hush my love [1/24] eileen

May 30, 2009 18:17

Title: Eileen
Rating: PG
Pairing: Nakajima Yuuto/Suzuki Airi
Genre: Angst/Romance
Word count: 350
Summary: When blood and youth was warmer, we breathed summer like the sweet air, we found each other like a mirror.
Warning: Twin incest, don’t read if you don’t like/won’t be open minded.
Obviously AU, this would never work in real life unless it was a drama or something.

My heavy heart won’t let me tread.

“We should…stop,” his fingers fumbled with the ribbons of her dress as he talked, untying satin and pulling fake flowers out of her hair. Stop, the word echoed in his mind. They should-no; they shouldn’t even be in this situation to begin with. It was wrong, so wrong.

“Yuuto, we’ve done this so many times, does one more really matter?” she unbuttoned his vest as she muttered, tugging silk and undoing the tie around his neck. The sin was heavy on her lips, smearing them black, but quite frankly, she didn’t care anymore, couldn’t care.

“We should.” Her fingers loosen their grip on his half undone tie, sliding down the material until dropping to her side. “Airi, look at me.” Eyes look up and his heart sank; they were the same eyes he saw when he looked in the mirror every morning. “It’s wrong.”

“Is it? Is it now, Yuu-nii?” Her lips curl up in a small smirk, and he knew she was mocking him. A flicker of her eyes and he’s enraptured, drunken on Circean poison and pressed up against a wall. Fingers ghosted across familiar skin and he forced thoughts of concern to the back of his mind.

They were nothing alike yet everything the same. His brash, loud words twirling around his tongue and tumbling out before thoughts tied knots together. Her cautious, quiet ideas like ribbons fluttering seamlessly with words and punctuation strung up like jewels.

Yet the synchronicity, it was unmistakable. Same eyes, same smile, same laugh, no matter how you looked at it, they couldn’t be anything but twins. Flawless mirrors of each other, inseparable. Yuuto and Airi, Airi and Yuuto, it had always been like this.

He didn’t know when it started, who started it, or why is had even started. It was just solace tangled between sheets and the world just didn’t understand; Otou-san and Okaa-san didn’t, those who knew looked upon them with disdain, but he was sure they just didn’t understand.

Because this was the only love they knew, he knew.

“It’s wrong, Yuu-nii.”

“I know, Airi, I know.”

Author’s Note:
Inspired by this awesome fic and the author.
Come on, admit it, you see the resemblance too. :]
Dude, what is with me and near smut fics lately?
But in other news, I wonder how much wank I’m going to get for writing this.

Accepting pairing requests for the rest of the track lists.

disclaimer: this is purely fictional. any coincidences with things in real life, dead or alive, coincidental or not, are for fictional purposes only.
all talents © themselves & their respective talent agency

hello!johnnys, fanfiction: hush my love, pairing: crack, *vignette

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