Support Thread!

Mar 10, 2010 11:45

Sign ups for Blind Go Round 009 have begun, and it's never too early to get in on the ultrafun flailing, procrastination, mashing of teeth, fun games, crypticness, comment ficness, brainstorming, questions, challenges, supportirific fun!

Feel free to post anonymously if you want to avoid leaving any clues for guessing. (We'll also screen all the comments on this thread during the two week guessing period, just to be safe.)

Writers: Complaints about lack of progress, random spam while writing, requests for fanfic writing ideas are all welcome.

Readers: Please feel free to comment as well! Leave your reassurances, fanfic ideas, and more random spam here.

Have at it, my pretties!! ^_~

support, round robin, round 009

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