Artificial [Prologue]

Jun 02, 2009 20:21

Title: Artificial
Pairing: Various [Spot the pairing?]
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action/Thriller/Cyberpunk
Warnings: Images of violence.
Summary: Welcome to Tokyo, Japan. It is currently year 67 of the Retsujidai, and the future is far from what we had imagined.
“Okaa-san, Otou-san, why?” a small boy cried, his hand outstretched to grab that of his parents, but missed by inches.

character profiles & terminology.

It’s this dream again…

Gently smoothing down his hair and running swift fingers through his hair, his mother stares straight at him, eyes dark as night and sharp as blades. A flawless face and delicate features, china bell laughter and he’s sure she’s a Gossamer, if he hadn’t known her to look be this for as long as he could remember. “Daiki, look at me.”

His eyes snap open, gaze salient like hers and mirroring her savageness, sound snarling in the back of his throat while he forces back whimpers of protest and the cries dying as soon as they rear. Ghost of fingers brush against his cheek and a shiver racks through him, yet he dares not look away.

“Run.” Her lips flutters over his forehead for a haste kiss, and then pushes him away. His heart pounds and shrill voices scream inside his head for him to run, yet he stays unmoved, eyes fastened on his mother, unaware of or perhaps not even caring for the footsteps shaking closer and closer. And it happens too quickly for his eyes to catch and follow movement.

For a moment he only smells gunpowder of days long gone and listens to the dying throes of his mother croaking out, “Omnia causa fiunt…” He clamps shut his eyes, fingers curling fists onto his shirt and expecting the same treatment, but the world stills from its spinning and silence eats up all the empty space. Hands shaking, he reaches out to touch the pale face of his mother, fixating his eyes on poppy red against snow white.

The scream echoes for miles but he knows it’s not his own.

Don’t wake me up, I am still dreaming of the stories undone…

And suddenly it stops.

He shudders violently and the sanguinary scenery melts to black. The air around him grows increasingly frigid, prompting him to pull into a small ball on the ground. Pale blue eyes glitter like half-moons above him and soft lips part to let out an animalistic war cry. “Let the games begin,” a voice, male, female, he couldn’t tell, hisses into his ear and a shadow presses a cold blade to his throat.


Daiki jolted up with a fright, heart frantic and sweat rolled off his forehead in beads-to slam straight into the screen of his maikon. Reeling back in pain, he clutched his head, hissing and wondering if his wakeup call could get any worse before unceremoniously letting his face say hello to the floor.

A groan escaped his lips and he could feel a lump the size of an egg form on his forehead, and he flopped lifelessly like a ragdoll, old clothes and scattered mechanical parts digging into the small of his back. Lying there for a moment, he was forced into a sitting position when Ryuutaro barged his way into the already cramped room to see what was wrong.

“Two a.m. in the morning, seriously!” the younger boy hissed, nearly ripping the door off its hinges in his anger, which he was very near to doing if not for the heavy prices Ohno tended to charge for repairs of any kind. “Two a.m., I’m fourteen, Daiki, I need my sleep. I need my sleep!” The irritable teenage grunted, kicking the nearest object, which was only mere centimeters away from Daiki’s head.

Ryuutaro rolled his eyes, turning to exit out the door, but not before calling over his shoulder, “Don’t think about it, Dai-nii.”

Author Notes:
After this, I’m going on a well needed hiatus. My brain has died due to another flu. -sigh-
My immune system is weak.
I’ll still be writing, though, won’t be posting as often.

disclaimer: this is purely fictional. any coincidences with things in real life, dead or alive, coincidental or not, are for fictional purposes only.
all talents © themselves & their respective talent agency

fanfiction: artificial

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