Une Histoire d'Amour de Chat 2/?

Jul 30, 2012 15:20

Title: Une Histoire d'Amour de Chat

Pairings: Eames/Arthur, Yusuf/Ariadne

Summary: In which Eames loves Arthur, no matter what form he is in... or in which cat!Arthur acquires a stalker that goes by the name of Eames and Yusuf seems to be the only person who cares.

Note: I'm sorry for taking so long on finishing such a short chapter.

Warnings: Fluff, magical potions in a world of science, and a little bit of bestiality...


Chapter Two

Arthur easily carved a niche for himself into their lives, and it seems as if he had filled a hole that Yusuf never knew existed.

In fact, it wasn’t until Ariadne called out “Arthur! Come to mommy!” that he finally figured it out.

Arthur is their beautiful love child.

Their perfect child.

A child that Yusuf is pretty sure has OCD. He’s also sure that Arthur is a ninja, as well, but he hasn’t been able to prove that yet.


Like the proud parent that he is, he watched as his baby grew up from a ball of fluff into a sleek and gorgeous tomcat with fetching amber eyes. If he was a lady, he would’ve snatched him up at the drop of a bat.

With his rather paternal instincts, Ariadne often jokes that Arthur is Yusuf’s little princess… which he is.

It doesn’t help that Yusuf has a tendency to buy numerous bejeweled pink collars for his baby, as well.

Arthur doesn’t seem to mind, though, and seems to favor Yusuf over Ariadne. He would willingly get off of Ariadne’s lap to curl in his instead.

For some reason, he has a suspicious feeling that Arthur seems to favor him only because of the extra comfort that his slight chubbiness provides. Ariadne only snickers when he voices it.

Arthur had also continued being his ever so helpful assistant at work, trailing closely after him or being carried in his arm when they cross the street to the pharmacy.

In fact, it was during one of these short walks to work that everything changed.


As usual, Arthur was waiting outside on the street for him, and just as he steps out the door, Yusuf spots a rather big, pudgy, orange tabby trotting towards Arthur as if it’s about to pounce on a poor unsuspecting mice.

Arthur, being the ninja that he is, jumps from his spot and swipes at the tabby’s face before the cat collides into him. This promptly stops the tabby in its track and made it retreat a few steps back in surprise.

The cat stares at Arthur for a few dumbfounded moments, as if this is a predicament that it had never faced before, and then tilts its head, like it was trying to puzzle his aggressor out.

A tense millisecond later, Arthur seems to have had enough and attempts another swipe at the new cat. The tabby easily dodges it, and, finally making up its mind, it leans forward into Arthur’s face to sniff at his nose in a rather suave manner.

Yusuf is not cat literate, but he’s pretty sure that the cat is flirting with his baby.

He can practically see the look of contempt on Arthur’s face as Arthur leans away from the intruding cat.

Unperturbed, the orange tabby circles Arthur and began sniffing him at random places while Arthur follows it suspiciously. Then in a quick move, the cat jerks its head down below Arthur’s tummy.

Yusuf gave a scandalized shout, while Arthur began a barrage of furious swipes. Annoyingly enough, the pervert merely drew back and purrs in response.

Having enough of the new cat, Yusuf quickly went over and lifts Arthur into his arms. His baby immediately calms down, but he still looks over to hiss down at the cat below who's currently pulling off a rather impressive scowl.

Yusuf scowls back.

He doesn't like the look of the pervert at all and Arthur's reactions further confirms it. If the new cat circling his leg predatorily says anything at all, then the cat doesn't seem to like Yusuf either.

He gave a loud yelp as the pudgy thing tries to climb up his leg to Arthur.

"Oh no, you don't."

Yusuf gave a hard jerk of his leg to shake the heavy thing off and, bravely, push the orange pervert aside with his foot. He ignores the angry hisses directed at him as he carries his princess swiftly to the safety of his pharmacy.

Getting his keys out of his pocket to unlock the door, he realizes that the pest had followed them. Yusuf hugs Arthur closer to his chest as he glares down at the cat.

Opening the doors, he quickly steps in and close the door behind him, aware of the fact that the cat is determined to get in as well.

Once they're inside the pharmacy, Yusuf sighs in relief and glances outside only to see that the cat is now pacing in front of the pharmacy.

He shrugs at the sight and gently puts Arthur down on the counter.

Hopefully, it'll get tired and leave in the next five minutes.


You may have noticed that the new cat is sometimes referred to as IT. This is intentional. Yusuf doesn't know the gender of the new cat, yet.

Chapter 3

pairings: yusuf/ariadne, inception, pairings: eames/arthur

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