Fans of Rock Band

Jul 14, 2008 15:33

Will most definitely want to check this out... (be sure to scroll down for a snap of the premium $300 drum kit you can purchase)...

All I have to say is that I'd pay a grip of cash just to play System's Chop Suey, much less the rest o' the tunes...

Ok, one lame element - it's releasing on xBox in Sept and on PS3 "later this year"????  WTF?

video games, gizmodo, rock band

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Comments 30

grande July 14 2008, 22:45:06 UTC
i read an article from a huge developer recently that said that developing for the ps3 as anything other than a side effect is not cost efficient.

i'm no ms fanboi, but the 360 is an amazing system.


kingfuraday July 14 2008, 23:43:58 UTC
I bought a bluray player that plays video games...


grande July 15 2008, 00:27:36 UTC
i think sony's 'entertainment nexus' concept backfired with the ps3.

and that the only reason i picked up a ps3. best blu ray player around, and the occasional game.


cpratt July 14 2008, 22:49:49 UTC
Developing for the 360 is painless compared to the PS3. Plus, the Xbox 360 installed base is still >2x what the PS3's is.


kingfuraday July 14 2008, 23:44:57 UTC
I don't know what an installed base is... but if it means I have to wait 'til later in the year then so be it...

I bought my ps3 for bluray (and was happy to find out the thing also occasionally plays video games).


cpratt July 14 2008, 23:46:47 UTC
Installed base == fancy computer-speak for "number of shipped units in use in people's homes." Right now there are something like 5 million PS3s and 10-11 million Wii and Xbox 360 machines out there; Wii is set to be #1 Real Soon Now.

I bought my PS3 for Blu-ray as well and have yet to actually play a single video game on it. Hm.


kingfuraday July 14 2008, 23:50:36 UTC
re: games on ps3

It is a shame. There really isn't shit to play on the damn thing. Beyond Lego Indy that is.

I still use my ps3 daily for movies and music though so I don't have any complaints. I would have to get physical if they didn't release RB at all though. As it is, if the Portal info commented here is true I already have my can of woopass half open.


seidnernin July 14 2008, 23:24:45 UTC
I'm a 360 fanboy too, if only they'd adapt to blu ray now...but hell today they announced streaming movies from netflix so...WHOO HOO! Is that drum set real? Why wasn't it part of the Rock Band 2 announcement? Especially when the old drum set will work? Hmmm Look awesome, but i'm sure the bundle for rock band 2 with the new drums will be cheaper. I could be wrong.

And did you see? A sequel to Portal only on the 360 in the fall....I heart GladDOs


kingfuraday July 14 2008, 23:45:40 UTC
GladDOs and the portal crew can suck my fat circumsized cock if they plan on keeping it xBox only.


seidnernin July 14 2008, 23:50:12 UTC
No No, you'll get it...But after we do. No i'm not being crude, I'm getting a PS3 for blu-ray...but like cpratt says, the bigger the installed base dictates who gets what first.

If Sony doesn't get you the Portal sequel...I will suck your fat circumsized cock and give you my xbox360 (just long enough to finish it.)


kingfuraday July 14 2008, 23:51:27 UTC
It's a deal...


bigreddee July 14 2008, 23:41:47 UTC
360 is coming first because of the backwards compatibility feature (being able to play ALL of RB1's songs on RB2, which, for me, is already a step above GHWT) and the (infinitely cleaner, user-friendlier) downloadable store. Overall, they've been doing more biz with the 360's XBox Live experience.


seidnernin July 14 2008, 23:43:34 UTC
Actually the RB1 songs will apply to the PS3 crowd too, and it's only going to be like 2 months at the most after. But you're right, it's because all sales are the most on 360. In time, i'm sure we'll see the PS3 winning the war. I hate to say it until MS finally accepts blu ray.


bigreddee July 15 2008, 00:04:55 UTC
Hehe, sorry I was typing on my phone with my previous comment. What I meant to also add was that the difficulties the programmers are having going backwards compatible for the PS3 are what are holding them back from releasing at the same time.


kingfuraday July 16 2008, 00:18:31 UTC
The vibe I got was that they might even make it in a way that you can pull the first gen library off the disc so that at the end of the day you'd have every song available on demand to play... or perhaps that's too much to wish for?

Me, I just picked up new Weezer for RB - and Muse too - Yaay!


Oh to Tame the TENSION! seidnernin July 15 2008, 00:03:25 UTC

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