Oct 19, 2009 18:20

Hello all! We're sorry for the delay! I'm hoping you can bear with us for another week or so due to circumstances I'm about to explain. I'm posting as myself as opposed to answer_key to show that this isn't necessarily the opinion of ALL the mods.

We currently have three of the six required prizes, and when I am paid tomorrow, I will order three more. That said, I did want to touch on prizes with you guys, and I'm hoping this won't cause fandom drama (we've had more than enough of that), but I'm a bit at the end of a rope here, so here goes:

I can't speak for trixie_chick, but I can say with certainty that doumeki and I are in pretty dire financial straits. I won't go into details, which will likely bore you, but let's just say we had to go into a significant amount of debt in order to replace our car, which is something our meager salaries are only barely able to cover as we had not planned to replace it until next year. To give you an idea of how serious this is, we have indefinitely postponed our wedding, which as you know was supposed to happen next year around this time. That said, at this particular point in our lives, we really can't in good conscience justify spending money on prizes/shipping/etc. Obviously, we wouldn't dream of asking trixie_chick to cover everything, which leaves us a little lost on options.

I've been thinking about making this post for several weeks, but due to recent instances of everything getting blown way, way out of proportion, I've been afraid this would reflect badly on the comm and the mods as a group as well as upset people. I've finally decided that we're all friends here, and I'm really hoping we can at least discuss in a friendly manner to see if we can come up with a solution. The few ideas we currently have:

-Set up a PayPal for anyone who is able to contribute to a prize fund
-Consider doing fanart/graphics/fic-on-demand as prizes
-If worse comes to worst, doumeki and I step down as mods in favor of someone (or several someones) more able to fulfill the financial obligations

We both love blind_go and despite whatever hiccups we may have had, we've really enjoyed working on this for all of you. However, this is not working at this point in our lives as far as the prizes go, so we're hoping you, the BG-ers, may have some thoughts as to addressing the problem. If the prizes are a sticking point, we'll definitely help find and train our replacements, no hard feelings.

That said, this past round's prizes will be available for choosing sometime in the next two weeks. Any changes made will be made in future rounds only and with the comm's knowledge.

Please don't hate me, guys. T_T
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