Okay, now that ID's are out, the REAL procrastination begins! :D
So you guys know how we do drabbles in
blind_go chat sometimes? Well, we're going to do that in this post here so everyone can participate, not just the people that happen to be in chat at the time. As always, this includes readers and non-readers alike. Cool, right? :D
For anybody that's unfamiliar, here's how we play:
1. Somebody comments with a short prompt. Remember, this has to be written in a drabble, so prompts that are longer than the writing probably aren't a good idea. :P
2. The next person fills it! By definition, a drabble is 100 words, so that's what's required here. EXACTLY 100 words of fic. If you need one, this
online word count comes highly recommended. (Also note, it's great for
blind_go fics, too!)
3. When you fill a prompt, make another thread with a prompt for the next person. And so on.
4. One drabble per prompt please! Also one prompt/drabble per comment thread, just to make reading easier for everyone.
5. Using
blind_go ID's (or your own made up one, if you're not writing this round) is allowed and encouraged. Of course, you can always stay signed in or just be an anonymouse as well. All are great options. :D
6. All comments to this post should be for drabble writing and prompting only. If people want to leave feedback or commentary, you can post it at the
support thread. Enjoy and have fun!