Buffy - Drusilla - Lost

Aug 30, 2015 22:23

Title: Lost
Fandom: Buffy
Pairing: Drusilla/
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: open_on_sunday - To want what you cannot have

Drusilla wanders the lonely streets at night with no aim. She doesn’t know where to go, is lost in her own mind, caught in memories of better times. When she still had a family. When she was loved.

But it’s all gone now. A whimper escapes her lips and she pulls her hair, keeps on wandering.

One has turned to sunshine, one has turned to day, one has turned to endless darkness.

And Drusilla? She can follow neither … she’s doomed to walk in grey. Misty, monotone grey where no love can ever be found.

Oh how she wishes …

genre: drama, challenge: open_on_sunday, character: drusilla, fandom: buffy

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