[I left my clever in my other shoes]

May 31, 2011 08:45

If this day insists on existing, it might as well start as it should mean to go on, which is to say with copious Billy.

THE JUMPER ALSO TERRIFIES. But mostly compels, though to what, well, that’s a personal thing. I’m a bit covered in the howling fantods that I like this photo, but I’m pretty sure it’s because of his hair, the for once dark-wash jeans, and the OMG HIS EYES ARE FULLY OPEN aspect. God only knows.

I would be stunned if the Merlin people weren’t all over this already in a thousand ways, hahaha.

HELLO, ALAN. Thank you for wearing a suit a lot in The Good Wife. I really appreciate it. <3

Brought to you by the common link among these three, the RSAMD and its 60th birthday. I really wanted to leave the Billy shot above the cut, but it's ... a little too early still for that sort of thing. One might feel the urge to smack the obviously more-caffeinated crap out of him, n'aww.

Also, while I'm about it, Billy's graced us with his at-the-very-least annual airing out the junk pose in this video from that thing in Belgium last week. As I typically celebrate this, I shall raise my mocha and shout hallelujah that office hours are again open. BLESS, MAN. BLESS.
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