(Milliways) The Rani's 'trip'

Sep 30, 2007 11:07

All around them is darkness. Above, below, and on all sides - darkness. Although if one looks close enough, perhaps, they might see - or otherwise sense - the ways, for most people, it would be only ( Read more... )

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chemist_rani October 11 2007, 04:46:15 UTC
She isn't looking.

Perhaps that's for the best.

As she starts to look up, the TARDIS wobbles again.

"We're here. At the edge of the forest, actually."


killitwith_fire October 11 2007, 04:49:35 UTC
The mask is back up by then, his usual easy grin.

"Thanks for the lift, then. If you could get me a data file with the information we agreed on, I think I'll be able to memorise it better."


chemist_rani October 11 2007, 04:51:36 UTC
She glances up at him properly before raising an eyebrow.

"If you like. I'll compile as much as I feel comfortable sharing about the Gallifreyan circulatry system for you, though I don't know how much good it will do you. That said," she continued.

There was a pause.

A long pause.

"Thank you for your assistance."


killitwith_fire October 11 2007, 04:54:30 UTC
"Any time," he replies.

Surprisingly - mostly to himself - he means it.

"It doesn't matter what format the file's in," he adds after a moment. "Although virtual integration is the best."


chemist_rani October 11 2007, 04:54:58 UTC
"I'll keep that in mind."


killitwith_fire October 11 2007, 04:57:21 UTC
He pushes the door open.

"See you then. Remember, I'm not hard to find."

Not around Milliways, anyway.


chemist_rani October 11 2007, 05:04:24 UTC
"I've got it memorized," she says, a satisfied grin on her face.


killitwith_fire October 11 2007, 05:06:19 UTC
His grin widens for a moment. He starts to step out, and pauses.

"If you ever can't find me, leave a message with Yrael, or with the bar."

And then he's heading out.


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