Fans of Rock Band

Jul 14, 2008 15:33

Will most definitely want to check this out... (be sure to scroll down for a snap of the premium $300 drum kit you can purchase)...

All I have to say is that I'd pay a grip of cash just to play System's Chop Suey, much less the rest o' the tunes...

Ok, one lame element - it's releasing on xBox in Sept and on PS3 "later this year"????  WTF?

video games, gizmodo, rock band

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Comments 30

cubtharsis July 15 2008, 20:07:50 UTC
What kicks so much ass about the drum kit is not that it's a Rock Band drum it's that a 3rd party developer is making it and Harmonix is totally supporting/encouraging it, where Guitar Hero on the flip side wants to break guitars that they haven't branded with Aerosmith or there Activison logos. I think Rock Band is on the right track to hopefully dominating the music game market and not forcing us fans to have a whole room dedicated to our Fisher Price instruments.

Oh and playing System's Chop Suey will kick ass!

Sorry there delaying it on your system of choice. That kinda crap always ticks me off. I really want the PS3 to eventually win the console battle (I think it's the one system that has always encouraged unique gaming experiences), but it seems like there making some pretty dumb choices. Hopefully Sony is starting to realize that us gamers want some good games asap to go along with our amazing Blue Ray player! Though Little Big Planet is shaping up to look like the next killer app.


kingfuraday July 16 2008, 00:22:48 UTC
Totally agreeing. I'm all for 3rd party apps as long as they uphold the quality standards (most/all? of the GH guitars I've seen blow cock).

For now I'm cool with RB - since I found the ps2 adapters and no longer have to use to OG RB guitar.

So what's Little Big Planet?


cubtharsis July 20 2008, 19:23:35 UTC
Little Big Planet is an online 4 player co-op/competitive puzzle adventure game. I think Sony is banking on it stealing some of the thunder from the xbox. The cool part about the game is that it has a level/puzzle designer so people who have the time to do it can upload levels to the game that are then able to be downloaded by people like us to play and enjoy.

It's a little hard to explain, but there are some decent videos of it running that make a little more sense then my explanation. Anyhow it looks like a bunch of fun to play with your buddies. Speaking of which, whats your PS3 tag...i'm DocBozwell.

Heres a link to an E3 video showing some of the game.


ericsandgo July 21 2008, 04:31:06 UTC
Just remember you now have an upstairs neighbor, and vertical noise transmission is MUCH worse than the side-to-side noise transmission.

You might want to do a sound-check or two with Kelsey. (smile)


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