
Jul 26, 2007 21:50

I'm rather sad that only one person commented on my Torchwood fic. In fact, I don't seem to get many comments on anything in this journal anymore, and it worries me.

Thereforce, I beg for comments nudge the lurkers poll!

Please only take the poll if you have this journal friended or read it at least occasionally.

a poll, with obligatory silly last question )

polls, meta

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Comments 37

eccentrici July 27 2007, 04:30:07 UTC
As soon as the Summer Reading Program is over and I have a life again, I will comment. I promise. I must make a blanket statement that anything you write pretty much kicks ass.


kindkit July 27 2007, 20:26:41 UTC
Heh. This wasn't about guilting people into commenting.

Well. Okay, it kind of was. *grins sheepishly*

But busy people get a pass! And from the little bit you've posted about the Summer Reading Program, it's keeping you extremely busy.


marginalia July 27 2007, 06:16:22 UTC
although, for what it's worth, i have read very little fic (sans yuletide, the yearly femslash ficathon, & random bouts of popslash) in the past two years or so. so it's not you in particular or anything. it's me failing at fandom. i tried using del.icio.us to bookmark to read stuff and i still can't manage to do it. i don't know why.

also, i am really bad at guessing how much i do or do not comment. but i tried.


kindkit July 27 2007, 20:31:48 UTC
i have read very little fic (sans yuletide, the yearly femslash ficathon, & random bouts of popslash) in the past two years or so

I think a lot of people are in more-or-less this position. I read waaaaay less than I used to and I'm less willing to take a chance on writers I don't know or pairings that aren't necessarily my thing. I wonder if that happens a lot to people who've been around a few years, or if it's an effect of the sheer quantity of fic available on LJ, or something else entirely.


lord_dingsi July 28 2007, 05:05:35 UTC
I wonder if that happens a lot to people who've been around a few years, or if it's an effect of the sheer quantity of fic available on LJ

At first I was going to say "the former", because I think that, when you first dive into (a) fandom, it's still new and exciting and you read all you can get your greedy little hands on. At least that's what it felt like for me. But after a while you have seen enough to a) recognize all the bad sides of fandom, e.g. the Sues/Stus in a story, and b) have formed and refined your own tastes and desires when it comes to fictional stories. (Which is not to say that one doesn't have own tastes in fic from the beginning, but perhaps can't put them into words or pin them down as easily as after having read fic for two years.)

But I think perhaps the quantity does play into it, because lately I have seen many people say that they only read fic they found on rec sites or via friends. And of course that's coming back to the experience/quality issue, but it also shows that the amount of fic available is ( ... )


st_aurafina July 27 2007, 06:59:31 UTC
I have it open in tabs to read!


st_aurafina July 27 2007, 07:07:15 UTC
Also - I ticked "I'm afraid you'll bite me" not because I think you're going to bite me, but it best fitted how I feel which is "I'm really worried that I'll look stupid and then someone will bite me."


kindkit July 27 2007, 20:35:55 UTC
The fear of being bitten/kerfuffled is totally understandable. (I recently had someone imply--in a discussion on a third party's journal)--that because I don't like what was done with a certain female character, I'm a bad feminist and one of those boyslashers who will bash any woman who interferes with her chosen boykissing. It still rankles, as you can probably tell.)


shadowvalkyrie July 27 2007, 08:45:53 UTC
*blush* Officially delurking here. I friended your journal a week or so ago and planned to comment as soon as you posted fic in a fandom I like. (I have no clue about Dr. Who or Torchwood, seeing as neither is even on TV over here and I don't often watch TV anyway, so I don't read those fics and subsequently don't comment on them.) I certainly didn't mean to make you sad, though. *guilty face*

As for the meta, I like that, too, but usually am not informed enough to comment and so far didn't want to jump in without you knowing me first.


kindkit July 27 2007, 20:41:12 UTC
planned to comment as soon as you posted fic in a fandom I like

*nods* I've had a serious case of fannish drift in the last couple of years. I started out completely monofannish--Buffy all the way--shifted over to due South for a while, and now I'm interested in a whole bunch of unrelated fandoms. I keep thinking it must be annoying to people who friended me for one fandom ("god, when is Kit going to write in a fandom I give a damn about?").

As for meta . . . please don't be shy if you want to say something. If I didn't want comments, I wouldn't post publicly!


shadowvalkyrie July 28 2007, 10:04:21 UTC
I'm glad I seem to be forgiven and can now jump into discussion until people are sick of my uninformed opinion. *ggg*

I keep thinking it must be annoying to people who friended me for one fandom
Not really. Actually, that's what got me into X-Men, for example: a friend started to write fic and rec things to me and I found out I liked more than just the movies. Now I'm frequently reading X-Men fics, even in comic-verse (though I'm not much of a regular comic reader). Another friend was writing LotR fic, and while I swore to keep away from the fandom, because Tolkien's books /are/ my childhood and the movies were one huge disappointment, and I really didn't want that old love of mine spoiled any further, I read her fics and liked them and now can read those of other people as well, without having it change my view on canon.
And who knows, maybe I will come to like your still-unknown-to-me fandoms. Sooner or later everything that's successful in the US comes swept across the ocean. ";-D


wisdomeagle July 27 2007, 15:16:19 UTC
I tried to click "interested in Harry Potter" and "Harry and Snape should have kissed" very emphatically. Not that this is an especially apropos time to be thinking these things on LJ.

I am very bad about commenting on nearly everything these days (for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with anything outside my head), but when I have time, I do read most of your posts with interest.


kindkit July 27 2007, 20:43:30 UTC
I tried to click "interested in Harry Potter" and "Harry and Snape should have kissed" very emphatically

*grins* There is surely some very fucked-up Harry/Snape to be written where Snape sees Harry as a second chance with Lily. Dunno if I'm going to write it, but someone certainly should.

I do have an HP ficlet I need to finish, which I started before DH came out but which luckily was not Jossed by it. It's not about Snape or Harry, though, sadly.


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