Story Title:Awakening Rating: R Warnings/Pairings: None yet. Um, realism? Summary: Sasuke wakes up in the worst possible circumstances. In a world he doesn't recognize, can he make his name once more?
Story Title:Awakening Rating: R Warnings/Pairings: None yet. Um, realism? Summary: Sasuke wakes up in the worst possible circumstances. In a world he doesn't recognize, can he make his name once more?
Story Title:Awakening Rating: R Warnings/Pairings: None yet. Um, realism? Summary: Sasuke wakes up in the worst possible circumstances. In a world he doesn't recognize, can he make his name once more?
Story Title:Awakening Rating: R Warnings/Pairings: None yet. Um, realism? Summary: Sasuke wakes up in the worst possible circumstances. In a world he doesn't recognize, can he make his name once more?
I've finished chapter 10! Which means I've come to the point where... I'm going to.... CHUUNIN IT. That's right, post it on both the general LJ comm and the Sasuke-centric ones. And I am going to do that AS SOON AS I FIGURE OUT HOW
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