so pretty muchh, lifes good we leave tomorrow for new orleans and alabama. were gunna have to go college searching tho, like i care about that kind of stuff. im gunna miss home. 15 days is a long time.
So winter track starts tomorrow.. pretty exciting, i think ill do one mile or 800 Dave says i shold do high jump but i dont think im capeable it looks hard yeahhh soccer was probably the awesomest thing ever miss freelander made me cry in bio when she gave me the pic of our team and the note from her. im gunna miss it soo much.
so much has happened, freshman soccer was a blast youth group is awesome i ran the 5 mile grace race and it was awesome i got a trophy :) and i pretty much have a soccer game in bolton today that hopefully ill get to see the deufels at.
yeah so it's been a cool day.. church soccer then home... i scored in my game today.. yay! Jon Jon and I played football in the front yard today. that was fun. nobody calls me anymore.
so yeah, retreat was awesome. Garrett was there! awesome time. i love everybody in the youth group.. me and ashley showed everybody our wicked awesome handshake. me and Jen had a fun time. me and Curtis went back to the skatepark and freaked ourselves out again. even though i missed half of it for a fundraiser i got over it.
i did pretty good on the 2mile but that garantees me nothing. i did it in 15 mins 17 secs thats pretty good but im only okay at everything else. imm really worried one more session left this monday until they tell us whos cut...
soccer tryouts.... man oh man. how do i know how hard i'm trying? i have no idea how this will turn out. the timed 2 mile is tomorrow. GRRRREATT... i need to keep trusting in God for strength.
if i get cut I've decided I'll just do Cirrus. lol i like to climb mountains. why not?
cool day today janna joelle kathryn marjie and sam and i went to the Purintons grandparents house and had a bible study and swam and had a wicked funnn time. :) we went through Romans 8. the thought of tryouts is driving me crazy.