Title: The girl who dances on the wind
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Daphne/Lavender
Word Count: 250
Rating: G
Warning: -
femslash100, #482: alien
falling forever ficathon, red like fire was the day I met you / I tell you now there are no regrets
Daphne wants to solve this secret. )
Comments 6
Really? Me and some friends love Lavender and write a lot of good stuff about her, I didn't know she wasn't that popular among other authors ^^' Okay, sometimes I'm not too nice to the poor girl either, but that's because I can be a horrible person and not because I hate her xD
Anyway, thanks again for the nice comment :D
Anyway, I'm going to have to track down more fic with her in it now.
Though I'm more fond of minor characters in general, as Lavender and Pansy :D
Oh, I love you so much for writing that!
It's so light and fluffy and Daphne/Lavender is really one of my OTPs!
Everything was worth spending her life with the girl who danced on the wind against a sky red as fire.
This is so lovely and your chosen words are just perfect!
Thank you for writing this special, little piece of art for my prompt!
(Could I get more of that, please? *insert heart-melting look here*)
This pair also kind of grew to me, and I love love LOVE this prompt!
I was a little afraid if I could do it justice, but if you like it, then yay :3
Haha, and I'll see what I can do xD At the moment I'm not really in a writing mood, but I'll think of you when I read prompts ;D I'm flattered :3
Thank you so much for the lovely comment <3
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