Meme: Some Misc Brain Things

Aug 26, 2011 13:40

I saw this at It's an interesting mix of questions that say a bit about how my brain things work.

1. What language would you learn if you could learn any language in existence?
English is still stumping me but we can't all be grammar queens. I'm partial to any of the Celtic languages. Would love to get that Scots Gaelic or Welsh. Very rich histories those.

2. One food you would perish before you'd give up.
Broccoli. I love this veggie. Steamed perfectly with a smattering of Chemical(what I call artificial butter), sprinkled with hints of salt & pepper and eaten fast like candy that someone will take away from you. Yum.

3. A book you could read over and over again and never get bored.
I had to think about this one for awhile. I'm an avid reader, my book collection is rather varied so a difficult choice. It turns out, I'm a child of my growing up years. I used to disdain the "romance" novel as over-the-top hysterics until I read,Shana. I only looked at it in passing because the cover said "hello." It was my first romance novel. I still have it. Swashbuckling daring do, pirates, honorable hero and a life lesson for the heroine. Everything we're told drama should invite.

4. Your favorite flavor Jolly Rancher candy.
Hmm, green sour apple or pinkish watermelon ... difficult choice. Hello, Jolly Rancher company, I've got an idea for you ... combine both flavors, so I don't have to choose. Okay, sour apple. Meh, what can I say, I eat lemons too.

5. A smell you would capture again but can't.
There is only one time in your life where this smell applies to you - new-born, freshly washed, snugglie, footie-in pajamas, baby smell. They tried bottling that in air fresheners, but alas no. The closest I've gotten is sun and air dried bedsheets.

6. Your favorite 80's movie and why.
Another tough choice .. can we do categories?? NO .. oh well. Raiders of the Lost Ark. I saw that movie over twenty times in the theater. What a hoot. It's not high-brow, but I'm usually bored with those anyway. Action, adventure, daring-do, larger than life hero, evil Nazis, ancient history, archeology and the mysteries of Life. What else could you want. A movie is after-all escapist entertainment. At least for me.

7. Your dream getaway.
A cabin in the mountains. Fully stocked food-wise, wood fire, surrounded by evergreens and aspens, during mid fall foliage so the aspens leaves would still be singing in the brisk, chill breeze. Lots of hot tea and chocolate. Yeah.

8. Milk chocolate, dark chocolate or no chocolate.
No doubt here. Milk chocolate. And marshmallows. Melted in the cup or as smores. Sweet, sticky goodies.

9. A TV show that inexplicably makes you feel happy no matter what.
This changes decade to decade so I'll make it relative to current time - Stargate Universe. Yes, many will think that strange. It was such a dark, complex human drama about survival in bleak circumstances, but it resonated in me. Intriguing characters, and I didn't get them at first viewing. It took several watches to see how the writers wove these very human people and pulled at their normalcy, made them stretch outside themselves and become more than they ever could have living a normal life. The acting was superb. Louis Ferriera is a man to watch. That man was truly acting as he's 180 degrees opposite of Col Young. Give it a try, you might enjoy.

10. Are you Laverne or Shirley?
Oh, I'm Shirley. No doubt. Zany but more practical than Laverne. Plus she had the good taste to lust after Carmine.

11. Do you dance or stand on the side looking cool?
I'd scope the place out first. If the music is good, I'll be there dancin', especially with friends. You tend to be braver with backup.

12. What is your most embarrassing inadvertent character trait?
It's totally unpredictable, but if you get me laughing when I've just taken a drink, I'll tend to spray it across the table. It's like going to a Gallagher concert, sitting in the front row and forgetting the plastic sheeting.

13. Have you ever been truly, wholly, knee-knockingly, heart-stoppingly in love?
Unfortunately no. In high school, I thought I was, but what do you know then anyway. You're all hormones in an uproar. No, I fall into the group of always the best friend to my guy friends. I tended to help hook them up with their wives. Always a maid-of-honor, never a bride. Oh well, someone has to be that category.

[pimp]: louis ferreira, [j]: meme, [f]: stargate universe, [a]: kimmy4eytj, [j]: life

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