New: SGU - Jogging is Freedom

Aug 23, 2011 22:55

Title: Jogging is Freedom
Author: kimmy4eytj
Rating: T
Content Flags: slight cuss words
POV Character: Boone
Actor: Dominic Zamprogna
Episodes Character Appeared In: Light & Life
Word Count: 193
Summary: Jogging with a crowd is for the birds
Author's Notes: Written for a “Very Minor Character” challenge 19 at stargateland. Go teamuniverse !
Disclaimer: SG Universe is owned by MGM, not me, darn it. Since they denied us the pleasure of these characters' company, I'm using them entirely without profit for my own playtime. Comments to my LJ if you wish.


I'm a scientist, for crying out loud! Why am I letting them force me into this?

I like to jog, but not with a crowd. I don't even know most of these people. Yeah, we worked on Icarus, but I never really knew them. Hell, I'd only been there four months when everything blew up. I'd only just remembered Volker's first name.

On Icarus, I could jog when I wanted, not when I was told to do it. Where does Colonel Young get off telling us to exercise? Do push-ups and run stupid drills. That Sergeant Spencer is a real piece of work. Young needs to rein in his ass.

On Icarus, jogging was like … freedom. Icarus may have been a desert planet, but at night, when the cool breeze came up, it was heaven. And so quiet. The moons lit the desert sands up beautifully. I could see forever. I could really clear my head. Five miles on a good stretch of flat, hard pan, extend my pace and almost float over the sand.

Yeah, that was freedom.

Jogging inside this Ancient spaceship, with these whiny-assed strangers and hard-core military types - no way.

[phz]: phase 5, [c]: sgu: boone, [a]: kimmy4eytj, [tl]: sgu: canon, stargateland challenge, team universe, [w]: fan fiction, [r]: pg-13 = t

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