Harry Potter - Lavender - Self-Love

Aug 30, 2015 23:16

Title: Self-Love
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Lavender
Wordcount: 125
Rating: PG-13
Challenge/Prompt: Drabble Cycle: Kinks - self-love

Lavender thinks of red hair and freckles, green eyes and rough hands. They must be rough, considering all this Quidditch … She imagines how they would feel on her own soft skin.

Lavender thinks of chocolate colored skin, silky black hair and stunningly white teeth. She’s sure, if her tongue would run over them, they’d be smooth and clean.

Lavender thinks of brunette hair and a mean grin, of forbidden meetings … How she would shove her hand under the green skirt of a Slytherin-robe, explore what’s hidden below there …

But the only one who’s willing to love her is herself, and so it’s only her own boring hands that caress her own boring body, that bring her pleasure.

What choice does she have?

fandom: harry potter, challenge: drabble cycle kinks, smut, character: lavender brown

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