Getting To Know You Meme~

Aug 26, 2011 04:22

Oh hay, LJ changed their rich text toolbar thing. When did that happen?

*cough* Ahem.

Anyway. I've been kind of a failboat lately on the participationy stuff (apologies!), but here's one that I'm blatantly stealing from Qem that was posted a few years ago. We have a bunch of new people now, so this is a great opportunity for everyone to introduce themselves! Or re-introduce themselves, as it were. ^_^; And it totally gives us clues to help with guessing...

Preferred Name:
//AKA, what we call you.
What are some of your other fandoms?
What's your kind of thing to do in fandom?
//stalk, read, write, draw, meta, fangirl, fanboy, CHEER!

Hikago Related:
Favourite character/pairing(s):
Manga or anime?
What is your take on the meaning of "hand of god"?
Have you finished the series?
Favourite arc?
Ogata is:
//Pure sex on sticks suave heterosexual dating kind of guy,
//pure sex on sticks suave heterosexual kind of gay,
//geekiest geek that ever did geek

Are you horribly shy?
But what are your thoughts on yaoi?
But what are your thoughts on capslock?
How much crack could you cracky crack crack, till you cracky crack crack, if fandom were to cracky crack crack?

You know. All that is MEANINGFUL and IMPORTANT to know.

Edit: Okay, apparently the text box is messed up, and the html for it makes me cross eyed, so I'm taking it out. Copy/Paste Plz? (though it looks like some of you did that anyway. XD)

round 012, memes

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