More about today, and: 横浜の日々その2 - Yokohama days Part 2; 02/29/08

Mar 04, 2008 22:31

While I made it through my Japanese class, chem class was definitely a struggle for me, as I was seriously nodding off during class @_@;;; Physics wasn't so bad... but then *they* accompany me ('they' meaning the cordaz who run around in my head).

Thank you everyone again for the birthday wishes ^^ Special thank you to the following:
flight_of_ideas and thisissong once again for the paid account!
My friend/cousin Kelly who made cupcakes for me x3 (she's about as cousin to me as Nagi, Kazahaya and Chihiro are to each other XD (at least to my speculations)!!! I MEAN I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THE NEW MANGA CHAPTER ABOUT HARUKA4!)
maplesugah (formerly "maplesugah", take note you guys XD) for the stuff in the mail ♥ ^______^
kawaii_gaara for her enormous, amazing Genbu filled post here on the Hoshi-comm (join if you haven't joined already! Help and support Pappi-kun XD)

And of course,
saramichiru; without her, this past trip to Matsuri would not have been possible XD ♥


Ok, on to day two of our trip ^^

We set our alarm for 10am today, but ended up waking at 8:45am. Got out to start our day at 9:45! And a very long day it was.

Today we thought we'd hit the stores, so we traveled to Totsuka-eki, near where nee-chan resided during her time at Meiji Gakuin. The used bookstores she wanted to see were all closed at around 10:30, so we started with looking around the area and seeing her old dormitory. Everything was very peaceful and quiet.

We finally snuck around to a grocery store, where we found some ファブリーズ (Febreeze XD) to remedy yesterday's smoke problem, and some candy. We also took some mel/t-chan-haruka3 inspired pictures involving canned peaches and chips... 1

Our next stop was to a 百円 (Hyaku-en, basically like dollar store except better XD). I couldn't believe we could buy so much stuff for just 百円! (105円 after tax).

We already had walked pretty far from the station, and the hot food at the grocery store made us kind of hungry. But on our way back, we found that both used book/goods stores were open. Best money ever spent on anime-related goods. (Nao-single was 157円?!?). Continuing on our way, I found some pretty Narcissus (Tazetta variety! I looked this up)... a.k.a. daffodil or スイメン XD... ♥ smaller than the average daffodil =3 (BUT MAYBE I WAS THINKING ABOUT MOTOMI SINCE THAT'S HIS IMAGE FLOWER *SHOT*) 2

After walking through yet another game shop, we made it back to the shopping arcade where the station was and finally had a moment to catch our breaths (and soothe our sore feet). Ate some yummy lunch, and it was off again.

First stop after that was to another 百円 store, and then the rest of the mall where looked at all the clothes that reminded me of something familiar (like, persay, a "Moon Forest", particularly in his Corda2 weekend clothes LOL). There was one, perfect jacket that was 敦盛風 (Atsumori-style), but alas, 11,500円 (approx $110US) is a little out of my budget. But I did find this 3 (for all you gamer fans like me and know everyone is waiting for the US release of this game XD) as well as this outfit 4... reminded me of the style of one of our Haruka seiyuu-san x3 Let me know what you think.

Finally, FINALLY got back on the train and to our room, where we strung the cranes, packaged and wrote notes for anyone's gift that needed it (w/ the stuff we bought at the 百円 store...). Here are the cranes 5, 6 and here are some of the things we packaged and wrote notes for 7, 8, 9. I'm glad that is all settled now, but it was still only about 4:30, 5ish by this time.

After rolling around for a bit, we decided to go and get some food from the コンベニ (convenience store, which was really good, by the way! しゃけおにぎり〜♥!) and head back home to eat. On the way back I found a store called "KONISHI", and while it is definitely a very, very normal family name, it was just... funny to me XD 10

Oh, good news(ish), our tickets have been supposedly shipped. Unfortunately, still don't know if we'll get them...

Rested, cleaned up some more, ate food, and watched some TV (they're still talking about gyoza...). Nee-chan thinks she might have seen a Sekitomo-san (Doraemon-related) but I'm not sure...

Nee-chan hopped in shower, and I decided to channel surf. Lo' and behold, I hear an all-too-familiar voice, and as I stared at the credits on the screen for the show that was *just* starting...!


I promptly shrieked and called for Nee-chan (who couldn't come out nor hear me properly, what timing to take a shower XD Later she told me she thought it was someone next door yelling...)

The OP song was (I think) 「風になっても…」and the series is new, titled 「ネコナデ」(Neko nade, I guess like "Petting the cat"?) which, as you could guess, involves a kitty. By itself, I found this show pretty interesting, I mean, a middle-age, awkward salary-man finally taking a kitty into his life??? ♥. I wasn't sure whether Nao-nii would show up *in* the show or not, but I assumed so because the credits had listed his name like the other cast members... Well as Nee-chan got out of the shower I ranted at her again, and then watched the rest of the program together. And perhaps this was our luck for today...

The cutest. Ten-in. Evar. A PET STORE TEN'IN NONETHELEsS! Crazy me was even able to nab a few clips on the camera (thank you so much for letting me borrow it, Mommy!). Nao-nii is like remedy for everything.

Show ended, finished freaking out, and washed up. Now it's 11:40pm, my legs are shot, and nee-chan is already asleep.

Tomorrow, tomorrow morning...!

Tine to wave those glowsticks 11! (bought from the 百円 shop)

Hopefully this was a good omen ♥. I shall sleep well tonight! おやすみ zzz...

[ back to report of day 1]

Click for bigger (AND REALLY BIG) pictures:

1- Yes I am indeed holding
a can of yellow and a
can of white peaches.
We couldn't find one
big bag of just cheese
chips so we compromised.

2- x3 so pretty~

3- XD YES.

4- ... still don't know who I'm thinking of? XD maybe it's just me?

5- These were fantabulously hard to get together. (Yay nee-chan's cover letter!)

6- You probably can't tell that this is a really, really huge bag.

7- Special delivery: present for Inoue-san.

8- Special delivery: present for Okki.

9- Special delivery: present for Seki XD

10- B-but it's... it's funny! XD

11- We may have gone overboard. But they were only 百円!

And just for you guys, I uploaded the clips I took of "NekoNade". Some of them have me shaking, and sometimes the audio is a bit hard to hear... and the files are outrageously huge for being stupidly short DX But here they are anyway XD... (If you want more detail as to what's going on feel free to ask me XD but keep in mind that this is the only ep I've seen LOL turns out it was #8 ^^)

u/l'ed @ sendspace
97mb, duration- 0:50 Guy leaves kitty at the store ; ;
150.7mb duration- 1:18 Guy comes back to store XD
173.6mb duration- 1:35 Ending credits + Extra short at the end featuring Nao-nii
22mb duration- 0:12 (PV at the end for the single XD)

I would request that you didn't share these outside of my f-list here XD

...I just realized now that I *completely* forgot to write about the whole first-class business on the plane ride here XD (not that we rode first class, LOL not us...) but I guess I try to block the whole traveling parts out. I suppose I'll just find some way to incorporate my fangirling into a future chapter of the Corda fic XD (which you can read here at our fic stash! *shameless self-plug*). Anyway, it just involves the simple idea that Tsukimori-kun would be riding "First class" LOL... XD Unfortunately he won't be able to live that name down (Same with Tsuchiura and "Beam-tensai" XD Hihara *loves* making nicknames... gomen gomen, inside-my freaking head I meanfic joke...)

Haha TT TT;;; still exhausted, and we will have to keep you guys waiting a little longer for the Matsuri reports... *headdesk* GOMENNASAI!

Ah... I guess the icon has nothing to do with the post, but I really, really wanted to use it XDDDDDD.



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