Porn Star (3/10?) boomtrack @ kiiteruno JaeMin, YunJae, BFF!YooMin; NC-17, AU Porn-Star!verse; ~4,400 words Warnings: Strong language, sex, the usual for me. A porn star and his fanboy.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~!!! OMG!! ^_^ SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOVE!!! Gosh...Jae is the biggest cocktease evur >:] hehehee~ And btw...UPDATE SOON PLEASE!!! Man...i love this fic so damn much...Jae!Pornstar has been on my mind since ages damn it...unf... Mooooaaaarrr~!! >;]
Btw...You know those 5 previews you posted about an upcoming fic a while ago...You know The manipulator, The hacker, The hitman, The thief, The locksmith...well just wondering...will you be writing that? Cos truth be told...I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!! I find my self daily just imagining how it would be...BUT since I'm not you i dunno how it'll be T_T dang...I just wanna know when you'll be starting it huu~~ coz those previews or teasers are just too damn yummy and unf...teasing to be left like that unf...and i really really REALLY love A LOT so yeah...
I rate things based generally on how movies are rated. Movies with strong language and scenes involving masturbation are generally rated R, and so that's the rating this chapter earned.
If you're looking for penetration, I'm sorry to say that won't happen for a while yet. They're going to do this like a real couple, and real couples don't just hop straight into bed together XD However, that's not to say they won't be messing around. I promise there will be some very hot scenes between the two of them coming up very soon. ♥
I think you're the first person to say they're happy that Yoochun is straight. I've had people telling me they want him to turn gay. :/ It's not going to happen.
jeeeeeeeeeeeeesus this is really hot. so hot in fact that I read it two times in a row, at 3 am. :( THE THINGS YOU DO TO ME ARGHHH!
god I love all their little texts (CUTE CUTE CUTE) and all the really intense sexual tension and DYING, the making out is ridiculously hot. I want them to make out forever. *happiest sigh*
XDDD For a moment I was like "lawl you're not reading this at work, are you?" XDDDDDD BUT if you were reading it at 3am then I guess I don't mind. ♥
I'm glad YOU found it hot. A bunch of my other friends told me it was just fluffy. :/ It worries me that my writing might be getting fluffy. I, uh, don't do fluffy. :x
Sob people are starting to catch on to me I think bb, look at how many comments ask if Jaejoong's just playing Changmin for a fool. XDD;; Oh well.
Crying well, mondays are the days where I just get to lounge around in the mornings because I don't have to be at work at any particular time. But now, alas, I am at work. T_T
Well just because there was a lot of kissing, some cuteness sprinkled in, and no OMG ACTUAL PENETRATION does not make this fluff. Things can still be really sexy without hardcore sex, dammit! XD And really, it's all about where this is headed. The buildup of sexual tension is just fa;lwijfwiej UNFFF.
I did have an excellent weekend! I have so much to do before I'm off to San Francisco in a few days, though. :( I hope you had a good one as well? :)) ♥
Comments 104
Gosh...Jae is the biggest cocktease evur >:] hehehee~
Man...i love this fic so damn much...Jae!Pornstar has been on my mind since ages damn it...unf...
Mooooaaaarrr~!! >;]
Cos truth be told...I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!!
I find my self daily just imagining how it would be...BUT since I'm not you i dunno how it'll be T_T
dang...I just wanna know when you'll be starting it huu~~ coz those previews or teasers are just too damn yummy and unf...teasing to be left like that unf...and i really really REALLY love A LOT so yeah...
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If you're looking for penetration, I'm sorry to say that won't happen for a while yet. They're going to do this like a real couple, and real couples don't just hop straight into bed together XD However, that's not to say they won't be messing around. I promise there will be some very hot scenes between the two of them coming up very soon. ♥
I think you're the first person to say they're happy that Yoochun is straight. I've had people telling me they want him to turn gay. :/ It's not going to happen.
Thank you for your comment bb. ♥
god I love all their little texts (CUTE CUTE CUTE) and all the really intense sexual tension and DYING, the making out is ridiculously hot. I want them to make out forever. *happiest sigh*
I'm glad YOU found it hot. A bunch of my other friends told me it was just fluffy. :/ It worries me that my writing might be getting fluffy. I, uh, don't do fluffy. :x
Sob people are starting to catch on to me I think bb, look at how many comments ask if Jaejoong's just playing Changmin for a fool. XDD;; Oh well.
I hope you had a good weekend yeah? :D
Well just because there was a lot of kissing, some cuteness sprinkled in, and no OMG ACTUAL PENETRATION does not make this fluff. Things can still be really sexy without hardcore sex, dammit! XD And really, it's all about where this is headed. The buildup of sexual tension is just fa;lwijfwiej UNFFF.
I did have an excellent weekend! I have so much to do before I'm off to San Francisco in a few days, though. :( I hope you had a good one as well? :)) ♥
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