New: SGU Fic - Special Delivery - NC17 (Young/TJ)

Sep 03, 2011 05:37

Let's hope LJ can post this correctly.

Title: Special Delivery
Author: kimmy4eytj
Rating: NC-17 (M+)
Content Flags: graphic sex
Spoilers: Through S2E17 & S2E18; Common Descent & Epilogue
Pairing: Young and TJ
Word Count: 2020
Summary: Sex. PWP = Smut = Sex. Did I mention Sex? TJ has something she'd like to share with Everett.
Author's Notes: I needed some happy Novus time and what's better than a really good romp in the sunshine. I lost the first portion of this story to a computer glitch and ultimately decided not to recreate it. It detailed the process to chop a tree down and get it back to the settlement. All without use of motor or horse or oxen. Tough work for sure. Guaranteed to build muscle mass.
Disclaimer: SG Universe is owned by MGM, not me, darn it. Since they denied us the pleasure of these characters' company, I'm using them entirely without profit for my own playtime. Comments to my LJ if you wish.


The day started warm and muggy and promised rain with the heating of the day. A suffocating, fog haze lay low along the forest floor. Sounds of chopping wood echoed about the tree line, vague and muffled. The sun had reached its zenith and beat down hot atop TJ's head. She walked through a meadow, along the trampled track toward the chopping sounds.

Sweat trickled down her face and dampened her homespun clothing. She lifted her face to the sun and couldn't stop her smile. TJ spread her arms and twirled around, giggling. She couldn't contain her laughter. Not today. She hummed a sing song tune and shut her eyes to her dizzy spinning. She stopped before she could fall down and hugged herself.

Nothing could dampen her spirits today. She'd only realized late this morning. Everett had left early hoping to avoid the afternoon heat. Harvesting trees and getting them back to the settlement was exhausting work. He would be so surprised at her news. They had not thought it possible, not after her injuries. She couldn't wait to tell him.

She came upon him unexpectedly. A large, felled tree blocked the path out of the forest. Leather harnesses and ropes hung alongside a shirt over a gnarled root. Walking around the root ball, she saw him on his hands and knees, half beneath the tree. He was digging black soil out from under the trunk, pushing it behind him. He reminded her of a badger digging its burrow. She looked around for other people, but Everett was alone.

TJ paused to admire her view of his tightly muscled ass. He was angled down into the hole with his ass jutting up. His lower back rubbed up against the trunk leaving scrape marks. She would tend to those this evening. His back was covered in a glistening sheen of sweat. Several thin scrapes marked his shoulder blades. Looking closer, TJ realized they were located where she held him when making love. Apparently, she had left them this morning. I wonder if he knows?

That's how he must look when he rocks his hips, thrusting into me. She smiled thinking of their morning activity. She woke to him hard and inside her. Everett had moved fluidly, his thighs pushing against hers, opening her wider to his deep thrusting. She could still feel the effects of his love-making in her legs. When he came, he'd thrown his head back and bellowed a deep, husky groan. His hot spurts of come set off her climax and she arched up, grinding into his sweat, slick body.

TJ squirmed. Desire, hot and fierce burst within her. I want him again. How does he do that? Does he realize how he affects me? She took a steadying breath to calm her lust. It failed and she approached him with a devilish grin. She stepped behind him and cupped his ass, calling his name. “Everett.”

Startled, he reared up striking the tree trunk with his shoulders. “Son of a …. TJ?”

“Mmm. Come out from under there. I have something for you.” She held her palm to his ass caressing its curve.

Young twisted to look up at her. Her hair shone white-gold in the strong sunlight, framing her rosy hued cheeks. She's so beautiful, he thought. I'm truly a lucky man. Her impish, twinkling eyes bespoke her teasing. He smiled back. Whatever she had planned, he would go along with it. He was unable to resist her for any length of time.

Chuckling, he asked, “What do you have for me?” He stood, straddling the hole then leaned against the tree trunk. He swiped his hands together knocking black loam off.

Her gaze swept his body. Black soil clung to his upper torso. Sweat rivulets created furrows through the filth down to his waist line. TJ cocked her head as she admired him, plotting where to begin her approach. He looked so very primal, utterly male and excitingly virile covered in dirt and sweat. She felt a rush of heat flood her core. TJ reached a finger out, lightly touching his chest. She circled his small, male nipple, clearing away the dirt.

Entranced, he watched her finger traverse his chest and circle his other nipple. Her light touch raised his nipples to small buds and goose flesh blossomed across his chest. He glanced at her under his brow. He growled, “TJ …”

An innocent look upon her face, TJ continued down his stomach to his pants. She touched him. Boldly, she slid her hand between his legs to gently heft his balls.

Everett's head fell back. A strangled groan escaped his throat. “TJ,” he sighed, swallowing hard.

“I think it's more what you have for me, Everett,” she said enticingly.

TJ leaned into him, matching his stance over the hole. She propped against him until her balance was centered, her hips against his. Everett grabbed her hips. Shifting his legs, he raised up, bringing her more fully over his arousal. He loved that TJ was bold and aggressive in her desire. She often took the lead in their lovemaking. Passionate women had always been his thing. He liked surrendering his tightly held control to them. That TJ knew her mind and that her body craved him was deeply satisfying.

She continued massaging him, loving that her touch caused the throbbing in his cock. His breathing grew heavy, a raw, sexy sound that caused her nipples to bead up tight. The smell of him, all musky spice, sweat and leather combined with wafts of rich, black soil excited her further.

Their first kiss was rough, urgent and demanding, fierce and immediate. Everett concentrated on the feel of her lips under his. They were hard, then soft, wet and slick. Breathy moans escaped her throat when his tongue slipped past her parted lips. His hand roamed her back, lifting her shirt to skim her sweaty skin. A hand drifted to her ass, alternately rubbing and squeezing her cheeks.

TJ slid an arm around his head, pulling at his unruly, curly hair and pressing his face to hers. Everett wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her tighter against his body. He kissed her harder, deeper, sucking her breath out. He made her feel powerful, cherished and giddy, all at the same time.

His lips scalded her neck, sucking and licking her salty skin. TJ dropped her head back, letting him roam the hollow of her neck. He felt the frantic beating of her pulse under his tongue. He smiled into her neck and bent lower. His breath was hot and moist through her loose-weave shirt. TJ gasped as he latched his mouth over her breast. The combination of heat and moisture caused her nipples to harden. Everett grunted his approval and drew harder upon her nub. The exquisite tingling shot straight to her groin. Muscles tightened in her pelvis and slick heat gushed through her.

Desire and common sense raged within him. Everett raised his head and spoke against her neck, “Matt will be back shortly.”

He inhaled deeply against her neck. She smelled like sunshine and fresh rain, and sweat and aroused woman. When had TJ's scent turned his dick to granite? He wanted nothing more than to be buried deep within her and stay there forever. Novus be damned.

TJ cupped his face, lifting it and looked into his dilated eyes. Hers were dark and smoldering. She whispered, “We have time. You'll be quick and hard inside me.”

Hard throbbing need shot straight to his cock. He wanted to devour her. He savaged her lips with his tongue and wet kisses. He gathered her long skirt in his fist, holding it up. A scorching palm slid up her thigh, up over her buttocks, into the seam of her ass. Finally, his fingers cupped between her open legs. He found her creamy wet and hot. Languid teasing fingers circled within her swollen folds. One finger, then two delved in and around her wetness.

TJ groaned and ground her pelvis down on his hand. He made her legs tremble. Her heart pounded and sweat dripped from her body. She had to touch him, to feel his scalding heat. TJ's unsteady fingers loosening his trousers and his cock sprang free, hot and thickly hard. Her mouth went dry seeing him lying in her hand. She licked her lips as a bead of precum appeared on his glans.

Her thumb smoothed that bead over the tip. He shuddered as she rubbed his sensitive head. Then she grasped his dick firmly and stroked its length. His muscles contracted and his stomach tightened. He stopped her after a moment. She looked up at his pained expression.

“Don't make me come,” he groaned. “I'm too close. I want to be inside you.”

She smiled and gathered her skirt about her waist. He pulled aside her underwear. TJ held onto his shoulders. He lifted under her ass setting her over his jutting cock. One fluid lunge and he was surrounded by her silky, wet heat. Not waiting for her to adjust to his fullness, he lifted his hips, thrusting deep.

TJ anchored the top of her feet against his powerful thighs, using them to balance her surge down his cock. He was thick and full inside her. The angle of his entry rubbed her just right. TJ rocked her pelvis against his hips, meeting his thrusts with abandon. Their mouths were only a fraction apart. As he breathed out, she breathed in.

They were both close. The way he gripped her ass, the way her breath rushed across his face, how his mouth opened over her shoulder, leaving a heated kiss. How his head tipped back, exposing his neck as he strained up into her, how deeply he buried himself, the way she clutched at his hair, how she rubbed her breasts against his chest. Until finally, simply, her name.

“Tamara ….” he sighed.

Her name sent her over the edge, and she shuddered, rocking against him, riding the waves of her climax. Her pleasure triggered his. One strong surge and he came with a guttural groan, fighting to hold himself inside her until he finished. He sagged back against the tree trunk, holding her tightly.

His chest heaved as he fought to calm his breathing. TJ slid her feet to the ground, but remained leaning against his sweat slick, dirt covered body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his thundering pulse. Her huffing puffs settled as she regained her breath.

“Matt will return at any moment.” he said. He helped her shift her clothing into order then allowed her to zip up his trousers. They smiled together, well pleased with their escapade.

“What was it that you had for me, again,” he asked. “I mean, other than what just happened,” he grinned.

TJ smile brightened considerably. She cupped his cheek, then shifted her thumb to glide over his full bottom lip. “I wasn't certain until this morning. Then I couldn't wait to tell you.”

“Tell me what?”

“You're going to be a father, Everett.” When he didn't respond, she said, “I'm pregnant.”

He was stunned. His mouth gaped open as he searched for words to express his joy. He was excited and scared and exhilarated all at once. “Pregnant?” His wide-eyed expression conveyed his wonder and happiness.

TJ nodded. 'A baby. Probably in late October, early November.”

He grabbed her, hugging and kissing her, then laughing and whooping and finally, kissing her gently.

Matt walked up with Varro and Greer carrying axes. Seeing their obvious joy, he asked, “What's up?”

Young turned to them, pulling a smiling TJ to his side and laughed. “We're pregnant!”

That set them all to laughing, smiling and congratulations all around. The news carried back to their settlement brought much excited joy. Everyone agreed. It was fitting that TJ and the Colonel should have the first child on Novus.

The End

[g]: hetrosexual, [c]: sgu: tamara johansen, [a]: kimmy4eytj, [g]: romance, [g]: smut, [r]: nc-17 = m+, [p]: sgu: young/tj, [c]: sgu: varro, [f]: stargate universe, [c]: sgu: everett young, [c]: sgu: ronald greer, [w]: fan fiction, [c]: sgu: matthew scott, [tl]: sgu: novus

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