Une Histoire D'Amour de Chat 3/?

Aug 09, 2012 11:09

Title: Une Histoire D'Amour de Chat

Pairings: Yusuf/Ariadne, Eames/Arthur

Summary: In which Eames loves Arthur, no matter what form he is in... or in which cat!Arthur acquires a stalker that goes by the name of Eames and Yusuf seems to be the only person who cares.

Note: Somehow, the story doesn't end up having a stalking plot... but I'm too lazy to fix the summary so there you go.

Warnings: Fluff, magical potions in a world of science, and a little bit of bestiality...


Chapter 3

Ten minutes later, Yusuf thought that the cat had left but just as he thought so a rather atrocious yowling can be heard from outside.

Startled, Arthur stops his organizing of Yusuf’s disorderly desk and daintily walks across the counter to peer out the large windows. Seemingly spotting the perpetrator, Arthur begin hissing and scratching at the air in front of him as if he is yelling at the other to stop its racket and leave.

The yowling gets louder and (dare he say it?) more passionate in reply.

Curious, Yusuf walks over only to realize that the orange tabby is still there and seems to be serenading the window to death. Glancing up, he notices how the people walking down the street make a huge circle around the front of the pharmacy.

Yusuf can feel an irritating twitch forming on his temple.

At this rate, he’s not going to have any customers coming in at all.

However, ticked as he is, he still doesn’t want to go outside and shoo the cat away. The evil pervert might not look it, but it has some wicked claws that Yusuf has no wish to experience again.

Resigned, he took a deep breath and pats Arthur on the back, “Leave it alone. You’ll just encourage it, Arthur. It’ll leave once it gets bored.”

Arthur growls lowly at his command, but hiss at the cat one last time and reluctantly walks back to paw at Yusuf’s mess of notes.

Yusuf turns back to the tabby outside and he can practically see the death rays coming out of its evil, beady eyes.

Oh, if looks can kill…

In return, he points a finger sternly at it and glares, projecting a “back off” in his gaze.

Walking back to his desk, Yusuf rolls his eyes as the cat outside begins a new onslaught of yowling, angrier this time.


Two hours later, the atrocious noise had blessedly stopped. He thought that he was going to go crazy. Arthur is antsy himself, lying down on his cushion with his white mittens pressing down on his ears and his tail waving in annoyance.

Hopefully, the cat had fainted from lack of air, and, better yet, some crows are now picking at its body.

Hearing a bell chime, Yusuf looks up to see his beloved once again taking one of her numerous early breaks. Standing up with a smile on his face, Yusuf spreads his arms for a hug but paused at the look on her face.

“Yusuf, there’s a cat peeing on your door. You should do something about it before Arthur kills it.”

His face switches to one of disgust and anger. Only Arthur can mark the pharmacy like that.

Yusuf shifts his gaze to the window and he see an orange head staring creepily back with large pupil blown eyes.

Yusuf and Arthur hiss in unison.

“That cat is still there? I thought that it had left by now.”

Hearing Ariadne gasps in horror, he turns around just in time to catch a hard smack from his lady.

“Ouch. What was that for, sweetheart?”

He rubs his abused shoulder.

“Yusuf, I cannot believe you! How could you? Leaving a cat obviously in need of a loving home and help outside to fend for itself. And Arthur, I thought better of you.”

The two flinch back, chastised and cowed by their mistress.

With a huff, Ariadne walks back to open the door and Yusuf can see that the devil’s spawn is looking particularly smug as if knowing that it had won.

Yusuf grumbles and hugs Arthur to his chest as a security blanket, and they both glower as the orange tabby struts inside and rub its smug little self against Ariadne. She coos at the little devil, charmed to the high heavens.

Picking the fat cat into her arms, she chucks it under its chin.

The thing’s purr can be heard throughout the pharmacy.

“Oh, look at you. Aren’t you just the most darling little thing?”

Yusuf can feel Arthur bristling in his arms at the comment, and he quite agree. If anything, Arthur is the most darling little thing to have ever existed; Ariadne had said so herself many times. That cat, however… Oh, that cat…

He watches as Ariadne plucks at its tail and when she glances down, Yusuf swears the little devil puffs its chest out in pride.

The nasty little pervert.

“Oh, look. It’s a boy. Yusuf - ,“ she turns expectantly to him.

Arthur and he tense, afraid of what’s going to come next.

“Can we keep him?”

Arthur growls, while he wails out a loud “NO!” There is no way that that THING is going to be living with them.

Ariadne merely stares blankly at them and then shrugs, “Welcome to the family, Eames.”

The two petulant males rear back in shock, “You named him? You can’t do that, sweetheart! Quick throw him out before you get attached!”

Yusuf made to move towards Ariadne, who is currently glaring at him in warning. She clutched the preening devil closer to her chest, which said devil is currently rubbing its mangy little head to.

“Oh stop being so dramatic. We’re keeping him and that’s final.”


“No, Yusuf.”



“But he’s-“

“Nooo,” Ariadne draws out, as if to make a point.

“He’s a guy,” Yusuf whines in a last ditched effort.

Ariadne raises an incredulous eyebrow, “So? You’re a guy; Arthur’s a guy. You don’t see me making a fuss about it.”

Thus begin the terrible, painful and dreadful stare off. A war that Yusuf always loses despite the sweat and blood put into it. Ten seconds in, the heat from his beloved’s eyes drags him to the ground and tore him apart like a vulture to a carcass.

There is no mercy.

Yusuf whimpers pitifully as he finally lowers his eyes; his alpha looks at him in approval. In the corner of his eye, he can see Eames leering lecherously at Arthur.

That does it!

“Fine, but we’re castrating him,” he isn’t ready to admit full defeat yet.

Eames jerks and yowls out something that sounds like a NO. Quite impressive for a cat, Yusuf reluctantly admits.

Ariadne shrugs and the cat places its paws on her chest, staring at her in disbelief. That alone made Yusuf feels particularly smug.

“Okay, as long as you and Arthur are castrated as well,” she answers back.

Yusuf and Arthur stare at her, flabbergasted, while Ariadne stares pointedly at them.

“…fine,” Yusuf concedes grudgingly.

The two of them huff in irritation, while Ariadne high five with the smug, fat, evil cur from the deepest depths of Hell.

Chapter 4

pairings: yusuf/ariadne, inception, pairings: eames/arthur

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