ficlet project again

Oct 24, 2008 01:15

I'm embarking on the ficlet project once again, because I do find it fun, not to mention helpful in getting me to actually write. My goal is to write something daily between now and the end of November (yes, this was partially triggered by people's posts about NaNo) but of course this may change if RL stuff (such as a job OMG PLEASE PLEASE) intervenes.

Here's how it works: you give me a request with a fandom, a character or two (or a pairing) and a brief prompt. The prompt should be something that can be written at drabble length, so please keep it simple and don't ask for an epic plot. The next day (hopefully) I post the result and then accept a new request from the first commenter.

This system, with the first commenter getting to request, isn't meant as a contest or as a way to force people to comment. If I post a story in a fandom you don't know or don't care about, but you want to make a request, feel free to just jump in without reading or commenting on the ficlet I posted.

I will only accept one request per day. I don't want a backlog building up, because it makes me anxious. Also, once I've written a request for you, please don't make another request for a week or so even if you are the first commenter again.

I'm most comfortable writing boyslash and gen, but I'm provisionally willing to try my hand at girlslash and het (canon het only, please). However, if you ask me for something I don't feel able to write, for any reason, I will ask you to change your request.

Below the cut are the fandoms I can write.

Blake's 7
Doctor Who (Second, Third, Eighth [TVM and EDAs, not audios], Ninth, Tenth Doctors)
The Professionals

Secondary TV (I'm willing to try these, but they're fandoms where I'm not actively fannish and/or feel shaky on the canon):

CSI (not S8 or S9)
due South
The Fast Show
Pushing Daisies
Red Dwarf


Hot Fuzz
Shaun of the Dead
Various gay movies (e.g. Brokeback Mountain, Maurice, My Beautiful Laundrette, The Talented Mr. Ripley, etc. If it's got gay men in it, chances are good that I've seen it and could try to write it.)
Other--feel free to ask, and if I don't know it, I'll just ask you to pick a different fandom.


Raymond Chandler's Marlowe novels
Reginald Hill's Dalziel and Pascoe novels
China Miéville's Bas Lag novels
Harry Potter
Mary Renault's Greek novels and The Charioteer
Ruth Rendell/Barbara Vine
Melissa Scott and Lisa A. Barnett's Pointman novels
Shakespeare and other English lit standards
Other--feel free to ask.

Comics: I haven't been reading comics lately, but I can try Hellblazer, so long as it's not super-new canon, and Sandman. My comics are still in storage, though, so please don't give me a prompt that's heavily dependent on details of a particular storyline.


If you have any questions, just leave a comment on this post. Oh, and the first commenter on this post gets to request a ficlet.


ficlet project admin, ficlet project

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