
Apr 18, 2005 11:15

Title: Sometimes It Feels the Same
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Rating: R
Spoilers: Through 1-18; pretty much guaranteed to be non-canon by 1-19 so read it quick.
Thanks: Trixie "The calculator is your friend" Firecracker (Trixalicious)
Summary: In which the author attempts to write Logan/Veronica
Why: Made a bet with myself and lost.

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Comments 100

eyesfullofhope April 18 2005, 09:14:00 UTC
This was great. As the commentors above said, all the Logan fics I've red lately have him as this sappy in "LoVe" character. People forget he's still a really angry guy, you didn't and the end result was awesome.

Hope to read more!


kieyra April 18 2005, 09:25:01 UTC
People forget he's still a really angry guy

Yes! *shiver*

Thanks for commenting. :)


flipped_pancake April 18 2005, 09:18:02 UTC
He doesn't know how long she'll stay, and he doesn't know where this is going. He's got a vague idea how bad it could get, but that doesn't seem important right now.

absolutely fucking wonderful! i loved this. everyone writes about the aftermath of that moment and i really like your portrayal on it.... bravo.


kieyra April 18 2005, 09:25:35 UTC
Thanks a lot, I'm glad you enjoyed it and took the time to comment. :)


_jems_ April 18 2005, 09:20:02 UTC
Wonderful characterization and a great post-episode fic.


kieyra April 18 2005, 09:26:00 UTC
Thanks a lot for commenting; glad you liked it.


sexycereal April 18 2005, 09:28:20 UTC
Love, love, love. That is all.


kieyra April 18 2005, 09:34:48 UTC
Thanks, thanks, thanks. =)


sexycereal April 18 2005, 09:43:12 UTC
Now we've got the politeness out of the way you really need to go write some more.


casinobaden13 April 18 2005, 09:55:15 UTC
I thought this was really great, harsh but real. Excellent work.


kieyra April 18 2005, 10:29:00 UTC
I thought this was really great, harsh but real.

Thanks! I have to admit, I've got a thing for darker themes. But that can be taken too far, too.

Glad you liked it. ;)


casinobaden13 April 18 2005, 13:20:34 UTC
You struck a really good balance.


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