Aw that's sweet. I feel like this would be exactly how they handle things. (Also, I'm kinda laughing that someone already filled this. I wouldnt have expected it, at least not so soon.) Thanks for the cute fill <3
Glad you like it :D Yeah, at first I was like 'Whaaat' then I read the prompt and then I was like 'okay, you actually have an idea, who would've thought' xD Normally I don't write for characters that actually don't have any characteristics, but the prompt was good :3 You're welcome!
That was my reaction the first time I saw someone prompting them on comment-fic xD (I have someone on my twitter feed who's Team Instinct and constantly retweeting fanart and while I'm like "How?" I'm also amazed that people can do so much with these cardboard characters xD I mean, since they have no personality/backstory, you can just do what you want xD)
Comments 5
You're welcome!
Hwooooorrrayyy!!! :)
Whoever you are ^^'
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