横浜の日々 - Yokohama days; 02/28/08

Mar 03, 2008 22:16

A little worn out today, but I will say briefly that it has been a wonderful and fulfilling weekend. Thank you everyone for keeping us in mind ^^

The report on the event itself is taking a very, very long time; nee-chan and I are both working on it. In the mean time, I'm going to post about the already-journaled two days before the event. A little less exciting for you guys, and I'm sorry to keep you waiting... but I did want to get *something* up. So until the event report...! (I also have Corda/Haruka4 updates too, from Lala for April that will have to wait...)

Arrived 30 minutes early in Narita Airport! Customs were extremely quick, and we soon took the Narita Express (train) to Yokohama station 1. We made one last transfer to get to 桜木町 (Sakuragi-chou) station. I thought the name of the station was pretty~

The air was brisk but not freezing! We found our hotel easily and checked in about 7pm (Japan time). The room is really nice! Felt a little narrow at first, but you really don't notice it now. Our room key is also awesome 2, but we have to turn it in each time we leave the hotel.

It definitely got chilly when we went outside again! We walked around our hotel, and found a karaoke bar! After taking a mental note, we decided we'd take a look and see how far the harbor (PACIFICO YOKOHAMA!!!) was 3.

Close, cold, EXCITING!!! We saw the Cosmoworld clock ferris wheel 4 (Ousaki-sempai!) and heard/saw it chime at 8pm. Minato Mirai is such a beautiful place! The performance hall was just a bit further towards the ocean. I can't believe in just two days, this place will be full of happy fans (like us) 5.

Afterwards, we found an okonomiyaki shopwwhere we got to cook our own share 6. It was really yummy, but afterwards our clothes smelled like cooking-smoke... hopefully we'll find a way to remedy this.

Fed and happy, we quickly stopped by the hotel to call home (we finally got it to work...) and found ou that our tickets (GASP!) were finally received by the proxy. Still worried that we won't get them in time...

It was off to karaoke! For two hours (10p-12a) we sang ourselves hoarse. It was so amusing, even some of the songs had some official animation to go along with the music ^^ I'll list the songs we ended up singing later, perhaps tomorrow.

Completely worn out, we headed back, took showers and hit the sack (a very, very comfortable sack) and went to bed. Oyasumi!

[ on to report of day 2]

Click for bigger (AND REALLY BIG) pictures:

1- We ended up spending more money than planned, by taking the reserved seating train... but, at least we got there safely...

2- I am teh room key. Take awe at my awesomeness.


4- ♪ Aa~ kanransha wa sora wo nobotteku~... ♪ ( rest of lyrics)

5- Nee-san taking in the forlorn looking Pacifico Yokohama and its beautiful lights. I remember being cold here.

6- Mmmmm, okonomiyaki...

The report for 2/29 will be significantly longer than this one and have (possibly) a few more interesting things than this one, and our seiyuu/haruka-dorkiness really kicks in then. (or maybe just mine...)

Time for me to pass out.


p.s. Happy birthday Mommy =3 I love you x3!


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