41

AW HALE YOU GUYS, I was planning on posting the first part of an epic fic to celebrate the airing of the seventh episode, but that's not gonna happen for technical reasons. SIGH. Instead, I am declaring a drabble meme:

1. Comment with a prompt and/or pairing.

2. Get a drabble in response.

3. That's it!

Other people are welcome to participate, of course, but I personally will try and fill out as many prompts as possible while I still can. That's not going to last long, just for the next few hours, until I have to actually... get up in the morning. BUT WHAT THE HELL, it's a long night and Kings is back up: this should be reason to celebrate!

Oh, and no spoilers from the most recent episode; not all of us live in Americana, guys.


ETA: Here's a list of the current prompts, divided into 'filled' and 'unfilled', and subdivided by pairing:


Jack/David; surprises. (requested: gaviotas, filled: miarr)
Jack/David; at David's family farm, full house [2 takes]. (requested: artemisphoenix, filled: thearchpoet, filled: miarr)
Jack/David; jealousy. (requested: ashdoode, filled: miarr)

Jack/Joseph; clandestine. (requested: duckgirlie, filled: miarr)
Jack/Joseph; breakfast. (requested: inthekeyofd, filled: miarr)

Michelle/David; talking about Jack. (requested: quitesometime, filled: rodlox)

Jack, Michelle, Silas; stuck with a flat tire. (requested: roga, filled: miarr)
Seth, David; together in a room. (requested: rodlox, filled: quitesometime)
Jack, Michelle; talking about Michelle's exes. (requested: mocca_fix_gold, filled: quitesometime)
Rose; accidentally discovering Jack's list of paid-off trysts. (requested: miarr, filled: quitesometime)


Jack/David, Michelle/David; twins discover they've both been with David. (requested: mercuryblue144)

Jack/David; caught by a family member. (requested: artemisphoenix
Jack/David; exile, discovery by Silas. (requested: denzelryuu)
Jack/David; angst. (requested: ashdoode)

Michelle/David; futurefic, firstborn twins. (requested: rodlox)

Jack; staying up at midnight, eavesdropping. (requested: roga)
David, Silas; political awareness of their enemies. (requested by: rodlox)
Michelle; country life without David. (requested: rodlox)
Rose, Michelle; girl talk. (requested: mocca_fix_gold)

That all for now, but come on, fandom, you can do better than that! Let's fill out this list and think up some more-we're supposed to be creative, aren't we?

For any comments, questions, etc. feel free to send me a private message and/or comment @ miarr.


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